Spengler: How Friendless Obama Lost the Election

 There is a piece from the Asian Times by a writer who calls himself Spengler.  
No first name.  I seem to recall having read works of this author on previous 
occasions.  This is from the Asian Times last week, and I've had it sitting 
over here in my stack 'cause it's long.  I mean there is no way even I, with 
the talents I possess, could probably get away with reading this whole thing 
and capturing your attention.  The excerpts here are just to die for, though.  
This guy thinks Obama is going to lose because he has no character, he has no 
friends, all he has are people that he has used and stepped on as rungs of a 
ladder to get where he goes.  He has no room for a real friendship because his 
angry wife, Michelle, crowds them all out.  He was in Denver.  "Senator Barack 
Obama's acceptance speech last week seemed vastly different from the stands of 
this city's Invesco Stadium than it did to the 40 million who saw it on 
television. Melancholy hung
 like thick smog over the reserved seats where I sat with Democratic Party 

By the way, I had a guy out there who had a guy out there.  I mean, my guy 
wasn't there, he had a guy out there, so I had a report coming in one person 
removed.  And this guy was telling the same thing, and I'm watching it on TV, 
and I told my guy, "You get back to him.  I cannot afford to receive a bunch of 
BS.  The place looks electric to me.  And if your guy is telling me that 
there's melancholy or no excitement, I want this double-checked."  He said, 
"Okay, okay, okay," so he double-checked with his guy out there, "Yeah, I'm 
telling you, this guy says --" this is before Obama went on, Sheryl Crow was up 
and nobody was caring about anything, it was dull.  TV had the ability to make 
it look like a lot of people were there and there was a lot of noise going on, 
but it really wasn't.  And this guy Spengler said the same thing.  

"Melancholy hung like thick smog over the reserved seats where I sat with 
Democratic Party staffers. The crowd, of course, cheered mechanically at the 
tag lines, flourished placards, and even rose for the obligatory wave around 
the stadium. But its mood was sour. The air carried the acrid smell of defeat, 
and the crowd took shallow breaths. Even the appearance of R&B great Stevie 
Wonder failed to get the blood pumping. The speech itself dragged on for 
three-quarters of an hour. As David S. Broder wrote in the Washington Post: 
'[Obama's] recital of a long list of domestic promises could have been 
delivered by any Democratic nominee from Walter Mondale to John Kerry. There 
was no theme music to the speech and really no phrase or sentence that is 
likely to linger in the memory of any listener. The thing I never expected did 
in fact occur: Al Gore, the famously wooden former vice president, gave a more 
lively and convincing speech than Obama did.'   On
 television, Obama's spectacle might have looked like The Ten Commandments, but 
inside the stadium it felt like Night of the Living Dead. 

"The longer the candidate spoke, and the more money he promised to spend ... 
the lower the party professionals slouched into their seats. The professionals 
I sat with were Hillary Clinton people, to be sure, and had reason to sulk, for 
an Obama victory might do them little good in any event.  ... Speaking to Obama 
supporters on the periphery of the big event, I was startled by the rapturous 
devotion elicited by the junior senator from Illinois. He is no symbol for 
identity politics, no sacrifice on the altar of white guilt, but the most 
gifted persuader of individuals that I have encountered in any country's 
politics, as well as a powerful orator on the grand stage. This is not a crowd 
phenomenon nor a fad, but the response of hundreds of people to an 
individual."  He goes on to describe some of these people, but then says, 
"Gandalf's warnings about the irresistible voice of the wizard Saruman in The 
Lord of the Rings come to mind. If these
 battle-hardened veterans of America's wars fell so easily under the spell of 
Obama's voice, who can withstand it? ... Obama will spend the rest of his life 
wondering why he rejected the obvious road to victory, that is, choosing 
Hillary Clinton ... rejecting Clinton in favor of the colorless, unpopular, 
tangle-tongued Washington perennial Joe Biden was a statement of weakness. 
McCain's selection was a statement of strength. America's voters will forgive 
many things in a politician, including sexual misconduct, but they will not 
forgive weakness.  That is why McCain will win in November, and by a landslide, 
barring some unforeseen event. 

"Obama is the most talented and persuasive politician of his generation, the 
intellectual superior of all his competitors, but a fatally insecure 
personality. American voters are not intellectual, but they are shrewd, like 
animals. They can smell insecurity, and the convention stank of it. Obama's 
prospective defeat is entirely of its own making. No one is more surprised than 
Republican strategists, who were convinced just weeks ago that a weakening 
economy ensured a Democratic victory.   Biden, who won 3% of the popular vote 
in the Democratic presidential primary in his home state of Delaware, and 1% or 
less in every other contest he entered, is ballot-box poison. Obama evidently 
chose him to assuage critics who point to his lack of foreign policy 
credentials. That was a deadly error, for by appearing to concede the critics' 
claim that he knows little about foreign policy, Obama raised questions about 
whether he is qualified to be president in the
 first place. ...  Why didn't Obama choose Hillary? The most credible 
explanation came from veteran columnist Robert Novak May 10, who reports that 
Michelle Obama vetoed Hillary's candidacy. 'The Democratic front-runner's wife 
did not comment on other rival candidates for the party's nomination, but she 
has been sniping at Clinton since last summer. According to Obama sources, 
those public utterances do not reveal the extent of her hostility,' Novak 

"If that is true, then Obama succumbed to the character weakness I described in 
a February 26 profile of (Obama's women reveal his secret). His peculiar 
dependency on an assertive and often rancorous spouse, I argued, made him 
vulnerable, and predicted that Obama 'will destroy himself before he destroys 
the country'. ... Curiously, Obama ignored the rising stars of his own party, 
offering the prime time speaking slots to familiar faces, including Senator 
Edward Kennedy and Bill and Hillary Clinton, as well as his own wife, the first 
prospective First Lady to take the keynote spot in the history of American 
party conventions.   McCain doesn't have a tenth of Obama's synaptic 
fire-power, but he is a nasty old sailor who knows when to come about for a 

So let me get to the conclusion of this. "Combine a child's response to serial 
abandonment with the perspective of an outsider, and Obama became an alien 
species against which American politics had no natural defenses. He is a Third 
World anthropologist profiling Americans, in but not of the American system. No 
country's politics depends more openly on friendships than America's, yet Obama 
has not a single real friend, for he rose so fast that all his acquaintances 
become rungs on the ladder of his ascent. One human relationship crowds the 
others out of his life, his marriage to Michelle, a strong, assertive and very 
angry woman.   If Novak's report is accurate, then Michelle's anger will have 
lost the election for Obama, as Achilles' anger nearly killed the Greek cause 
in the Trojan War. But the responsibility rests not with Michelle, but with 

"Obama's failure of nerve at the cusp of his success is consistent with my 
profile of the candidate, in which I predicted that he would self-destruct. 
It's happening faster than I expected. As I wrote last February: 'It is 
conceivable that Barack Obama, if elected, will destroy himself before he 
destroys the country. Hatred is a toxic diet even for someone with as strong a 
stomach as Obama ... Both Obama and the American public should be very careful 
of what they wish for. As the horrible example of Obama's father shows, there 
is nothing worse for an embittered outsider manipulating the system from within 
than to achieve his goals.' By all rights, the Democrats should win this 
election. They will lose, I predict, because of the flawed character of their 
candidate," Barack Obama.  A guy named Spengler in the Asian Times last week 
sometime.  We'll link to it.  I just read you some excerpts there, probably 
didn't even get to 25% of it.
How Obama lost the election 
By Spengler 

DENVER - Senator Barack Obama's acceptance speech last week seemed vastly 
different from the stands of this city's Invesco Stadium than it did to the 40 
million who saw it on television. Melancholy hung like thick smog over the 
reserved seats where I sat with Democratic Party staffers. The crowd, of 
course, cheered mechanically at the tag lines, flourished placards, and even 
rose for the obligatory wave around the stadium. But its mood was sour. The air 
carried the acrid smell of defeat, and the crowd took shallow breaths. Even the 
appearance of R&B great Stevie Wonder failed to get the blood pumping. 

The speech itself dragged on for three-quarters of an hour. As David S Broder 
wrote in the Washington Post: "[Obama's] recital of a long list of domestic 
promises could have been delivered by

any Democratic nominee from Walter Mondale to John Kerry. There was no theme 
music to the speech and really no phrase or sentence that is likely to linger 
in the memory of any listener. The thing I never expected did in fact occur: Al 
Gore, the famously wooden former vice president, gave a more lively and 
convincing speech than Obama did." 

On television, Obama's spectacle might have looked like The Ten Commandments, 
but inside the stadium it felt like Night of the Living Dead. The longer the 
candidate spoke, and the more money he promised to spend on alternative energy, 
preschool education, universal health care, and other components of the 
Democratic pinata, the lower the party professionals slouched into their seats. 
The professionals I sat with were Hillary Clinton people, to be sure, and had 
reason to sulk, for an Obama victory might do them little good in any event. 

The Democrats were watching the brightest and most articulate presidential 
candidate they have fielded since John F Kennedy snatch defeat from the jaws of 
victory. And this was before John McCain, in a maneuver worthy of Admiral 
Chester Nimitz at the Battle of Midway, turned tables on the Democrats' 
strategy with the choice of Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. 

Speaking to Obama supporters on the periphery of the big event, I was startled 
by the rapturous devotion elicited by the junior senator from Illinois. He is 
no symbol for identity politics, no sacrifice on the altar of white guilt, but 
the most gifted persuader of individuals that I have encountered in any 
country's politics, as well as a powerful orator on the grand stage. This is 
not a crowd phenomenon nor a fad, but the response of hundreds of people to an 

I sat in on a session with three leaders of Veterans for Obama, a group of 
retired young officers who had served in Iraq and Afghanistan, courtesy of the 
New Republic's writer on the scene, David Samuels. With passion and enthusiasm, 
these young people spoke of their hopes for nation-building in Iraq. The George 
W Bush administration should have put twice the resources into the beleaguered 
country, they harangued me - not just soldiers, but agronomists, traffic cops, 
lawyers, judges, and physicians. The Department of Agriculture should have 
mobilized, along with the Department of Justice. 

Nation-building? Doubling down on the US commitment to Iraq? Isn't that trying 
to out-Bush the Bush administration, while Obama campaigned on getting out of 
Iraq and spending the money on programs at home? Unblinking, one of the 
soldiers said, "That's what we think Barack will do." They believed in a more 
expensive version of the administration's program, and faulted Bush for half 
measures - and somehow they believed that Obama really agreed with them, all 
the public evidence to the contrary. And they believed in Barack with perfect 

Gandalf's warnings about the irresistible voice of the wizard Saruman in J R R 
Tolkien's Lord of the Rings come to mind. If these battle-hardened veterans of 
America's wars fell so easily under the spell of Obama's voice, who can 
withstand it? Obama's persuasive powers, though, are strongest when channeled 
through the empathy of his interlocutor. Everyone believes that Obama feels his 
pain, shares his dream, and will fight his fight and heal his ills. But that is 
everyone as an individual. Add all the individuals up into a campaign platform, 
and it turns into three-quarters of an hour worth of promises that echo all the 
ghosts of conventions past. 

Obama will spend the rest of his life wondering why he rejected the obvious 
road to victory, that is, choosing Hillary Clinton as his vice presidential 
nominee. However reluctantly, Clinton would have had to accept. McCain's choice 
of vice presidential candidate made obvious after the fact what the party 
professionals felt in their fingertips at the stadium extravaganza yesterday: 
rejecting Clinton in favor of the colorless, unpopular, tangle-tongued 
Washington perennial Joe Biden was a statement of weakness. McCain's selection 
was a statement of strength. America's voters will forgive many things in a 
politician, including sexual misconduct, but they will not forgive weakness. 

That is why McCain will win in November, and by a landslide, barring some 
unforeseen event. Obama is the most talented and persuasive politician of his 
generation, the intellectual superior of all his competitors, but a fatally 
insecure personality. American voters are not intellectual, but they are 
shrewd, like animals. They can smell insecurity, and the convention stank of 
it. Obama's prospective defeat is entirely of its own making. No one is more 
surprised than Republican strategists, who were convinced just weeks ago that a 
weakening economy ensured a Democratic victory. 

Biden, who won 3% of the popular vote in the Democratic presidential primary in 
his home state of Delaware, and 1% or less in every other contest he entered, 
is ballot-box poison. Obama evidently chose him to assuage critics who point to 
his lack of foreign policy credentials. That was a deadly error, for by 
appearing to concede the critics' claim that he knows little about foreign 
policy, Obama raised questions about whether he is qualified to be president in 
the first place. He had a winning alternative, which was to pick Clinton. That 
would have sent a double message: first, that Obama is tough enough to make the 
slippery Clintons into his subordinates, and second, that he is generous enough 
to extend a hand to his toughest adversary in the cause of unity. 

Why didn't Obama choose Hillary? The most credible explanation came from 
veteran columnist Robert Novak May 10, who reports that Michelle Obama vetoed 
Hillary's candidacy. "The Democratic front-runner's wife did not comment on 
other rival candidates for the party's nomination, but she has been sniping at 
Clinton since last summer. According to Obama sources, those public utterances 
do not reveal the extent of her hostility," Novak wrote. If that is true, then 
Obama succumbed to the character weakness I described in a February 26 profile 
of (Obama's women reveal his secret). His peculiar dependency on an assertive 
and often rancorous spouse, I argued, made him vulnerable, and predicted that 
Obama "will destroy himself before he destroys the country". 

Alternately, Obama might have chosen a rising Democratic star like Virginia's 
50-year-old governor Tim Kaine. A weaker choice than Hillary, Kaine (or someone 
like him) would have made a bold statement of self-confidence. Obama could have 
said with credibility that he would bring to Washington a new generation of 
outsiders who would change the old system. Instead, Obama saddled an old and 
unpopular Washington warhorse. 

Curiously, Obama ignored the rising stars of his own party, offering the prime 
time speaking slots to familiar faces, including Senator Edward Kennedy and 
Bill and Hillary Clinton, as well as his own wife, the first prospective First 
Lady to take the keynote spot in the history of American party conventions. 

McCain doesn't have a tenth of Obama's synaptic fire-power, but he is a nasty 
old sailor who knows when to come about for a broadside. Given Obama's 
defensive, even wimpy selection of a running-mate, McCain's choice was obvious. 
He picked the available candidate most like himself: a maverick with impeccable 
reform credentials, a risk-seeking commercial fisherwoman and huntress married 
to a marathon snowmobile racer who carries a steelworkers union card. The 
Democratic order of battle was to tie McCain to the Bush administration and 
attack McCain by attacking Bush. With Palin on the ticket, McCain has 
re-emerged as the maverick he really is. 

The young Alaskan governor, to be sure, hasn't any business running for vice 
president of the United States with her thin resume. McCain and his people know 
this perfectly well, and that is precisely why they put her on the ticket. If 
Palin is unqualified to be vice president, all the less so is Obama qualified 
to be president. 

McCain has certified his authenticity for the voters. He's now the outsider, 
the reformer, the maverick, the war hero running next to the Alaskan amazon 
with a union steelworker spouse. Obama, who styled himself an agent of change, 
took his image for granted, and attempted to ensure himself victory by doing 
the cautious thing. He is trapped in a losing position, and there is nothing he 
can do to get out of it. 

Obama, in short, is long on brains and short on guts. A Shibboleth of American 
politics holds that different tactics are required to win the party primaries 
as opposed to the general election, that is, by pandering to fringe groups with 
disproportionate influence in the primaries. But Obama did not compromise 
himself with extreme positions. He did not have to, for younger voters who 
greeted him with near-religious fervor did not require that he take any 
position other than his promise to change everything. Obama could have allied 
with the old guard, through an Obama-Clinton ticket, or he could have rejected 
the old guard by choosing the closest thing the Democrats had to a Sarah Palin. 
But fear paralyzed him, and he did neither. 

In my February 26 profile, I called Obama "the political equivalent of a 
sociopath", without any derogatory intent. A sociopath seeks the empathy of all 
around him while empathizing with no one. Obama has an almost magical ability 
to gain the confidence of those around him. Perhaps it was the adaptation of a 
bright and sensitive young boy who was abandoned by three parents - his Kenyan 
father Barack Obama Sr, who left his pregnant young bride; his Indonesian 
stepfather Lolo Soetero; and by his mother, Ann Dunham, who sent 10-year-old 
Obama to live with her parents while she pursued her career as an 

Combine a child's response to serial abandonment with the perspective of an 
outsider, and Obama became an alien species against which American politics had 
no natural defenses. He is a Third World anthropologist profiling Americans, in 
but not of the American system. No country's politics depends more openly on 
friendships than America's, yet Obama has not a single real friend, for he rose 
so fast that all his acquaintances become rungs on the ladder of his ascent. 
One human relationship crowds the others out of his life, his marriage to 
Michelle, a strong, assertive and very angry woman. 

If Novak's report is accurate, then Michelle's anger will have lost the 
election for Obama, as Achilles' anger nearly killed the Greek cause in the 
Trojan War. But the responsibility rests not with Michelle, but with Obama. 
Obama's failure of nerve at the cusp of his success is consistent with my 
profile of the candidate, in which I predicted that he would self-destruct. 
It's happening faster than I expected. As I wrote last February: 
It is conceivable that Barack Obama, if elected, will destroy himself before he 
destroys the country. Hatred is a toxic diet even for someone with as strong a 
stomach as Obama ... Both Obama and the American public should be very careful 
of what they wish for. As the horrible example of Obama's father shows, there 
is nothing worse for an embittered outsider manipulating the system from within 
than to achieve his goals.
By all rights, the Democrats should win this election. They will lose, I 
predict, because of the flawed character of their candidate. 


Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!

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