MSGID: 111:7045/1@stn 2cceb33d
PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 B921F76F
 Today, Friday the 14-06-02, recieve The KOFO BBS (111:7045/1) following

     * Send your fil-request by E-mail    ------>  To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                   Subj.:  freq
     * Download online by WEB on address          freq <filename>                      freq <filename>

 >Area: AFTNGED                : R50: GoldEd Editor
 GPM20531.ZIP   513,789 GoldED+ 1.1.5-20531 [documentation] 
                        ----------------------------------- GoldED+ is a
                        successor of the wellknown GoldED mail editor. This
                        documentation is compiled by Gisbert Rudolph
                        (2:2443/2161) -----------------------------------
 GPO20610.ZIP 1,062,001 GoldED+/EMX 1.1.5-20610 [snapshot]
                        ----------------------------------- GoldED+ is a
                        successor of the wellknown GoldED mail editor.  This
                        snapshot is compiled by Hiro Dudani (2:244/1512) 
                        Note: This version is without Synchronet messagebase
                        support. -
 1,575,790   bytes in 2   file(s)

 >Area: AVDAT                  : AV: Anti-Virus Signature updates
 DAT4NAI.ZIP  2,156,129 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates,
                        Inc. Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx (4207) 
 2,156,129   bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area: AVNAV                  : AV: Norton Anti-Virus 
 DAT6NAV.ZIP  2,081,887 Norton Anti-Virus Signature Definitions  Update for
                        NAVC/NAVDX Command-line Scanner:  VIRSCAN?.DATs,
                        VIRSCAN.INF plus Text files.  See WHATSNEW.TXT for
                        Changes, UPDATE.TXT  for manual updates. {Note File
                        ZDONE.DAT  must be copied LAST : for OS/2 Warp
 2,081,887   bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area: GFD.INT.MISC           : GFD [INTERNAL]: ServerListen
 GFDNET.165      10,248 GFDNET Nodeliste 2002 - automatisch
                        generiert aus der GFD-ID-Liste mit
                        willkrlich gew„hlter Zone 69. Die
                        Nodenummern sind _keine_ Zufallszahlen,
                        sondern aus der GFD-ID berechnet.
 10,248      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area: GFD.SYS.TOOL           : GFD [SYS]: Miscellaneous Tools for the ....
 8233COOL.ZIP    95,490 VIA Tech. KT133/266A CPU cooling/power management
                        tools. A set of tools to control CPU cooling on
                        KT266[A] and some KT133/KX133 chipsets. Includes
                        APM idle hook, CPU throttling, smart fan control.
                        Responds to kernel panic events in ACPI-compliant
                        manner. OS/2 and DOS versions.
 95,490      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area: VIR_AVP                : VirNet: AVP AntiVirus Updates and Shareware
 DAILY.ZIP       12,948 AVP 3.0 Daily Update for DOS, Win 3.xx,
                        Win9x, NT, OS/2, Novell and Linux
 12,948      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area: VIR_FP                 : VirNet: F-Prot AntiVirus updates and shareware
 FP-DEF.ZIP     944,188 Sign-Update for F-Prot 3.0x, F-STOPW and FSAV 4.03+
 944,188     bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area: VIR_NL                 : VirNet: Nodeist
 VIRNODES.A65    38,089 VirNet Nodelist Day #165
 38,089      bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area: VIR_NODE               : VirNet: NodeDIFF
 VIR_DIFF.A65       454 VirNet Nodediff Day #165
 454         bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area: VIR_NORT               : VirNet: Nortons AntiVirus updates and
 0612O32.ZIP  2,187,613 The Norton AntiVirus Information File
                        (c) Symantec Corp. 19993-2002
 2,187,613   bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area: ZSEGS                  : Backbone: FidoNet ZONEDIFFs from
 ZONE6.Z65        5,770 Zone 6 segment day 165/2002
 5,770       bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area: ZYX_NODE               : ZyXELNet: Nodelist
 ZYX_LIST.A65    13,647 ZyxelNet Nodelist Day #165
 13,647      bytes in 1   file(s)

 Ialt 9,122,253 i 13 fil(er)

  ALLFIX v5.13 build 4.

                        Fidonet  2:236/150
                   E-mail Freq: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 * Origin: -=** The KOFOBBS - **=- (111:7045/1)

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