PID: ALLFIX+ 4.41.3 DB8D83CA
MSGID: 111:4700/0@stn 2c930004
           Scooby's Doo BBS, McMurray, PA  telnet://

    Fido - 1:129/328                                      STN - 111:4700/0

 Today, Friday 04-19-02, Scooby's Doo BBS received the
 following files.

 Area : New Uploads     Comment : Recent Uploads
 BBSDBPL.ZIP     42,520 bbsdbpl v0.x beta Perl scripts for using an
                        SQL database for a Fidonet/FTN compatible
                        BBS.  This version uses only standard Perl,
                        & the MySQL database.  See README and doc/*
                        for more info.
 NL2SQL.ZIP      14,324 v1.1 beta Perl script that loads
                        an FTN nodelist into a MySql database See
                        README for more info.
 PKT2HTML.ZIP    15,529 Perl script that processes
                        incoming FTN archives and/or packets and
                        outputs html files for each message. See
                        README for more info.
 PKT2TXT.ZIP     21,455 Perl script that processes
                        incoming FTN archives and/or packets and
                        outputs text files for each message. See
                        README for more info.
 STN-INFO.ZIP    49,663 The Sysop's TechNet InfoPack STN is
                        dedicated to the sysop,  in over 39   echos 
                         ranging  from   mailers  to tossers,  BBS
                        software, utils,  specific software  
                        support,   modems,  operating systems, and
                        more!   With a growing base of developers,
                        reg sites,  beta testers, and otherwise 
                        informed  people,  we can ensure the  very
                        best in  sysop support. Who else can give
                        that guarantee?   With over  305  nodes, 
                        the  discussions  and support are amazing.  
                        STN is one of the the fastest growing FTN
                        networks around! Fully  transportable via 
                        the  internet, utilizing  WaterGate,  
                        Transx,  Vmodem, FTP, F2I, AllFix,  IRex,
                        Binkp and more! FREQ STNINFO from
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 143,491     bytes in 5   file(s)

 Total of 143,491 in 5 file(s)

 FREQ: FILES for an allfiles list.

 ... Blessed are the young, for they shall inherit the national debt.
--- FMail/Win32 1.60
 * Origin: -=- telnet:// -=- (111:4700/0)

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