MSGID: 111:7045/1@stn 2cb9cf90
PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 B921F76F
 Today, Saturday the 25-05-02, recieve The KOFO BBS (111:7045/1) following

     * Send your fil-request by E-mail    ------>  To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                   Subj.:  freq
     * Download online by WEB on address          freq <filename>                      freq <filename>

 >Area  : GFD.APP.FI     : GFD [APP]: File- and Disk-Manager
 FJ846D.ZIP     684,809 Filejet, V8.46. Filemanager und Editor fuer
                        WINDOWS-XP, 2000, NT, WIN95/98, DOS, OS/2.
 FJ846E.ZIP     658,969 Filejet, V8.46. Powerful filemanager and editor for
                        WINDOWS-XP, 2000, NT, WIN95/98, DOS, OS/2.
 JC346D.ZIP     640,640 Jetcommander, V3.46. NC-CLONE fuer WINDOWS-XP, 2000,
                        NT, 95/98, DOS und OS2.
 JC346E.ZIP     626,514 JetCommander, V3.46. Powerful NC-Clone for
                        WINDOWS-XP, 2000, NT, 95/98, DOS und OS2.
 2,610,932   bytes in 4   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.APP.JA     : GFD OS/2 [APP]: Java-Applikationen
 GENJ1_8.ZIP    511,692 GenJ Application version 1.8.
                        GenealogyJ (in short GenJ) is the name of a
                        program which can handle all of your genealogic
                        information in a graphical way. Its main features
                        are flexible management of arbitrary genealogic
                        information, visualization in different ways
                        (table, tree, chronic,...), standard file-format
                        (exchange with other systems), platform independency
                        (any system, desktop, browser, ...), user automation
 GENJAP18.ZIP   273,766 GenJ Applet version 1.8.
                        GenealogyJ (in short GenJ) is the name of a
                        program which can handle all of your genealogic
                        information in a graphical way. Its main features
                        are flexible management of arbitrary genealogic
                        information, visualization in different ways
                        (table, tree, chronic,...), standard file-format
                        (exchange with other systems), platform independency
                        (any system, desktop, browser, ...), user automation
 GENJDE18.ZIP     7,991 GenJ German language resources version 1.8.
                        GenealogyJ (in short GenJ) is the name of a
                        program which can handle all of your genealogic
                        information in a graphical way. Its main features
                        are flexible management of arbitrary genealogic
                        information, visualization in different ways
                        (table, tree, chronic,...), standard file-format
                        (exchange with other systems), platform independency
                        (any system, desktop, browser, ...), user automation
 GENJEN18.ZIP    10,852 GenJ English language resources version 1.8.
                        GenealogyJ (in short GenJ) is the name of a
                        program which can handle all of your genealogic
                        information in a graphical way. Its main features
                        are flexible management of arbitrary genealogic
                        information, visualization in different ways
                        (table, tree, chronic,...), standard file-format
                        (exchange with other systems), platform independency
                        (any system, desktop, browser, ...), user automation
 GENJHL18.ZIP   269,302 GenJ Help version 1.8.
                        GenealogyJ (in short GenJ) is the name of a
                        program which can handle all of your genealogic
                        information in a graphical way. Its main features
                        are flexible management of arbitrary genealogic
                        information, visualization in different ways
                        (table, tree, chronic,...), standard file-format
                        (exchange with other systems), platform independency
                        (any system, desktop, browser, ...), user automation
 1,073,603   bytes in 5   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.DEV.XM     : GFD [DEV]: Samples mit sourcen
 OPEN_WA3.ZIP 6,707,811 Open Watcom 0.8.0 source code release, 3 of 3
 6,707,811   bytes in 1   file(s)

 Ialt 10,392,346 i 10 fil(er)

  ALLFIX v5.13 build 4.

                        Fidonet  2:236/150
                   E-mail Freq: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 * Origin: -=** The KOFOBBS - **=- (111:7045/1)

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