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By Jeffrey Imm.  Thanks Ruth for sending it.

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051. Report: Muslim Brotherhood U.S. Front Groups a Threat
September 14, 2007
Report: Muslim Brotherhood U.S. Front Groups a Threat

By Jeffrey Imm


On September 10, Douglas Farah posted a CTB Blog report on a DOD memorandum 
"Analysis of Muslim Brotherhood's General Strategic Goals for North

The Washington Times is reporting on additional comments on the Muslim
from a Pentagon Joint Staff analyst and this week's congressional hearings.

The Washington Times reports that Pentagon Joint Staff analyst Stephen Caughlin
issues a 
memorandum on September 7 that stated that the Muslim Brotherhood has a number
U.S. front groups posing as moderate organizations. Stephen Caughlin is a
lawyer and 
military intelligence specialist on the Joint Staff.

The Washington Times report states that documents from the Holy Land Foundation
"reveal new security threats from a network of more than 29 U.S. Muslim
groups", and 
quotes Mr. Caughlin as stating "[t]hese documents are beginning to define
the structure 
and outline of domestic jihad threat entities, associated nongovernmental
and potential terrorist or insurgent support systems".

The Washington Times report quotes Mr. Caughlin as stating that a 1991 Muslim 
Brotherhood memorandum "describes aspects of the global jihad's
strategic information 
warfare campaign and indications of its structure, reach and activities",
and identifies 
unindicted HLF trial co-conspirator Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) as
part of the 
Muslim Brotherhood.

Per the Washington Times report, Muslim Brotherhood memo on organizing Muslims
North America said that all members "must understand their work in America
is a kind of 
grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within,
'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of
believers so that it is 
eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other
religions." The Washington 
Times quotes Mr. Caughlin's memorandum as stating that "consequently,
strategies must be adjusted in the face of credible information that seeming
humanitarian or professional nongovernmental organizations may be part of the
jihad with potential for being part of the terrorist or insurgent support

The Washington Times also quotes Mr. Caughlin as stating that government
efforts at 
outreach in the recent ISNA conference "can cause those responsible for
its success to so 
narrowly focus on the outreach relationship that they miss the surrounding
events and 
lose perspective. This could undermine unity of effort in homeland security,
lead to 
potential for embarrassment for the [U.S. government] and legitimize threat
by providing them domestic sanctuary."

Regarding congressional hearings this week with top security officials, the
Times reports that Senator Joseph Lieberman asked about operational efforts to
Islamic extremism, quoting Senator Lieberman as stating "[b]ecause this is
a war, but it is 
ultimately a war against, and with, an ideology that is inimical to our own
values of 
freedom and tolerance and diversity,"

The Washington Times made the following report on FBI comments regarding this
congressional hearings and the FBI views on countering Islamist ideologies:

"FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III revealed during the hearing that the
FBI has no 
counterideology response other than its 'outreach' to Muslim-American
communities so 
they 'understand the FBI' and address 'the radicalization
issue,' he said. Asked whether the 
FBI has a responsibility to wage a battle of ideas within U.S. Muslim-American 
communities, Mr. Mueller said: 'You put that where I would say no, that it
would not be 
our responsibility for any religion to engage in the war of ideas.' The
FBI's responsibility, 
he said, is 'to explain that once one goes over the line and it becomes not
a war of ideas 
but a criminal offense, this is what you can expect, and to elicit the support
of those in 
whatever religious community to assist us in assuring that those who cross that
line are 
appropriately investigated and convicted.' The comment shows that despite
the creation of 
a dedicated FBI intelligence-gathering branch, the bureau remains limited to
and law enforcement."
The Washington Times also reported that: 

"Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff also said nothing is being
domestically to battle Islamist extremist ideas. The department's incident
team, he said, is focused on civil rights or civil liberties -- not fighting
terrorists' ideology. 

Sources and Related Documents:

September 14, 2007 - The Washington Times: "Jihadist Threat" - by
Bill Gertz

September 10, 2007 - U.S. Muslim Brotherhood Groups Called "Threat
Organization" in 
DOD Memo -- CTB Blog -- by Douglas Farah

September 14, 2007 - Holy Land Foundation...A Thought Before Final Arguments -
Blog - Dennis Lormel

August 14, 2007 - Muslim Brotherhood Phonebook Confirms that MAS is
Baby - The Investigative Project

August 8, 2007 - CAIR Identified by the FBI as part of the Muslim
Brotherhood's Palestine 
Committee - The Investigative Project

August 2, 2007 - The Muslim Brotherhood's "Military Work" in the
US - The Investigative 

August 1, 2007 - The Smoking Gun on the Muslim Brotherhood's Agenda -- CTB
Blog -- 
Douglas Farah

Nine / Eleven Finding Answers (NEFA) - HLF Exhibit GX 3-85 -- "An
Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group" - Mohamed Akram -
May 22, 

Nine / Eleven Finding Answers (NEFA) - HLF Exhibit GX 24-29 - The Links between
the U.S. 
and International Muslim Brotherhood

U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, CR NO. 3:04-CR-240-G,
A - List of Unindicted Co-conspirators and/or Joint Venturers

August 28, 2007 - DOJ, ISNA & HLF -- CTB Blog -- Steven Emerson

August 30, 2007 -- ISNA and Jihad: Why DOJ's Involvement in ISNA Conference
Sends The 
Wrong Message -- CTB Blog -- Jeffrey Imm

Islamism - Definition - Wikipedia

9/11 Commission Report: Cluster References to "Islamism" in U.S.
Final Report of the 9/11 

September 11, 2007 - 9/11 and the Inconvenient Truths about Jihad and Islamism
-- CTB 
Blog, Jeffrey Imm

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