Subway attack caught on tape
Man chanting "Allah" and Arabic attacks stranger on subway with hammer

In Philadelphia. Video here. The detail that he was chanting something in 
Arabic, as well as "Allah," is in the video -- only "Allah" is in the story 
Now, I'm sure that if this attacker is caught, he will be found to be mentally 
ill, and will have no connection to terrorist groups, and only venomous 
Islamophobes will be attempting to link his actions to the global jihad. And 
maybe all of that will be true. However, the adherents of a religion that 
contains traditions about genocide ushering in the end times, and that has a 
developed doctrine, theology, and legal system that mandates warfare against 
and the subjugation of unbelievers, cannot forever profess surprise and 
indignation whenever anyone suggests that such material might incite people to 
commit acts of violence.
Is this guy a Muslim? A jihadist? I have no idea, and I am not saying he is. 
But the possibility cannot be dismissed out of hand when he chants "Allah" and 
mutters in Arabic while attacking a man he does not know with a hammer. In a 
sane society, government, media, and law enforcement would be calling upon 
American Muslim groups to do something about this -- to face up to the capacity 
of Islamic texts and teachings to incite violence, and to institute 
comprehensive, honest, inspectable programs teaching against jihad violence and 
Islamic supremacism. But this is hardly at this point a sane society.
  By Dann Cuellar
PHILADELPHIA - September 8, 2008 - (WPVI) -- Police are asking the public for 
help captured a hammer-wielding attacker, who seemed to assault his prey for no 
apparent reason. 
On Monday night, police released the video of the attack, in the hopes that 
someone can identify the man.
Click "WEB EXTRA: Surveillance video of attack" to see if you can identify the 
The attack happened back on Thursday at 12:15 a.m. onboard the SEPTA northbound 
Broad Street line. 

The victim, 20-year-old Dewayne Taylor is seen dozing in his seat, listening to 
his ipod.
In the doorway, the assailant is standing with a young boy, about three to five 
years old.
He tells the child to sit down. 
Then, he pulls out a large hammer out of a black and yellow book bag, and 
proceeds to pummel the victim.
After striking Taylor a number of times, the attacker grabs Taylor by the shoes 
and pulls him down to the floor, where the attack continues.
Then, the man throws Taylor off the train, where they struggle some more before 
the attacker disappears out of sight.
"According to the victim, the male continued to assault him and tried to throw 
him into the track area," said Det. Kenneth Roach of the Philadelphia Police 
Taylor told Action News last week that all throughout the attack, the man kept 
chanting something, and he distinctly recalled the word "Allah." 
Police were stunned that some 20 passengers onboard the train scattered, and 
did nothing to stop the attack.
"I think somebody should have helped that guy," said Det. Roach. "I understand 
the guy had a hammer, but they outnumbered him by at least 10 to one."
Monday night, Taylor's mother says she's not sure she wants to watch the 
horrific video of the attack on her son.
"You know, I just hope they catch him because my son didn't deserve it, and I'm 
not just speaking out for my son," said Tracie Taylor. "I'm speaking for all 
the victims and for the public, we need protection out there, and my son is 
fearful to return to work because he has to ride SEPTA."
If you have any information in this case, you are asked to call Philadelphia 
police at (215) 686-3093 or (215) 686-3094.
Click here to get the latest Philadelphia news and headlines from across the 
Delaware and Lehigh valleys. 


Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
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