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Meatpacking workers' dismissals apparently spark little sympathy 
By John C. Ensslin, Rocky Mountain News 
Originally published 06:21 p.m., September 11, 2008
Updated 11:54 p.m., September 11, 2008 

There's not a lot of sympathy to be found here on the streets for more than 100 
Somali workers fired Wednesday from the JBS Swift & Co. meatpacking plant.
But it is the talk of the town. 
Nearly every one of about a dozen people interviewed at random in downtown on 
Thursday not only knew about the dispute, but had a fairly detailed knowledge 
of the controversy.
Several were uncomfortable with the dismissals of the immigrant workers for 
what residents saw as an attempt to practice their religious faith.
But most of the people who agreed to be quoted said they felt it was up to the 
Somalis to make adjustments to U.S. culture, not the other way around.
"They come to the U.S., they have to follow what's based on the U.S. standard," 
said Rafael Samaniego, a Fort Collins man who works in Greeley for a civil 
engineering company.
Samaniego, a native of the Philippines, grew up in Guam, immigrated to the U.S. 
in 1988 and moved to Colorado about seven years ago. Because aspects of 
American culture are commonplace in Guam, his transition was not as difficult 
as it might be for others, he said.
He added that if American women relocated to a Muslim country, they would be 
required to follow the local customs, such as wearing a veil across their face.
A few blocks away, Robert Dufour waited for a bus across from Lincoln Park. 
Dufour knows what hard labor it is to work in a meatpacking plant. Since 1985, 
he worked at the Greeley plant on and off under three different management 
companies. He last worked there in 2003.
"It's hard work. I'm getting too old for this stuff," said the 47- year-old 
from Greeley, flexing a right hand that is still stiff from the tedious, 
repetitive work he once did at the plant. 
But aside from appreciating the physical difficulty of the job, Dufour said he 
had a hard time understanding the complaints of the Somali workers at Swift.
"I think that if they want to practice their religious beliefs, they should 
have taken the day off," he said. "They shouldn't get special treatment while 
they are at work, and other people get the work put on them," he added. 
"When there are a couple of people gone, you know it," he said. "There's a 
couple more pieces of meat coming at you because they aren't there."
Some residents, however, were familiar enough with the story to know that part 
of the dispute centered on an agreement the workers thought they had with Swift 
managers to take the breaks at the end of their fasting period.
And they termed the dismissals as an excessive reaction to a group of people 
trying to live by their faith.
"I think they have a right to their beliefs," said Teala Ice, 24, who lives in 
a homeless shelter in Greeley. "I think it's unfortunate that they got fired . 
. . I feel bad for them, I do. Especially because they are from a different 
country, and they are getting treated badly."
Stephanie Leija, 29. of Greeley, also questioned why the company could not work 
out a compromise.
"They shouldn't have been fired because they wanted to take a few minutes off," 
she said. "Sure, it's a job, but still, that's what they believe in."
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