Obama on Sex Ed in Kindergarten: 
"It's the Right Thing to Do"

McCain ad on sex education is 100% accurate.

 McCain Ad  Obama Pushing It
 Full Text of Illinois Senate Bill 0099

Obama on Sex Ed in Kindergarten: "It's the Right Thing to Do"

September 10, 2008

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RUSH: Now, this is the next McCain ad that really has the Obama camp fit to be 
tied.  It's entitled "Education."

ANNOUNCER:  Education Week says Obama hasn't made a significant mark on 
education, that he's elusive on accountability, a staunch defender of the 
existing public school monopoly.  Obama's one accomplishment:  Legislation to 
teach comprehensive sex education to kindergarteners.  Learning about sex 
before learning to read?  Barack Obama, wrong on education, wrong for your 

MCCAIN:  I'm John McCain, and I approved this message.

RUSH:  Oh, this has got 'em fit to be tied.  How dare they say this about 
Obama?  Well, let's go back in 2007, on November 20th, Obama spoke at a Planned 
Parenthood event, and he said this about Alan Keyes, who was his opponent in 
the Senate race in 2004.

OBAMA:  I remember him, uh, using this in his campaign against me, saying, 
"Barack Obama supports teaching sex education to kindergarteners." (laughter)  
And, you know, which -- I didn't know what to tell him.  But it's the right 
thing to do.

RUSH:  But it's the right thing to do.  We've got him saying it.  Now, there's 
even more on this.  You want some issues, Obama?  (laughing)  You have come to 
the right place.  Obama has said that this ad you just heard about Obama 
supporting a law to teach young children about sex education was unfair and 
misleading, but it's not.  I have a summary here of McCain's ad and of Obama's 
response and then I've got a news article that ran September 27, 2007, on the 
Fox News website after a Democrat debate.  An excerpt from that article 
reporting on the debate says this: "A fairy tale about two princes falling in 
love sparked a backlash -- and a lawsuit -- against a teacher and a school last 
year when it was read to a second-grade class in Massachusetts.  But the three 
front-runners in the Democratic presidential race suggested Wednesday night at 
their debate in New Hampshire that they'd support reading the controversial 
book to children as part of a
 school curriculum. ... Obama agreed with Edwards and revealed that his wife 
has already spoken to his 6- and 9-year-old daughters about same-sex 
marriage."  This was said by Obama in a debate in New Hampshire last November 
that a book about two princes falling in love should be read as part of the 
education curriculum to school kids. 

The story from this debate is by Catherine Donaldson-Evans and we got it from 
the Fox website. "A fairy tale about two princes falling in love sparked a 
backlash -- and a lawsuit -- against a teacher and a school last year when it 
was read to a second-grade class in Massachusetts.  But the three front-runners 
in the Democratic presidential race suggested Wednesday night at their debate 
in New Hampshire that they'd support reading the controversial book to children 
as part of a school curriculum.  Moderator Tim Russert asked John Edwards, Sen. 
Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton whether they'd be comfortable having the 
story -- called 'King & King' -- read to their children in school.  Edwards 
gave the first and most definitive answer -- a resounding and instant 'yes, 
absolutely' -- although he added that it 'might be a little tough' for 
second-graders. Obama agreed with Edwards and revealed that his wife has 
already spoken to his 6- and 9-year-old
 daughters about same-sex marriage."  Does anybody believe that, by the way?  
I'm sorry, folks, I'm not sure that I believe that.  (interruption) What you 
mean, they see it?  Okay, maybe, maybe. Dawn is telling me that kids see it.  
If they see two girls or guys kissing in school, maybe the nine-year-old went 
home and asked, "Mommy and Daddy, what does that mean?"  The six-year-old, 
look, either way, I can understand talking about -- I don't know -- not at age 
six, not at age six.  Something about this is just odd.  I think it's pandering 
to the typical fringe kook Democrat audience.  

Regardless, "Hillary Clinton said she believes it’s up to parents to decide how 
to handle such topics, but added that it’s important to teach kids about the 
'many differences that are in the world.'  Same-sex marriage is legal in 
Massachusetts, and, as Russert pointed out Wednesday, most of the Democratic 
candidates have said they oppose it. But though they don't back the 
legislation, they apparently think it's OK to teach elementary-school students 
about gay marriage. ... Obama told Russert that his sentiments are similar to 
those of Edwards, and, when asked whether he’d sat down to talk about same-sex 
marriage with his young daughters, he replied that his wife had.  'The fact is, 
my nine-year-old and my six-year-old I think are already aware that there are 
same-sex couples,' the Illinois senator told the debate. 'One of the things I 
want to communicate to my children is not to be afraid of people who are 
different. ... One of the things I think
 the next president has to do is stop fanning people's fears. If we spend all 
our time feeding the American people fear and conflict and division, then they 
become fearful and conflicted and divided,'" which is exactly what the Democrat 
Party has been doing for the last seven years on virtually every issue that 
comes along.  So go back, I want you to play sound bites 12 and 13 again, 
listen to these, the McCain ad from November of 2007, Barack Obama at a Planned 
Parenthood event. 

(replaying of McCain ad)

RUSH:  In 2007, Barack Obama complained about Alan Keyes using this argument 
against him in the Senate race, but then listen to how he ends up.

OBAMA:  I remember him, uh, using this in his campaign against me, saying, 
"Barack Obama supports teaching sex education to kindergarteners." (laughter)  
And, you know, which -- I didn't know what to tell him.  But it's the right 
thing to do.


RUSH: I have here in my formally nicotine-stained fingers (shuffling papers) a 
copy of a page of the actual bill in Illinois that Obama voted for that 
proscribes "comprehensive sex education" taught in grades K, six through 12.  
Here is the excerpt: "Each class or course in comprehensive sex education 
offered in any of grades K, six through 12; shall include instructions on the 
prevention of sexually transmitted infections including the prevention, 
transmission, and spread of HIV.  Nothing in this section prohibits instruction 
in sanitation, hygiene, or traditional courses in biology."  So, it's there.  
This was Senate bill 0099, and this is the Bill that Obama voted for -- and all 
the McCain ad says is exactly that, that Obama supported legislation to teach 
comprehensive sex education to kindergarteners.  It's right here.  K, six 
through 12.  He voted for the bill.  Now, he can go out there and try to revise 
history all he wants, but we have
 (shuffling papers) the legislation.   


RUSH: We have more evidence on this comprehensive sex education in kindergarten 
in Illinois that Obama denies supporting, yet he did.  Here's McCain's ad that 
has the Obama camp so upset.  

(replaying of McCain ad)  

Steve Gilbert at the Sweetness&Light.com blog has found the original text here 
of the legislation.  It was Illinois General Assembly Senate bill 0099, An Act 
Concerning Education.  What this copy actually shows is that the bill was 
specifically changed to include kindergarten.  Originally the bill was just 
grades six through 12.  In this copy the number six is crossed out and the 
capital K representing kindergarten is in place of it.  So it actually reads: 
"Each class or course in comprehensive sex education offered in any of grades K 
6 through 12 shall include instruction on the prevention of sexually 
transmitted infections, including the prevention, transmission and spread of 
HIV." It originally said AIDS, AIDS is crossed out, and it says HIV.  So the 
crossed-out language was dropped from the bill, the underlined words were added 
in the bill, and it was originally not to include kindergarten.  It was 
specifically changed to include
 kindergarteners in comprehensive sex education, and Obama did vote for it.  


Read the Background Material...

• FOX: Democratic Candidates Say They're OK With 
Second-Grade Teacher Reading Gay Prince Fairy Tale
• Sweetness&Light: Obama Voted For Sex Ed For Kindergartners

*Note: Links to content outside RushLimbaugh.com usually become inactive over 

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