PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 74CFE0F5
MSGID: 111:7031/0@SysopTechNet 2d24c2d6
³ New files at  : The Change OSP/BBS                                        ³
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³ Magic Names   : ALLFILES, CHANGE!                                         ³

   Area: LINUXNET.SRC    Description  LinuxNet Various Source files
 DDRAW272.ZIP    48,537 DuhDraw is a program which almost perfectly simulates
                        TheDraw for DOS. Back in the good old BBSing days,
                        TheDraw was a program used by a SysOp in order to
                        draw ANSI screens, the only graphics available on
                        BBSes for quite a while. However, for a long
 Total Found 48,537 in 1 file(s)

 * Origin: The Change OSP/BBS, (111:7031/0)

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