MSGID: 111:4975/201 2c3e2c41
PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.3 F2C6811E
TID: GE 1.2
 Today, Wednesday 30-01-02, Fringe BBS - EWOG II (111:4975/201) received the
 following files.

 Area : BACKBONE        Comment : Backbone: Echomail Area Lists and Info Files
 BACKSTAT.WW      5,999 Change Status, World Wide Backbone, 01-27-02
 5,999       bytes in 1   file(s)

 Area : DDSDOORS        Comment : DDS: BBS Doors and Games
 ANG1B3D2.ZIP   183,974 * A.N.G.E.L. Doorkit for Delphi2! 1.0b3 *
                        Atlantis Network Game Engine Library for BBS
                        door development. Create Windows based doors
                        with internal telnet! Full support for ANSI
                        graphics, ISA and Pipe color codes. Support
                        for WC5/Winserver now included! Easily port
                        DOS based doors to Windows. Supports all
                        major dropfiles. Configurable status bars.
                        Emulate RA, TriBBS and other BBS software.
                        Full range of door development features.
                        State of the art Door programming package
                        from Atlantis Software.
                        Written by Jimmy Rose & Andy Stewart.
 ANG1B3D4.ZIP   202,536 * A.N.G.E.L. Doorkit for Delphi4! 1.0b3 *
                        Atlantis Network Game Engine Library for BBS
                        door development. Create Windows based doors
                        with internal telnet! Full support for ANSI
                        graphics, ISA and Pipe color codes. Support
                        for WC5/Winserver now included! Easily port
                        DOS based doors to Windows. Supports all
                        major dropfiles. Configurable status bars.
                        Emulate RA, TriBBS and other BBS software.
                        Full range of door development features.
                        State of the art Door programming package
                        from Atlantis Software.
                        Written by Jimmy Rose & Andy Stewart.
 ANG1B3D5.ZIP   205,443 * A.N.G.E.L. Doorkit for Delphi5! 1.0b3 *
                        Atlantis Network Game Engine Library for BBS
                        door development. Create Windows based doors
                        with internal telnet! Full support for ANSI
                        graphics, ISA and Pipe color codes. Support
                        for WC5/Winserver now included! Easily port
                        DOS based doors to Windows. Supports all
                        major dropfiles. Configurable status bars.
                        Emulate RA, TriBBS and other BBS software.
                        Full range of door development features.
                        State of the art Door programming package
                        from Atlantis Software.
                        Written by Jimmy Rose & Andy Stewart.
 ANG1B3D6.ZIP   204,985 * A.N.G.E.L. Doorkit for Delphi6! 1.0b3 *
                        Atlantis Network Game Engine Library for BBS
                        door development. Create Windows based doors
                        with internal telnet! Full support for ANSI
                        graphics, ISA and Pipe color codes. Support
                        for WC5/Winserver now included! Easily port
                        DOS based doors to Windows. Supports all
                        major dropfiles. Configurable status bars.
                        Emulate RA, TriBBS and other BBS software.
                        Full range of door development features.
                        State of the art Door programming package
                        from Atlantis Software.
                        Written by Jimmy Rose & Andy Stewart.
 ANG1B3TP.ZIP   127,726 * A.N.G.E.L. Doorkit for Turbo Pascal 7.0
                        Version  1.0 Beta 3 *
                        Atlantis Network Game Engine Library for BBS
                        door development. Create DOS based doors with
                        Fossil support! Full support for ANSI
                        ISA and Pipe color codes. Easily port DOS
                        doors to Windows. Supports all major
                        Configurable status bars. Emulate RA, TriBBS
                        other BBS software. Full range of door
                        features. State of the art Door programming
                        from Atlantis Software.
                        Written by Jimmy Rose & Andy Stewart.
 ANGB3D6W.ZIP   206,204 A.N.G.E.L. Doorkit for Delphi6 & WC5! 1.0b3
                        Atlantis Network Game Engine Library for BBS
                        door development. Create Windows based doors
                        with internal telnet! Full support for ANSI
                        graphics, ISA and Pipe color codes. Support
                        for WC5/Winserver now included! Easily port
                        DOS based doors to Windows. Supports all
                        major dropfiles. Configurable status bars.
                        Emulate RA, TriBBS and other BBS software.
                        Full range of door development features.
                        State of the art Door programming package
                        from Atlantis Software.
                        Written by Jimmy Rose & Andy Stewart.
 1,130,868   bytes in 6   file(s)

 Area : PDNUNIX         Comment : PDN: UNIX related
 SQNAV137.ZIP   544,178 MySQL Navigator is MySQL database server GUI client
                        program. The purpose of MySQL Navigator is to
                        provide a useful client interface to MySQL database
                        servers, whilst supporting multiple operating
                        systems and languages. You can currently
 544,178     bytes in 1   file(s)

 Total of 1,681,045 in 8 file(s)

 File requests are welcome 23 hrs per day, from 04:00-03:00.

 FREQ FILES for an allfiles listing.
 Email freqs are allowed as well
  Subject: Blank   Body: FREQ HELP for help or filename/magic name
 FREQ for all files for TG related files for Rpg related files or for programming
 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for questions

 Thanks, Scott (Using ALLFIX v5.13 build 3, "Simply the Best")

"How could I abandon my partner?" - Delenn
--- Fringe BBS
 * Origin: AdventureNet International - Freq ADVNET (111:4975/201)

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