Mark R. Taylor
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AmericanTruckersAtWar Discussion Group

--- On Thu, 9/11/08, milford421 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

McCain, Obama, and Jihad
An informative article delineating the two candidates' differing views and
approaches to 
the war on terror. "The lessons of 9/11," by Amir Taheri for the NY
Post, September 11:

TODAY's joint visit to Ground Zero may give the impression that John McCain
and Barack 
Obama share a common analysis of the causes of 9/11 and how to deal with its
They don't.
The divide starts with the question: Why was America attacked?

McCain's answer is simple (or, as Obama might suggest, simplistic): The
United States was 
attacked because a resurgent Islam has produced a radicalism that dreams of
conquest and sees America as the enemy.

In different shapes and sizes and under a range of labels, that radical streak
of Islam has 
waged war on America since 1979, when Khomeinists seized the US embassy in
and held its diplomats hostage for 444 days.

The killing of 241 Marines in Beirut in 1983, the first World Trade Center
attack in 1993 
and a host of other operations that claimed more American lives were episodes
in a war - 
the reality of which the United States faced only after 9/11.

McCain doesn't hesitate to acknowledge that his country is engaged in a
Global War on 
Terror. He doesn't believe that 9/11 might've been prompted by some
wrong America did 
to others. To him, the nation was an innocent victim of "Islamic

McCain asserts, "America faces a dedicated, focused and intelligent foe in
the War on 
Terrorism. This enemy will probe to find America's weaknesses and strike
against them. 
The United States cannot afford to be complacent about the threat, naive about
intentions, unrealistic about their capabilities, or ignorant to our national

He'd pursue and fight these "enemies" wherever they are -
including, especially, in Iraq. "If 
we run away," he says, "they are going to follow us home."

OBAMA, by contrast, doesn't use terms such as "the Global War on
Terror" or "Islamic 
terrorism." Nor does he claim that America was simply an innocent victim.

In one speech, he used the image of a US helicopter flying over the poor
countries in 
Africa and Asia, where it's seen as a symbol of oppression. He says his
objective is to turn 
that helicopter into a symbol of American aid to the downtrodden.

For Obama, the threat comes not from terrorists but from "extremists"
and their "program 
of hate." He never uses such terms as "jihadist," judging them
hurtful to Muslims. He 
speaks of "violent extremists who are a small minority of the world's
1.3 billion Muslims."

In one speech, he claimed that the Islamists aim only at "creating a
repressive caliphate." 
He seemingly hasn't heard of jihadist movements whose declared aim is to
destroy the 
United States in the name of Islam.

And they are many, so how could he have missed them? He didn't; he, like
many others, 
simply ignore them as empty rhetoric from the "frustrated" and
For McCain, the War on Terror is a "just war" in which Americans
fight for their security 
and their allies'. Obama rejects the concept of "just war." He
dismisses the Iraq war as 
both "unnecessary and unjust" - though the struggle in Afghanistan is
"a necessary war."
ONE constant Obama theme is the claim that poverty and economic factors breed 
terrorism; this echoes the analysis of Jimmy Carter back in the '70s.
Strengthening that 
impression is Obama's pick of Sen. Joseph Biden as running mate.

Biden denies there's a War on Terror in the first place or that the United
States even knows 
whom it's fighting. He has declared that "terrorism is a means, not an
end, and very 
different groups and countries are using it toward very different goals. If we
can't even 
identify the enemy or describe the war we're fighting, it's difficult
to see how we will win."

The enemy has been identified -- by himself, by others, and by history and
countless times; you just refuse to acknowledge it.
While McCain puts the emphasis on hard power - that is, on meeting and
defeating the 
enemy on the battlefield - Obama, echoing Carter and Bill Clinton, promises a
greater use 
of soft power.
He plans to double US foreign aid to $50 billion a year, allocate a further $20
billion to 
offering "alternatives to madrassa education" in Muslim countries,
provide Afghanistan 
with another $1 billion a year in support and spend $5 billion on a
"Shared Security 
Partnership Program" with foreign governments.

And he promises to "bolster our ability to speak different languages and
different cultures" - as if America's unique cultural spectrum
didn't already include large 
numbers of speakers of every living language, with millions of immigrants each
Sorry: The nation was not attacked because Americans don't speak Arabic or
understand Saudi or Egyptian cultures.

Obama also says he'll open "America Houses" in Muslim capitals.
These would be 
community centers with libraries, Internet cafes and English-language classes.
Has he 
considered the possibility that these might become prime targets for

Plus, he'd set up an "America's Voice Corps," which would
recruit and train thousands of 
young Americans to go to Muslim countries to explain "American
values" and, in return, 
"listen to Islamic voices."

More important, perhaps, Obama promises to attend "a significant Islamic
(presumably, the summit of the Organization of the Islamic Conference) within
his first 
100 days in the White House. He believes that the magic of his eloquence might
do what 
America's hard power has failed to achieve. In an early version of this
idea, Obama wanted 
to invite all Muslim heads of state to a Washington summit. He doesn't
realize that this 
would endorse the claim that Islam merits a special treatment even in
Continue reading "McCain, Obama, and Jihad"
Posted by Raymond 

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