PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 74CFE0F5
MSGID: 111:7031/0@SysopTechNet 2d15151c

*** Continued from previous page ***

 FB2MG150.ZIP     6,367 MEGAMAN 2 - v1.50 NES - FAQ
                        - v0.4 PlayStation2 - FAQ/Move List

   Area: G_LINUX.BOARD   Description  GamesNet Linux board games
 K0DNTM10.ZIP    44,510 NTAMA 1.0 - FreeWare The program plays
                        two variants of checkers -- Dama Ntama or
                        Turkish Draughts. Orig.: ntama.gz
 XEDML103.ZIP    76,417 MULTI DRAUGHTS 1.0.3 - DemoWare This
                        draughts and checkers program can play
                        three different game engines and you can
                        choose from four different board sizes.
                        Orig.: mdraughtsdemo_1.0.3_arm.ipk

   Area: G_LINUX.UPD     Description  GamesNet Linux game updates
 U34NW122.ZIP 1,403,605 Neverwinter Nights dedicated server 1.22

   Area: G_LOTTO         Description  GamesNet Games like Lotto etc.
 GC9WN569.ZIP 4,115,841 WINDOWS LOTTO PRO 2000 5.69 - ShareWare
                        This program includes random numbers and
                        picks that incorporate your favorite
                        numbers. Also there s a database of all
                        state lottery games and past winners so
                        you can calculate statistical averages.

   Area: G_MAC.ACTION    Description  GamesNet Mac games - action
 X7AGL061.ZIP 3,222,121 GLTRON 0.61 - FreeWare GLTron is inspired
                        by all the games that were originally
                        inspired by the movie TRON. Combat takes
                        place in a rectangular arena. Your bike
                        leaves a trail behind which is like a
                        wall. The goal is to force the other

   Area: G_MAC.ADD       Description  GamesNet Mac games - addons
 X24GM305.ZIP   173,275 GAMERANGER 3.0 PRE 5 - FreeWare
                        GameRanger provides a completely It
                        currently supports 11 titles with Note:
                        GameRanger requires a Power Macintosh

   Area: G_PDA.PILOT     Description  GamesNet PDA Palmpilot
 3F9CHR43.ZIP    33,378 EUCHRE 4.3 - ShareWare
                        Looking for an exciting card
                        game that
                        lets you play with partners
                        Note: This
                        program supports color on the

   Area: G_UPDATE.BIG    Description  GamesNet updates big > 5MB
 U49ZP111.ZIP 22,476,32 America s Army: Operations
                        Recon 1.1.1
 UA4D1114.ZIP 30,456,80 Dungeon Siege 1.1.1460
 UA5D1114.ZIP 8,430,498 Dungeon Siege 1.09.2 to
 UE4S2201.ZIP 16,422,02 Star Trek Starfleet Command
                        Volume II:
                        Empires At War to

   Area: LORD2FIL        Description  Program releases for LORD II
 SETH23.ZIP      10,760 Seth Able's Music Shop v2.3
                        Lord II IGM
                        Author: Max Lariv e [FieldSoft]
                        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        Yes, Seth Able is the one who runs the
                        music shop of the Arris grasslands. But

   Area: LORDFILE        Description  Program releases for classic LORD
 FDOOR170.ZIP    90,124              FreeDoor v1.70
                            - Released under BSD License
                            - Compiles under Virtual Pascal and
                              Borland Pascal
 KFS1-253.ZIP    74,269 Dragon's Castle v2.53 LORD IGM
                        Authorized RTE200 Patch update
                        ANSI INtro, Status Line, Graveyard,
                        Temple, Castle, Tavern, Bank, Energy
                        Shop, Weapons, Armour, Dice, New Bard,
 KFS4-101.ZIP    46,748 Hospital Lobby v1.10 LORD IGM
                        Authorized RTE200 Patch update
                        Go down the elevator, and vent your
                        insanity in the Lobby.  Who is crazier
                        ... you or the author of this IGM?
 KNIGHT70.ZIP    59,749 Knight's Of The Golden Horseshoe v0.70
                        LORD IGM -- RTE200 patch update
                        For L.O.R.D. v3.50+ - IGM version 0.70
                        A little different twist to IGM
 L444.ZIP        80,587 League 444-Bre - Fe - Tal - LordNet - Clans
                        All InterBBS.  Join League 444 & HellNet the
                        League for EVERYONE, for the best in InterBBS
                        Games in the WORLD.  Simple rules.
                        FREQ: L444 from  1:278/217 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                        PACKS VIA: FIDO2INT, TRANSX, IREX, BINKP,
 LHFUN21.ZIP     32,486 -=Lets Have Fun! v2.10p LORD IGM=-
                        -- RTE 200 patch update
                        Copyright 1994-95 Chad Schwartz
                        All Rights Reserved
                          This is a LORD IGM that I think
 LL130P.ZIP      75,665 -=Gump's Magic Shoppe/Lord Looks IGM v1.20=-
                        -- RTE200 Patch - Change to v1.30p --
                        This IGM allow you to have 1 - 999 different
                        looks,  or scenarios availible for your LORD
                        (Legend Of the Red Dragon) players to choose
 LOTTO15.ZIP     46,462 The Mega Buck$ Lottery v1.50
                        -- RTE200 patch revision
                         An IGM for LORD
                         Come on down to the booth and
 LPIT260.ZIP     47,780 The L.O.R.D. Pit v2.60 LORD IGM
                        -- Official RTE200 patch revision
                        Fight monsters in a graphical arena!
                        MAJOR bug fix version; Now keeps track
                        of arena fights and arrows;
 MSDRM-22.ZIP    44,564  Midsummer's Dream v2.20 LORD IGM
                         -- RTE 200 patch update
                         An IGM for Legend of the Red Dragon.
                         Find the Magical Fairy gathering, and
                         spend a few minutes with these fun
 MSHOP253.ZIP    93,502 The Magic Shop v2.53 LORD IGM
                        -- RTE200 patch update
                        A really cool IGM!  Ever want
                        to kill mean people in higher
                        levels?  Change your class
 OASIS11P.ZIP    50,602 The Oasis of El-Sayal v1.10 LORD IGM
                        -- RTE 200 patch update
                         The Oasis of El-Sayal Version 1.09
                         A new IGM for Legend of the Red Dragon.
                         Trade, intrigue, and ancient mysteries.
 OLMAN22.ZIP     34,735 Old Man v2.20 LORD IGM
                        -- RTE200 patch update
                        Old Man for LORD v3.26+.
                        An animated test of archery, and
                        fair prizes, unlike some other IGMs.
 RAVEN-24.ZIP    55,906 Forest of the Raven v2.40 LOD IGM
                        -- RTE200 patch update
                        An IGM for Legen of the Red Dragon.
                        Explore the Northern Forest and try
                        to find the Castle of the Raven Queen

   Area: NODELIST        Description  Fido: Nodelist files

*** Continued on next page ***
 * Origin: The Change OSP/BBS, (111:7031/0)

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