MSGID: 111:7045/1@stn 2cbecfa3
PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 B921F76F
 Today, Thursday the 30-05-02, recieve The KOFO BBS (111:7045/1) following

     * Send your fil-request by E-mail    ------>  To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                   Subj.:  freq
     * Download online by WEB on address          freq <filename>                      freq <filename>

 >Area  : GFD.APP.MI     : GFD [APP]: All other stuff than those
 KASFF91B.ZIP   147,385 FileFixer v0.91b. 1998 by Keen Art Software.
                        File Fixer utility helps to recover files,
                        which were damaged on transmission.
 147,385     bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.DEV.RE     : GFD [DEV]: REXX-Samples, LIBS, DLLs
 PPWOS2.ZIP     163,831 PPWizard version 02.148 Free generic preprocessor
                        (html/rexx/ipf/inf etc). Generic preprocessor with
                        specific support for HTML and rexx. Its used by
                        e-Zine! and OS/2 supersite. Supplies usual define,
                        include, if, ifdef etc as well as many others suc
 163,831     bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.DEV.XM     : GFD [DEV]: Samples mit sourcen
 OW0823.ZIP   9,686,092 Open Watcom 0.8.2 source code release, 3 of 3
 9,686,092   bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area  : GFD.NET.WW     : GFD OS/2 [NET]: HTTP-Server, Browser and Tools
 B225B5P2.ZIP   220,909 Xitami/2 Webserver Version 2.5b5-patch 2.
                        This are the OS/2 executables of Xitami
                        v2.25 beta 5 patch 2 which corrects a bug
                        in the CGI SERVER_PORT environment variable.
 URLCPYD.ZIP     76,977 URLCopy fr OS/2  Version 1.1
                        Pers”nliche URL-Objekte erzeugen
                        Wie merke ich mir eine interessante Web-Adresse,
                        ohne mich beim Lesen einer EMail oder News lange
                        st”ren zu lassen? Schluá mit der Zettelwirtschaft,
                        wo es doch OS/2 Warp gibt. Dieses kleine WPS-Tool
                        hilft beim Sammeln und Surfen. FREEWARE.
 URLCPYE.ZIP     76,165 URLCopy for OS/2 Version 1.1
                        Create personal URL objects
                        How shall I remember an interesting web address,
                        without being
                        interrupted in reading an email or a newsgroup? Away
                        with stickers
                        all about, since there is OS/2 Warp. This little WPS
                        tool will help
                        while collecting and surfin'. FREEWARE.
 374,051     bytes in 3   file(s)

 Ialt 10,371,359 i 6 fil(er)

  ALLFIX v5.13 build 4.

                        Fidonet  2:236/150
                   E-mail Freq: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 * Origin: -=** The KOFOBBS - **=- (111:7045/1)

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