Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
AmericanTruckersAtWar Discussion Group

--- On Tue, 9/9/08, milford421 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

September 9, 2008

"Friday afternoon, about 150 non-Muslim Swift workers protested the
company's break-
time accommodation of the Muslims. They said that the change was unfair to
workers of 
other religious beliefs who don't receive similar concessions."

"Joe Rios, a day-shifter for nine months at Swift, said he felt the
Somalis were asking for 
special treatment and "taking advantage of our kindness" in America.
He said "most of us" 
at Swift are Catholic and observe a month of Lent each year without seeking
concessions based on religion."
Muslims strike to protest Swift's reversal of Ramadan accommodation
What's the big deal? Let Muslims have their break times when they want! It
doesn't mean 
Sharia is coming to the U.S.!

Of course. But what it does mean is this: rising tensions and resentment from
Muslims who have to take up the slack for the Muslims. And since Sharia allows
absolutely no compromise, that means that American businesses are going to have
choose between making Muslim employees a privileged class, and alienating their
Muslim employees, or allowing no Sharia accommodation at all.

My money, given today's political climate, is on the former -- despite the
article below. I 
expect that Swift will ultimately cave to Muslim demands.

A stealth jihad update on this story: "JBS Swift Musilm [sic] workers
protest Ramadan 
reversal," by Chris Casey for the Greeley Tribune, September 9 (thanks to

More than 150 Muslim workers didn't report to their meatpacking plant jobs
Monday in the 
wake of what they called JBS Swift & Co.'s sudden reversal of
accommodation for their 
religious fasting during Ramadan.
The workers initially planned a two-mile march from downtown Greeley's
Lincoln Park to 
the plant, but a gathering that formed mid-morning never left the park.
Throughout the 
day, several Greeley police officers watched from the park's edge.

Company officials met with several workers Monday afternoon at the plant, and
representatives later spoke with workers in downtown Greeley.

Graen Isse, a Swift worker and group spokesman, said the workers would not
details of their grievances, which were supplied to Swift in writing, until the
responded. He said he expected to hear from Swift Tuesday morning.

"I believe (the workers) will be back to their jobs," Isse said.

Asked what would happen if the workers didn't get what they wanted, Isse
said, "That's 
another question. We'll pass on that."

The workers, mostly Somalis but many also from several other East African
nations, said 
they were told by Swift management on Friday to not report to work Monday until
matter of changing break times to accommodate their Ramadan fasts was settled.

On Friday, about 300 Muslim workers left work mid-shift -- about 9:30 p.m. --
they say they were told not to break at 7:30 p.m., when their roughly 12 hours
of daily 
fasting for Ramadan ended. Earlier in the week, the workers negotiated with
Swift to get 
an earlier break to allow them food and water after their fast.


Omar Clarke, who described himself as "a white-and-black" Muslim but
not Somali, said 
workers at 7:30 p.m. Friday were told not to leave their work lines. He said
the company 
then locked bathrooms to stop workers from going to them.

"At 7:30 Friday they did not accommodate us on our religious
beliefs," he said. "After they 
told us we couldn't pray, we all walked out."


Smid read a company statement late Monday afternoon: "Friday evening, a
group of 
employees left work without proper authorization. The matter was discussed with
union representatives and the company took appropriate action. JBS Swift
desires to 
accommodate the religious practices of all employees, which includes its Muslim

employees, provided it can do so reasonably, safely and without undue burden.

"JBS Swift works closely with its employees and their union
representatives to accomplish 
this balance of reasonable accommodation and operational requirements,"
the statement 

Smid said she could not elaborate on the size of the group that left work and
what the 
company's "appropriate action" might entail.


Friday afternoon, about 150 non-Muslim Swift workers protested the
company's break-
time accommodation of the Muslims. They said that the change was unfair to
workers of 
other religious beliefs who don't receive similar concessions.

Brianna Castillo, a non-Muslim JBS Swift worker told the Tribune Friday,
"The Somalis are 
running our plant. They are telling us what do to."

Aziz Dhies, who doesn't work at Swift but said he is a local representative
of the Somali 
community, said the Somalis are peacefully trying to get what they consider a
concession to their religious beliefs.

"We are very peaceful people. We don't hate anybody," he said.
"We love everybody here." 

How comforting.

Joe Rios, a day-shifter for nine months at Swift, said he felt the Somalis were
asking for 
special treatment and "taking advantage of our kindness" in America.
He said "most of us" 
at Swift are Catholic and observe a month of Lent each year without seeking
concessions based on religion.
"I think it's either you want to make money and work and put your
prayers aside or you 
stay home," he said.

Rios said he'd heard that some disgruntled Muslim workers damaged property
in the Swift 
parking lot Friday.

Tymkowych said police, who responded to the release of workers Friday night,
encounter any vandalism. "If it happened inside (the plant), they
didn't tell us about it," he 

That is contrary to a report I received.

Posted by Robert  
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