Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
AmericanTruckersAtWar Discussion Group

--- On Mon, 9/15/08, milford421 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Thanks to Ruthr.
[Freddy Thielemans, the Socialist Mayor of Brussels, had prohibited the
9/11 demonstration near the Brussels WTC towers. Mr Thielemans banned
the demo arguing that the Brussels WTC towers are situated near an
immigrant neighbourhood and that it is inappropriate to hold such a
demonstration during Ramadan.]

No Flowers for 9/11 Victims, Stones Thrown at Buses
>From the desk of Paul Belien on Fri, 2008-09-12 12:25

Yesterday evening youths in Kuregem, an immigrant neighbourhood of
Brussels, threw stones at buses of the Flemish public transport company
De Lijn. No passengers got hurt though the buses, heading for Flanders,
the Dutch-speaking area surrounding Brussels, were damaged and windows
were shattered. The youths were said to be angry because earlier in the
day Flemish politicians had tried to hold a vigil for the victims of the
2001 9/11 attacks in Manhattan.

Yesterday morning about 100 people gathered at the WTC buildings in
Brussels to each lay down flowers in remembrance of the 9/11 victims.
The participants were members of the Vlaams Belang party, which strives
for the independence of Flanders from Belgium and also wants to halt
Muslim immigration. After Filip Dewinter, a VB leader, laid down his
flowers, the Brussels police intervened and stopped the ceremony.

Last week Freddy Thielemans, the Socialist Mayor of Brussels, had
prohibited the 9/11 demonstration near the Brussels WTC towers. Mr
Thielemans banned the demo arguing that the Brussels WTC towers are
situated near an immigrant neighbourhood and that it is inappropriate to
hold such a demonstration during Ramadan. An appeal against the Mayor's
ban was rejected by the Council of State, Belgium's highest
administrative court. Last year, Mr Thielemans also banned a
demonstration in remembrance of the 9/11 atrocities. When the
demonstration went ahead anyway, the police savagely beat up the
demonstrators and arrested most of them, including Mario Borghezio, an
Italian MEP (member of the European Parliament) for the Lega Nord. Mr
Borghezio's arrest led to an official complaint from the Italian
government and to Belgium formally apologizing and assuring that in
future it will do "everything possible to guarantee the immunity of

During yesterday's demonstration two female VB secretaries and one VB
member who tried to follow Dewinter's example and lay down flowers were
arrested and had to spend the remainder of the day in a police cell. The
secretaries later lodged a complaint against the police for sexual
harassment. MEP Mario Borghezio was not arrested, though he heckled the
Brussels police and shouted, according to the Belgian press, "Islamists
are parasites."

Filip Dewinter said that the arguments of the Mayor to ban the vigil are
"the clearest proof of the growing Islamization of Brussels and other
major European cities." He also criticized the decision to ban the
public remembrance of the 9/11 victims while the Mayor had earlier
allowed a demonstration of so-called "truth activists" who claim that
the American government was behind the 9/11 terror attacks. Last Sunday
some 400 "truth activists," many of them members of the anti-American
organisation ATTAC, marched from the European Union headquarters to the
American embassy in Brussels.

In the coming weeks Vlaams Belang intends to distribute 100,000 leaflets
in Brussels protesting the islamization of the city. "Many Muslims do
not want to assimilate and are unwilling to accept Western democratic
values," it says. "Brussels is a hub of extremist Islamic groups. We
have to break the taboo on Islamic extremism, imposed by the
multicultural society." By 2020 three quarters of the inhabitants of
Brussels are expected to be of non-Belgian origin. According to recent
estimates Belgium (pop. 10.5 million) has almost 630,000 Muslim
inhabitants, which is 6% of the population. In Flanders the Muslims
constitute 3.9%, in Wallonia (the French-speaking part of Belgium) 4%,
and in Brussels 25.5%.

Political Lynching

Meanwhile, the Belgian authorities are continuing their efforts to
thwart Vlaams Belang by stripping Frank Vanhecke, the leader of the VB
in the European Parliament, of his political rights so that the popular
Mr Vanhecke will not be able to stand for election during the European
elections in June 2009. Jo Vandeurzen, the Belgian minister of Justice,
has asked the European Parliament to lift the parliamentary immunity of
Mr Vanhecke to allow Belgium to prosecute and sentence the politician.

Mr Vandeurzen, a Christian-Democrat, wants to bring Mr Vanhecke to court
on charges of racism. The Belgian authorities hold Mr Vanhecke
responsible for the publication of a text in a local party publication
in the town of Sint-Niklaas. The author had blamed a wave of vandalism
at a Christian cemetery on immigrant youths. As the culprits were
minors, Belgian law prohibits disclosing their identity, thereby
preventing the VB to prove beyond doubt whether or not the youthful
vandals were, indeed, Muslim immigrants. Though the author of the text
is known and is NOT being prosecuted, Mr Vanhecke is, even though he had
not written the article, nor seen it before it was published. The
authorities hold him responsible for the article since he was the
national VB leader at the time of publication.

The European Parliament's Committee on Legal Affairs is currently
discussing whether or not to lift Mr Vanhecke parliamentary immunity. On
Monday Guido Naets, the former spokesman of the European Parliament,
asked the Committee to turn down the Belgian request. Mr Naets pointed
out that Vlaams Belang is a Flemish-secessionist party which aims for
the independence of Flanders from Belgium. He declared that this, and
not racism, is the real reason why the Belgian authorities want to
thwart the party by banning Mr Vanhecke from standing in the coming
European elections. "In the almost 30 years that I have known Frank
Vanhecke [...] I have never been able to catch him out on any form of
racism whatsoever," Mr Naets said. "Vanhecke will be prosecuted
he is a symbol for a party that wants to abolish Belgium. For all these
reasons I beg the European Parliament, beginning with this Commission
not to become an accessory to a political lynching and an attempted
smear attack of a radical Flemish party, in which racism is being used
as a cheap excuse."

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