PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 74CFE0F5
MSGID: 111:7031/0@SysopTechNet 2d4472a0

*** Continued from previous page ***

                        form multi-colored areas. The goal is to
                        capture as many cells as possible.

   Area: G_TETRIS        Description  GamesNet Tetris and look-alikes
 G3DRNS10.ZIP   175,594 DROANS 1.0 - FreeWare Combine the colorful blocks in
                        rows columns or diagonal lines of three or more to
                        remove them from the screen. Colorful blocks are
                        coming down hard in this fun game
 G49WRT12.ZIP 1,101,373 WORTRIS 1.2 - ShareWare Random letter
                        blocks will drop down to bottom of the
                        screen and you must use the left and
                        right arrow keys to move the letter
                        blocks or use the down arrow key to
                        accelerate block dropping. You must

   Area: G_UPDATE.BIG    Description  GamesNet updates big > 5MB
 U42NW124.ZIP 39,923,02 Neverwinter Nights 1.24
 U6BTPZ41.ZIP 6,933,684 Out of the Park Baseball IV
 Total Found 92,421,993 in 224 file(s)

 * Origin: The Change OSP/BBS, (111:7031/0)

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