Department of Justice
U.S. Attorney's Office
Southern District of Texas
Donald J. DeGabrielle
United States Attorney 

WWW.USDOJ.GOV/USAO/TXS  (713) 567-9388                 

(LAREDO, Texas) – Manuel Sandoval, 25, and Juan De Dios Jimenez, 39, have been 
sentenced for their roles in the smuggling of an undocumented alien that 
resulted in the alien’s forced detention, United States Attorney Don 
DeGabrielle announced today. Sandoval, a Mexican national, and Jimenez, of 
Laredo, are the last two of the organization to be sentenced. 
The charges against Sandoval and Jimenez are the result of efforts conducted 
Jan. 22, 2008, by FBI and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents 
attempting to locate an undocumented alien being held against his will in and 
around Laredo, Texas. Relatives of the alien, who reside in New Mexico, 
reported to FBI that they paid an initial agreed smuggling fee of $800, but 
later received calls demanding an additional $4,000 be wired for the release of 
their relative. Smugglers threatened to kill the alien if the money was not 
Through further investigation, ICE special agents located the recipient of the 
wire transfer, Alejandra Salazar, who worked for Sandoval’s organization by 
picking up the money wired for smuggling fees. Agents subsequently located a 
residence on Mangana Hein Road where the alien had been held. Jimenez owned the 
residence and also worked for Sandoval in harboring the undocumented alien. 
Inside the residence, agents found the Mexican passport of the alien along with 
a handgun and ammunition. Investigation revealed that two juvenile members of 
the smuggling organization transported the alien to Jimenez’s residence and 
kept him overnight in a locked room. The alien’s hands were bound behind his 
back by the juveniles and he was made to kneel on tiled floor while smugglers 
contacted his family demanding payment for his release. During a series of 
phone calls, a gun was pointed at the alien while the alien begged his family 
to pay the ransom. The alien was
 repeatedly threatened and told that his dead body could be easily disposed in 
the surrounding land. Sometime during the late afternoon of Jan. 22, 2008, one 
of the smugglers entered the room, untied the aliens hands and told him to 
leave because people were looking for him. The alien found his way to the 
highway and located a convenience store from where he contacted his family 
about his release. ICE agents subsequently located him in the early hours of 
Jan. 23, 2008. 
U.S. District Judge Micaela Alvarez sentenced Sandoval to 85 months in federal 
prison, finding Sandoval was as a leader of a smuggling organization that had 
been operating in Laredo. Sandoval was held responsible for utilizing a minor 
in the commission of the offense and for involuntarily detaining the alien in 
connection with a demand for payment and for using a weapon to effect the 
detention. Jimenez, in turn, was sentenced to 27 months for allowing the use of 
his residence for the involuntary detention of the alien. Following their 
imprisonment, Sandoval and Jimenez will be on supervised release for three 
years. Sandoval is subject to deportation due to his illegal status. 
Two other defendants have already been sentenced for their involvement in this 
smuggling operation. A male juvenile involved in detaining and threatening the 
alien was sentenced to custody until age 18. Salazar was sentenced to 
approximately seven months and was subsequently deported from the country. 
This case was investigated by special agents from ICE with the support of FBI 
Laredo and FBI New Mexico,and was prosecuted by Assistant United States Diana 

Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
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