PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 74CFE0F5
MSGID: 111:7031/0@SysopTechNet 2cde303d

*** Continued from previous page ***

                        any KAR MIDI Karaoke song file. You can
                        fine-tune the CD G track. A CD G player
                        is also included.

   Area: TGM.WXP.WWW     Description  TGM: Wxp www
 P04WBC32.ZIP 1,537,366 WEBCOPIER 3.2 - ShareWare This is an
                        offline browser that downloads Web sites
                        and stores them locally. Shows Web site
                        structure Scheduler Templates URL and
                        file filters Wizards The ability to
                        resume downloads Dialer Skins
 P0BWB340.ZIP 1,025,599 WEBSITE-WATCHER 3.40E - ShareWare This
                        program checks your favorite Web sites
                        for updates and changes. When changes are
                        detected it saves the last two versions
                        of the Web sites to your hard disk and
                        highlights all changes in the text. This
                        ShareWare This is a small configurable ad
                        window and pop-up killer. Unlike some
                        similar programs this blocks the creation
                        of ad windows so they will never appear.
 P6DM1160.ZIP 18,977,04 MUSE-LITE 1.1.604 - DemoWare This tool
                        operates like a super browser that lets
                        you browse and share multiple Web pages
                        view movies listen to music or use other
                        computer applications in a
                        three-dimensional multi-user environment.
 P87WNS50.ZIP 1,229,374 WINSETTINGS 5.0 - ShareWare Use this to
                        remove your Internet surfing history by
                        deleting: Cookies History folder Typed
                        URLs Cache Auto complete info Run and
                        find histories
 P94S1112.ZIP 8,637,947 A1SURF 11.2.0 - ShareWare
                        This program can send and
                        check e-mail
                        read your e-mail to you and
                        set your PC s
                        clock. It can also get rid of
 PE1XP169.ZIP 1,052,069 EXPRESS WEBPICTURES 1.69 - DemoWare This
                        is a multi-threaded tool for downloading
                        pictures from Web galleries and
                        presenting them. Just drag a URL to the
                        drop basket and this utility explores the
                        site and downloads all images to your
 PE4WB830.ZIP   814,088 WEBSITE EXTRACTOR 8.30 - ShareWare If you
                        want a copy of a Web site saved to your
                        hard drive it can sometimes be more
                        trouble than it s worth. This tool
                        changes everything by making the process
                        fast and easy.
 Total Found 588,256,797 in 142 file(s)

 * Origin: The Change OSP/BBS, (111:7031/0)

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