Iranians Hoping for ‘Muslim’ Obama ...


Iran’s leadership has expressed “great pleasure” at the prospect of a
Barack Obama victory in November, according to Menashe Amir, the
Iranian-born head of Radio Israel’s Persian language service.

But Iranian President Ahmadinejad has said he doubts that the American
establishment “will allow” Obama to win.

“One of the Iranian religious leaders said if Obama will enter the
White House, then Islam will conquer the heart of the American
nation,” Amir told

The Iranian leadership likes Obama “mainly because he is a Muslim,”
according to Amir. His first name, Barack, comes from “al-baraq,”
which is the name of the horse that Muslims believe Muhammad rode on
his way to paradise.

His middle name Hussein is also a Muslim name, and he was “born in a
Muslim family,” said Amir.

In fact, Obama is a Christian. His deceased father was a Muslim, and
though Obama attended a Muslim school in Indonesia, he never pursued
the Muslim faith of his early childhood. While some commentators have
suggested that this qualifies him as an apostate — a “crime”
punishable by death according to Islamic sharia law — Menashe Amir

“If he wins the election, Muslims will be very proud of such a
conquest, such a win. He didn’t convert [to Christianity] after he was
18. It happened much, much before,” so the sharia law judgment does
not apply.

Editor's Note:

What is the American mainstream media missing if Iran regards Barack
Obama as a 'Muslim' due to his Muslim Father and his early family
roots? Something is very wrong here! Wake up America...*MCB*
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