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Summary of DEBKAfile Exclusives in the Week Ending Sept. 11, 2008

Russian units raid Georgian airfields for use in potential Israeli strike 
against Iran – US intelligence 
5 Sept.: The Russians raided two Georgian airfields, which Tbilisi had allowed 
Israel to use for a potential strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities, after 
the Georgian offensive against South Ossetia on Aug. 7. 

Under a secret agreement with Georgia, the airfields were earmarked for use by 
Israeli fighter-bombers taking off to strike Iran, in return for training and 
arms supplies for the Georgian army.

DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources report that flying from S. Georgia over the 
Caspian Sea to Iran would sharply trim the flying time for Israeli 
fighter-bombers to 3.5 hours. 

Northern Iran and the Tehran region, where most of the nuclear facilities are 
concentrated, would be within range, with no need to request US permission to 
pass through Iraq air space.

Russian Special Forces also raided other Israeli facilities in southern Georgia 
and captured Israeli spy drones and other military equipment. DEBKAfile adds: 
If the Russians got hold of an Israeli unmanned aerial vehicle complete with 
sophisticated electronic reconnaissance equipment, they will have secured some 
of the IDF’s most secret devices for spying on Iran and Syria.

When this happened before, Russian military engineers quickly dismantled the 
equipment, studied it and passed the technology on to Tehran and Damascus. 

Pakistan “suspends” main supply route for NATO forces in Afghanistan 
6 Sept.: DEBKAfile reports that the blockage of the main Torkham fuel route to 
NATO forces fighting in Afghanistan, Saturday, Sept. 6, was a warning from 
Islamabad that no more US ground incursions would be tolerated. 

The vital route was shut to 20 supply trucks, including fuel tankers, two days 
after a US helicopter-borne commando attack on Taliban-al Qaeda sanctuaries 
left 20 dead at a village in South Waziristan, one mile inside northwest 
Pakistani territory. 

Facing an enraged public, the Pakistani chief of staff Gen. Kayani used the 
escalating terrorist attacks in the Khyber tribal region as a pretext for 
“temporarily suspending” traffic through the route to Kabul, through which NATO 
receives 70 percent of its supplies.

The US command has resorted to stepped up unilateral action on Pakistani soil 
after failing to enlist the Pakistani army for an effective crackdown on the 
terrorist sanctuaries from which Taliban and al Qaeda plague Afghanistan. 

Police recommend indicting PM Ehud Olmert on corruption charges 
7 Sept.: The Israeli police has recommended bringing criminal charges against 
Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert on two cases of corruption pre-dating his 
present incumbency.

It is up to Attorney General Menahem Maziz to decide on an indictment.

The most severe charges of bribe-taking, fraud, breach of trust and money 
laundering refer to his receipt of hundreds of thousands of dollars from the US 
financier Morris Talansky over 15 years, often in cash envelopes. 

In the second case, Olmert is alleged to have fraudulently double-billed public 
organizations for his foreign trips and used the surplus funds to pay for his 
and his family’s trips abroad. 

More investigations are still pending. The prime minister claims he is innocent 
of wrongdoing and will fight his case in court.

The prime minister’s lawyers said that many past cases which grabbed headlines 
were inflated by the police and boiled down to very little when they came to 

Olmert has already resigned as prime minister and stands ready to hand over to 
his successor after he or she wins the Kadima party primary on Sept. 17. 

Iran’s army, Revolutionary Guards begin three days of war games Monday 
7 Sept.: Iran's armed forces will begin three days of war games on Monday 
involving anti-aircraft defense systems, Iranian media said on Sunday.

The exercises will be held amid persistent speculation about a possible U.S. or 
Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, which the West and Israel say are 
part of a clandestine bid to build atomic bombs, despite Tehran's denials.

The ISNA news agency said both Iran's Revolutionary Guards and its regular army 
would take part in the drills. 

Iran’s al Qods, Hizballah secretly integrate rocket and commando units
DEBKAfile Exclusive 
7 Sept.: DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources disclose that an Iranian 
Revolutionary Guards delegation slipped into Beirut last week to sign a secret 
accord with Hizballah leaders for the integration and operational merger of 
their missile-rocket and commando units. 

This may not have been news to US vice president Dick Cheney, when he 
“revealed” Saturday, Sept. 6, that Russia had sold advanced weapons to Syria 
and Iran, some of which had been channeled to Lebanon and Iraq. 

The new accord enables the two terrorist machines to fight Israeli under a 
unified command controlled from Tehran. 

Israel’s policy-making levels appear oblivious to the takeover of key elements 
of Hizballah’s fighting machine against Israel by the al Qods commander, Ghasem 

Al Qaeda’s Ayman Zawahri blasts Iran, ridicules Hizballah 
8 Sept.: Al Qaeda’s No. 2, Ayman Zawahri, accused Iran of cooperating with the 
Americans in occupying Iraq and Afghanistan and the Shiites for failing to wage 
a jihad against the Crusader occupier. The Arab news channel Al-Jazeera aired 
excerpts of the hour-and-a-half video Monday, Sept. 8, marking the anniversary 
of the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States.

Zawahri mocked Hizballah and its leaders for claiming victory in the war 
against Israel in 2006, saying that the outcome had benefited Israel. 

“The most bizarre and astounding thing is that Hassan Nasrallah celebrates a 
victory every year. What victory?” he said. “Retreating 30 miles backwards? 
Allowing 15,000 Crusaders to become a buffer between them and the Zionists?” 

The video called for more jihad to liberate Palestine and denounced the 
positions adopted by the Muslim and Arab states against the siege imposed on 
the Palestinians.

Al Jazeera described the Zawahir video as a compilation of old and new 

US denies an envoy will take part in Indirect Israel-Syrian talks 
8 Sept.: The denial came from the US embassy official in Tel Aviv in response 
to a report from French sources that the next round of indirect Israel-Syrian 
talks in Turkey would be supervised by a senior US official. Robert Wood of the 
State Department commented: “Overall, what we’d like to see out of Syria is for 
it to play a much more productive role in the region. It hasn’t until now.” 

DEBKAfile’s Middle East sources report that French president Nicolas Sarkozy’s 
aides have been pumping out stories to disguise the failure of his talks in 
Damascus to achieve a breakthrough on a French role in promoting the 
Turkish-brokered talks and in diplomacy over the Iranian nuclear impasse. 

US-Russian naval rivalries heat up over Black, Caspian, Persian Gulf seas 
8 Sept.: DEBKAfile’s military sources report Washington is testing the Turkish 
government’s response to the permanent anchoring of US warships at either of 
the two Georgian ports of Poti or Batumi. This would be quid pro quo for 
Moscow’s interest in bases in Iranian Azerbaijan and the Persian Gulf.

Monday, Sept. 8, a NATO delegation was due in Georgia to evaluate damage to 
military structure following the five-day war with Russia last month. This is a 
further irritant for Moscow after the highly sophisticated American command 
vessel USS Mount Whitney docked in Poti Saturday. 

Our sources report that the US anticipates a protracted period of tension with 
Russia for the following reasons: 

1. US and NATO vessels will need safe coastal berths when the approaching 
winter storms strike the Black Sea. Turkey will come under increasing pressure 
from Moscow to block the waterway to NATO vessels or forfeit its top trading 
partner, Russia, which is already blocking Turkish exports for one pretext or 

2. Washington will seek a permanent Black Sea presence to counterweight the 
Russian fleet. 

Saakashvili stands by demand for Russians withdrawal from breakaway regions 
9 Sept.: The Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili’s response to the updated 
ceasefire deal French president Nicolas Sarkozy brought from Moscow Tuesday, 
Sept. 9, was that South Ossetia and Abkhazia were inseparable parts of his 

The Russians, “should get the hell out of the territories they control,” he 
told the European delegation led by the French president. 

Moscow shot back later: Russian will keep 7,600 soldiers in the breakaway 
regions after withdrawal from the rest of Georgia.

In Moscow, president Dmitry Medvedev Monday offered to pull Russian troops out 
of Georgia, including the buffer zones - though not South Ossetia and Abkhazia 
- within a month, after at least 200 European Union observers were deployed 
there by Oct. 1 to monitor the pullout. 

DEBKAfile’s sources note that French president Nicolas Sarkozy failed to 
persuade the Russian president to stand by the first ceasefire stipulation to 
return to the positions held prior to the Aug. 7 conflict. Tuesday, Moscow and 
the two regions agreed to formally establish diplomatic relations. 

Two Israel Air Force airmen killed Wednesday in Cobra helicopter crash 
in N. Israel 
10 Sept.: The pilot was Maj. (Res.) Shai Danur, 35, father of five, from Rosh 
Ha’ayin. The navigator's name has not been released.

The helicopter on a training mission went down Wednesday, Sept. 10, near 
Kibbutz Ginegar in the Jezreel Valley, apparently due to a technical failure. 
The IAF has launched an inquiry into the crash, the worst aviation accident 
since the 2006 Lebanon War, and grounded the Cobra fleet. The craft crashed ten 
minutes after takeoff, bursting into flames. The fire and exploding ordnance 
delayed the approach of rescue teams. A second Cobra helicopter on the exercise 
landed safely nearby. 

Witnesses reported that while it was in flight, the back rotor disconnected 
from the helicopter, after which it dropped to the ground, exploding on contact.

The Cobra helicopters made by Bell, Fort Worth, Texas, have been in service 
with the IAF for decades. 

NATO’s Afghan strategy to be applied in Pakistan – US military chief
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis 
10 Sept.: The day before the seventh anniversary of al Qaeda’s Sept. 11 attacks 
on the US, Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff said of 
the war which followed those attacks: “I’m not convinced we are winning it in 
Afghanistan. I am convinced we can.” 

Mullen was the first high-ranking American officer to admit frankly that the 
United States is not winning the war on terror, or beating al Qaeda and Taliban.

DEBKAfile’s military and counter-terror sources: America has reached an impasse 
in its war on terror, with no winning strategy for defeating al Qaeda and 
Taliban, either in Afghanistan or Pakistan. President George W. Bush’s reported 
signature in July on new military orders authorizing US ground action on both 
sides of the border without permission from Pakistan provides for a more 
aggressive campaign against the two groups, but comes a year too late to easily 
reverse the tide of war. With time on their side, Taliban and al Qaeda have 
deepened their grip on the tribal population hosting their havens and 
established logistical bases outside the targeted tribal areas in new areas of 
control inside Pakistan proper. 

American steps are bitterly dogged by their failure to capture Osama bin Laden. 
Notwithstanding successes in Iraq, al Qaeda’s wings have not been clipped and 
its cells are active on the Indian subcontinent and in Central Asia, the Middle 
East, North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. There are indications that al 
Qaeda has developed a capability for massive attacks by means of radioactive or 
“dirty” bombs. 

Polls close the gap between Livni and Mofaz a week before Kadima chooses 
Olmert’s successor 

11 Sept.: Foreign minister – 39.6 percent; Transport minister Shaul Mofaz – 
35.3 percent. They are trailed by Avi Dichter – 8.1 percent and Meir Sheetrit – 
8.6 percent.

A large number, 10 percent are undecided. 


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