--- On Fri, 9/5/08, The Captain [EMAIL PROTECTED]

also says, "media, back in your hole, I work for the people:"



The political conventions are over, candidate selections have been
made. In theory, there are a host of candidates and political parties
from which to select. While several worthy candidates present an
option in the third party environment, in reality one of the following
tickets will occupy the White House after January 20, 2009...


America is aware that Hockey Mom, Gov Sarah Palin of Alaska has been
selected as the Republican Vice Presidential candidate and energized
the conservative base. Governor Palin's addition to the political mix
has thrown the liberal left wing media, the babbling blogosphere, and
the democratic party into a state of panic, fear, mumbling, lashing
out, and literally leaving no false charges, fabrications,
distortions, unturned. Henny Penny, Henny Penny, the sky is

Why is this woman from Alaska being attacked in the most shameful and
vile manner? Has there ever been a Vice Presidential candidate given
so much attention by the media and opposing political party?

Within a couple days after Governor Palin was selected as Vice
Presidential candidate, the entire sky nearly fell on the liberal
world. Personal attacks from every quadrant began in a callous,
despicable manner. Attacks on her success...claiming she has no
executive experience even though the governor has years of government
executive responsibility while Biden/Obama have zero; belittling
Alaska as a minor State...if that's the case where does Delaware fit?
Over 250 States the size of Delaware will fit into Alaska and both
have 3 electoral votes. Oh, I get it...one could look at Delaware as
having great energy solution potential given the wind from Joe
Biden...even Alaska can't compete with over 30 years of Biden wind...

Attacks on Palin related to her daughter's pregnancy from attacking
elements in America living in "glass houses". Attacking Mr. Palin for
a DUI 22 years ago before he was even married to the Governor.
Further, the accusers give Obama a free pass for smoking pot and crack
during his youth, dismissing his cavorting with leftist bombers,
paying scant attention to Obama's mentoring by a leftist, Marxist
pastor for decades, ignoring close ties with mobsters in
Chicago,ignoring Biden's plagiarism, on and on. The so-called
has tilted into conspiracy against America, our Constitution, and
represents a threat to our nation every bit as serious as an Islamic
radical bomb. The difference being the bomb goes off daily as does the
media in a sense, but the media virus is slowly spreading across
America and clearly represents a greater deadly threat...

Why all these vicious, false and distorted efforts against Governor
Palin? What does she represent that draws so much fabrication from all
quarters? We are witness to absolute hysteria to smear her by any
means, a media totally stooping to the lowest level of human indecency
and partisanship in opposing Palin...will America continue to hide
behind our excuses or meet this demonic attack on Palin and by
extension, our nation, without a rousing backlash? How can we not meet
this unjustified, beyond the pale example of media distortion, bias,
and false reporting, without outward rejection by the people?

The media, politicians, maybe both political parties, are terrified to
the point of firing in all directions because Gov Palin reflects what
they all fear.....she has the ear and heart of the American
people.....just what our Founding Fathers intended in my
opinion...Palin is threatening a Constitutionial revival...and she
suggests the ultimate threat to the "porkers"...potential to destroy
the unconstitutional political apparatus as we know it, in days to

Take look at some information with regard to Palin's positions...

If there was any doubt as to the impact of Governor Palin's selection
of Vice President with regard to conservative reaction to media
coverage, Governor Huckabee summed it up nicely. He said something to
the effect and I don't have his quote accurate, "I believed it would
take years to bring the Republican party together, but the liberal
media has done it in just six days by their unfounded attack on
Governor Palin" The liberal media have shot their feet off temporarily
but rest assured, they won't stop. America must roar our disapproval
of despicable media reporting by defeating the Biden/Obama media
picked ticket...

While McCain's record on POW/MIA investigation, illegal immigration
amnesty, embryonic stem cell research and a few other areas is
troubling, although he has indicated some change of heart, there is
still distaste. On the other hand, Palin's selection as the heir
apparent mitigates McCain negatives to a large extent and represents a
current and long term voice America can ill afford to dismiss...

The negatives associated with the Biden/Obama ticket reflect an
exponential disaster that must be rejected, and elevates the Palin/
McCain option as the only presidential ballot box choice in

Harry Riley, COL, USA, Retired...

P.S. - If America wants to send an undeniable message of rage,
encourage your California and Pennsylvania friends to defeat Nancy
Pelosi and John Murtha. If Pelosi wins, demand your U.S.
Representative withdraw any political support, rejecting her as
Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives...


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Matt Bruce
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