MSGID: 111:7045/0@stn 2ca2cd06
PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 B921F76F
 Today, Thursday the 02-05-02, recieve The KOFO BBS (111:7045/0) following

     * Send your fil-request by E-mail    ------>  To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                   Subj.:  freq
     * Download online by WEB on address          freq <filename>                      freq <filename>

 >Area  : AFTNGED        : R50: GoldEd Editor
 AFTNGED.RUL      6,742 Rules fileecho aFtnGed (Russian and english version)
 GPO20422.ZIP 1,055,853 GoldED+/EMX 1.1.5-20422 [snapshot]
                        ----------------------------------- GoldED+ is a
                        successor of the wellknown GoldED mail editor.  This
                        snapshot is compiled by Hiro Dudani (2:244/1512) 
                        Note: This version is without Synchronet messagebase
                        support. -
 1,062,595   bytes in 2   file(s)

 >Area  : AFTNMISC       : R50: Multiplatform FidoNet Software
                                  ROR@.ZIP                  ³ ³    Returning
                        Officer Robot v.0.26 beta    ³
                        €¢â®¬ â¨§ æ¨ï ¯à®¢¥¤¥­¨ï ¢ë¡®à®¢ ¢ íå¥:  ³ ³ 
 328,941     bytes in 2   file(s)

 >Area  : AVDAT          : AV: Anti-Virus Signature updates
 DEF3FP.ZIP   1,387,443 Anti-Virus Definition Updates for F-Prot,  F-Secure &
                        FSAV v4.03 or greater. Latest  Signature (daily) and
                        Macro (weekly) files  from
 1,387,443   bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : AVNAV          : AV: Norton Anti-Virus 
 DAT6NAV.ZIP  2,006,007 Norton Anti-Virus Signature Definitions  Update for
                        NAVC/NAVDX Command-line Scanner:  VIRSCAN?.DATs,
                        VIRSCAN.INF plus Text files.  See WHATSNEW.TXT for
                        Changes, UPDATE.TXT  for manual updates. {Note File
                        ZDONE.DAT  must be copied LAST : for OS/2 Warp
 2,006,007   bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : DK-POINT       : BackBone: Dansk Pointliste for Region 23.
 DK-POINT.LZH    20,772 Den Danske Pointliste for Region 23 i FidoNet.
                        DK-POINT.INF, indeholdt i DK-POINT arkivet,
                        beskriver formatet. Opdateringer sendes til 2:237/10.
 20,772      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : DKP-DIFF       : BackBone:Dansk PoitListe for Region 23
 DKP-DIFF.L16       641 Den Danske Pointliste for Region 23 i FidoNet
                        (diff-fil). DK-POINT.INF indeholdt i DK-POINT
                        arkivet, beskriver formatet. Opdateringer sendes til
 641         bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : FIDONEWS       : Backbone: Fidonews
 FNEWSJ17.ZIP    19,241 The Fidonews: Vol#19, Issue#17 for Apr. 29, 2002
 19,241      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : I-ARGUS        : FIPN: The Weekly ARGUS.TXT Auxiliary
 ARGUS.TXT       33,177 BINKP node list importable into ARGUS
 33,177      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : I-BINKD        : FIPN: Weekly BINKD.TXT
 BINKD.TXT       45,006 BINKP node listing includable in BINKD
 45,006      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : I-TRANSX       : FIPN: Weekly TRANSX.LST files
 TRANSX.LST       3,368 List of TransX nodes. Importable into TransX ver 3C
 3,368       bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : IP_NODES       : BackBone: list of all IP nodes.
 IP_NODES.Z16    57,760 IP-noder fr†n senaste nodlistan.
                        Tre filer „r anpassade f”r import
                        till Argus, BinkD och TransX.
                        Filen ISDN inneh†ller alla noder
                        som k”r ISDN. Filen FTP inneh†ller
                        alla noder med FTP-adress som k”r FTP.
                        Av H†kan Andersson 2:201/601,
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 57,760      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : NODEDIFF       : Backbone: Worlwide Weekly NodeDiff
 NODEDIFF.Z16    62,672 Fidonet NODEDIFF day-116 ZIP
 62,672      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : PDNBASIC       : PDN: Basic Related
 SIC70A.ZIP     530,641 Symbolic Instruction Code Interpreter. Includes
                        Visual BASIC Professional 1.0 Source Code. Public
                        Domain 2001. v7.0a Backwards compatible with BC 7.1
                        files Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredsonUrl:
 530,641     bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : PDNJAVA        : PDN: Java development
 TAGCOLOR.ZIP    19,293 A free tag library  (for your jsp pages).  With this
                        component you can add a "tag" library to colorized
                        the java code send in your JSP page. It's easy to
                        add other language in this tag library.
 19,293      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : STN_LIST       : Stn: Sysop TechNet Nodelists
 STNLIST.Z16     10,350 SysOp's TechNet Nodelist for Day 116.
 10,350      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : UTILNET        : UtilNet: DOS and End User Utilities
 MORUTL14.ZIP 2,668,450 The Set Of More DOS Utilities. v14.0a. Includes
                        Visual BASIC Professional 1.0 Source Code.  Public
                        Domain 1999-2001. Backwards compatible with BC 7.1
                        files Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email: eoredsonUrl:
 2,668,450   bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : WIN_UTIL       : Windows Utilities
 SETUPMC.ZIP  1,732,854 MouseClock is the only cursor enhancement you'll ever
                        need! MouseClock becomes part of your mouse pointer
                        and provides you  with the information you need in a
                        novel way. It stays out of the way, while providing
                        you with the current time, date.
 TWEAK4.ZIP   3,576,749 Designed for *all* Windows operating systems,  Tweaki
                        is your Swiss Army knife of utilities.  Configure,
                        secure and optimize Windows,  MS Office and Internet
                        Explorer. Add  productivity enhancements.
 5,309,603   bytes in 2   file(s)

 >Area  : WWB            : Backbone: WWB - World Wide Backbone
 BACKBONE.WW     24,541 List of active echos, World Wide Backbone,
 BACKSTAT.WW      6,122 Change Status, World Wide Backbone, 04-28-02
 30,663      bytes in 2   file(s)

 >Area  : XPNTZ2SEGS     : Backbone: Zone 2 Points list
 R23PNT.Z16       6,063 Point list from Denmark (R23). For information
                        contact 2:237/10 aka [EMAIL PROTECTED], or visit
 6,063       bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : Z1_REC         : Backbone: Zone 1 REC didtributions
 ROUTELST.116    16,896 Zone 1 Routed Netmail Chart, day 116 for yr 2002
 ROUTELST.R18       765 Region18 Routefile
 17,661      bytes in 2   file(s)

 >Area  : Z2-DIFF        : Backbone: Zone 2 - Weekly Z2-DIFF
 Z2-DIFF.Z23      6,179 Fidonet Z2-DIFF for this week (ZIP)
 6,179       bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : ZSEGS          : Backbone: FidoNet ZONEDIFFs from
 ZONE1.Z16       37,115 Zone 1 FidoNet nodelist segment for day 116
 ZONE1.Z23       36,309 Zone 1 FidoNet nodelist segment for day 123
 ZONE2.AD3        8,269 ZONE2-DIFF day-116
 ZONE2.AD6       12,056 ZONE2-DIFF day-109
 ZONE3.Z16        5,174 Zone 3 Nodelist segment for day 116
 ZONE3.Z23        5,173 Zone 3 Nodelist segment for day 123
 ZONE4.Z16        3,250 Zone 4 nodelist segment for day 116, 2002
 ZONE4.Z23        3,226 Zone 4 nodelist segment for day 123, 2002
 ZONE5.A16        3,600 Zone 5 nodelist segment for day 116
 ZONE5.A23        3,598 Zone 5 nodelist segment for day 123
 117,770     bytes in 10  file(s)

 Ialt 13,744,296 i 36 fil(er)

  ALLFIX v5.13 build 4.

                        Fidonet  2:236/150
                   E-mail Freq: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 * Origin: -=** The KOFOBBS - **=- (111:7045/0)

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