MSGID: 111:7045/1@stn 2d4c8168
PID: ALLFIX+ 5.13.4 B921F76F
 Today, Saturday the 12-10-02, recieve The KOFO BBS (111:7045/1) following

     * Send your fil-request by E-mail    ------>  To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                   Subj.:  freq
     * Download online by WEB on address          freq <filename>                      freq <filename>

 >Area: GFD.APP.GAME           : GFD [APP]: Games
 21.ZIP         323,888 TwentyOne 1.04 - TwentyOne is a card game in which a
                        player tries to get closer to 21 than the house (or
                        dealer) does. Typically, twentyone is favorable to
                        the player (if skill is used in playing the game).
                        Source Code Included.
 BSTETRIS.ZIP    29,660 Bastisoft Tetris 1.02 - German. A Tetris game for
                        OS/2. Now released as Open Source under the GNU GPL
                        license. Includes the Source Code.
 CRIBBAGE.ZIP   381,794 Cribbage 1.07 - Cribbage is a card game played
                        between a player (you) and the computer. The
                        cribbage board used is the standard 121 point board
                        (around twice to win). Cribbage was written using
                        Speedsoft's Sibyl. Source Code included.
 KABOOOOM.ZIP   295,092 Kaboooom 1.05 - Kaboooom is a simple game similar to
                        other games like minesweeper, in which you have to
                        go from one corner of the board to the opposite
                        corner of the board avoiding the 'mines' that are
                        randomly scattered about. Every square step on 
 KNIFFEL.ZIP    325,135 KNIFFEL (german for "YAHTZEE") - German. Now released
                        as Freeware in any respect - you may use, alter or
                        distribute the application at your will. Includes
                        the Source Code.
 MILSTONE.ZIP    94,205 MileStone 1.04 - Milestone is a card game known by
                        many different names (for instance Milebones, Miles
                        Bournes, etc.). This version is played in several
                        rounds until either the computer or the player makes
                        5000 points. Source Code included.
 1,449,774   bytes in 6   file(s)

 >Area: GFD.APP.MMPM           : GFD [APP]: Mult-Media-Applikationen
 GOGO310N.ZIP   366,202 GOGO-no-coda ver. 3.10pl4 is a mp3 encoder based on
                        lame 3.88, which is distributed under LGPL.
                        Optimized for Enhanced 3D Now!/SSE/SSE2 and
                        dual-CPUs. Additional requirements: EMX runtime.
 MP3GAIN.ZIP    157,720 Port of mp3gain to ANSI C Release: 1.0.5. Mp3gain is
                        a powerful utility to modify the real loudness of
                        MP3 files automatically to one common level. It
                        utilizes the psychoacoustic modell of replaygain to
                        do the loudness analysis. The modifications to
 523,922     bytes in 2   file(s)

 >Area: GFD.SYS.MISC           : GFD [SYS]: Miscellaneous device drivers
 DAT-4228.ZIP 2,369,552 Virus Definition Data Files by Network Associates,
                        Requires scanner engine v4.0.xx
                        (4228)  10/09/2002
 2,369,552   bytes in 1   file(s)

 >Area: GFD.SYS.NET            : GFD [SYS]: Network Device Drivers
 ESYS-ETH.ZIP    13,906 This package contains the followin OS/2 Network card
                        Drivers: Cabletron E21 Ethernet Adapter - OS/2
                        version 1.1, Cabletron E22 Ethernet Adapter (SNMP) -
                        OS/2 version 1.1. Drivers by: EnteraSYs / Cabletron
 ESYS-TOK.ZIP    41,889 This package contains the followin OS/2 Drivers:
                        Cabletron T20 Token-Ring Adapter ver 1.1 Network
                        Adapter, Cabletron F30 FDDI Adapter (SNMP) - OS/2 
                        ver 1.1 NetworkAdapter, Cabletron F70 FDDI Adapter
                        (SNMP) - OS/2 ver 1.1. Drivers by: EnteraSYs / Ca
 55,795      bytes in 2   file(s)

 >Area: G_TETRIS               : GamesNet: TETRIS AddOns and Clones
 G27TRC11.ZIP 1,951,525 TETRICON LEAN AND MEAN 1.1 - FreeWare
                        This Tetris clone has four different game
                        types to play along with six card games
                        and TetriCon. Save your high scores and
                        stats. Instructions and the TetriCon demo
                        are included.
 1,951,525   bytes in 1   file(s)

 Ialt 6,350,568 i 12 fil(er)

  ALLFIX v5.13 build 4.

                        Fidonet  2:236/150
                   E-mail Freq: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 * Origin: -=** The KOFOBBS - **=- (111:7045/1)

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