MSGID: 111:4975/201 2c44ac9a
PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.3 F2C6811E
TID: GE 1.2
 Today, Monday 04-02-02, Fringe BBS - EWOG II (111:4975/201) received the
 following files.

 Area : FIDONEWS        Comment : FidoNet: Weekly FidoNews Newsletter
 FNEWSJ05.ZIP    32,679 FIDONEWS    04 Feb 2002    Vol 19 No 05
                        The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
                        * The Fidonews at a Glance
                        * Astrid Lindgren, R12 and catcalls
                        * A Day in Japan
                        * Catcalls from the Cheap Seats
                        * Fidonet TODAY and... TOMORROW.
                        * From a dear friend: 1,000 Saturdays
                        * A (early) Fidonet Christmas Wish List
                        * Japanese Ramen Noodles
                        * Russian Yozhiki
                        * BASTARD OPERATOR FROM HELL #3
                        * The sneeze
                        * Infomail is back on 1:124/6308
                        * Fidonet Software List
                        * Nodelist Stats
                        * How to Submit an Article
                        * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
 32,679      bytes in 1   file(s)

 Area : G_CHEAT         Comment : GamesNet: Cheats
 CEA_STRW.ZIP     6,028       Star Wars: Starfighter Cheats
                            ______  /|  ___   /\______ /\______
                           /      \/ | / _ \ /   _____/   _____>2
                          /    |_ /  |/  |  \\____  \ \____  \  0
                         <     | <   /   |   /   |   \/   |   \ 0
                          \  _____\_<____|___\_____  /\_____  / 2
 6,028       bytes in 1   file(s)

 Total of 38,707 in 2 file(s)

 File requests are welcome 23 hrs per day, from 04:00-03:00.

 FREQ FILES for an allfiles listing.
 Email freqs are allowed as well
  Subject: Blank   Body: FREQ HELP for help or filename/magic name
 FREQ for all files for TG related files for Rpg related files or for programming
 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] for questions

 Thanks, Scott (Using ALLFIX v5.13 build 3, "Simply the Best")

"My shoes are too tight, and I've forgotten how to dance." - Londo
--- Fringe BBS
 * Origin: Fringe BBS - World HQ for AdvnetureNet (111:4975/201)

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