RUNNING 30 NODES!       
                     LOCATED IN BEVERLY, MA

          E-mail file requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
FREE Mail feeds available via FTP, Transx, Irex, Binkp or Fido2int.

E-mail us [EMAIL PROTECTED] for details on mail feeds or ibbs info.

Listing of new file that have arrived on Pony's Corral today.
Area : BACKBONE                      
BACKSTAT.NA       6244            Authorized Jun 30, 2002 Issue of BACKSTAT.NA

Area : BACKBONE                      
BACKSTAT.Z1B      10906           Z1 Backbone - Status and Changes 6/30/2002

Area : BACKBONE                      
BACKBONE.WW       24632           List of active echos, World Wide Backbone,

Area : BACKBONE                      
BACKSTAT.WW       5841            Change Status, World Wide Backbone, 06-30-02

Area : BFDS                          
VARSET11.ZIP      8510            VARSET 1.1 - set environmental variable with
file related data, extract from filespec, substrings, integer calculation
simple syntax with 16 keywords; output options. Win NT compatible. (c) 2002,
Horst Schaeffer

Area : BFDS                          
WBAT234.ZIP       52768           WBAT 2.34 - Dialog boxes for DOS batch - with
buttons, input fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, menues, list boxes - free
layout, INI file, comprehensive demo batch, mouse support in GUI box/full
screen. Freeware (c) 2002, Horst Schaeffer

Area : NODEDIFF                      
NODEDIFF.A86      2722            Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a186

Area : BACKBONE                      
BACKBONE.PA       16518           Latest Pan-Am Backbone file.

Area : BACKBONE                      
BACKBONE.Z1B      19231           Z1 Backbone - List of active echos 7/7/2002

Area : UTILNET                       
AEFDSK20.ZIP      28326           AEFDISK v2.0 -  Very powerful, command line
driven    partitioning utility for professionals,  system administrators,
computer store   employees and for those who need the    freedom of easy and
fast partitioning.    If You have to make partitions on

Area : BACKBONE                      
BACKBONE.NA       26503           Authorized Jul 07, 2002 Issue of BACKBONE.NA

Area : FIDONEWS                      
FNEWSJ26.ZIP      30349           The Fidonews: Vol#19, Issue#26 for Jul. 01,

Area : UTILNET                       
MORUTL15.ZIP      2711654         The Set Of More DOS Utilities. v15.0a.
Includes Visual BASIC Professional 1.0 Source Code.  Public Domain 1999-2001.
Backwards compatible with BC 7.1 files Author: Erik Jon Oredson Email:
eoredsonUrl: www.simtel.net www.filegate.net

Area : NODEDIFF                      
NODEDIFF.A93      14732           Fidonet Nodelist Difference file a193

All of the above files are available via email FREQ.  To do so, simply send
an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject of FREQ and in the
message body, FREQ <filename>.  For a list of magic names, FREQ MAGIC.
     This new files announcement was created using TinyTic/Win32 v0.0.5b.

--- SBBSecho/Win32 v2.00
 * Origin: Pony's Corral BBS telnet://thecorral.darktech.org (111:4978/0)

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