Militant Possibilities on the New-Old Front

September 17, 2008 | 1804 GMT

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The Russian Resurgence 
By Fred Burton and Scott Stewart
Over the past several months we have written quite a bit about the Russian 
resurgence. This discussion predates Russia’s military action in Georgia. 
Indeed, we have discussed the revival of Russian power since at least 2005, the 
implications of the FSB’s return since April and the potential return of the 
Cold War since March. 
After the Aug. 7 confrontation between Georgia and Russia and the Sept. 10 
deployment of Russian strategic bombers in Venezuela, there is little doubt 
that Russia is reasserting itself and that we are entering a period of 
heightened geopolitical tension between Russia and the United States. This 
period of tension is, as forecast, beginning to resemble the Cold War — though 
as we have noted in previous analyses, the new version will be distinctly 
It is very important to remember that while the hallmark of the Cold War was 
espionage, the efforts of the intelligence agencies engaged in the Cold War 
were far broader. Intelligence agencies like the CIA and KGB also took part in 
vast propaganda campaigns, sponsored coups and widely used proxies to cause 
problems for their opponent. Sometimes the proxies were used directly against 
the opponent, as with Soviet support for the North Koreans and North Vietnamese 
against the United States, or U.S. support of Islamist rebels in Afghanistan. 
In other cases, the proxies were used indirectly to cause problems for the 
opposing country and its allies in a broader attempt to expand or defend one 
side’s geographic and ideological sphere of influence. Because of this, we saw 
the KGB supporting Marxist insurgents from Mexico to Manila and the United 
States supporting anti-communist militants in places such as Nicaragua and 
This history means it is highly likely that as the present period of 
U.S.-Russian tensions progresses, the conflict will manifest itself not only 
through increased espionage activity, but also in the increased use of militant 
We’ve seen a steady uptick in covert intelligence activity since former KGB 
officer Vladimir Putin took the helm in Russia and turned Moscow’s focus back 
to Cold War tactics. Over the past few years we’ve witnessed, among other 
things, the poisoning of Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and of former 
KGB officer and Kremlin critic Alexander Litvinenko in London. 
With a former KGB man in charge, it is no surprise that the Russians would fall 
back into old habits, including the use of militant proxies. In fact, the 
former KGB officers who carried out the technical side of setting up 
relationships, establishing arms trading, etc. with these militant proxies 
during the Cold War now occupy critical positions in the Kremlin. Russian 
Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin — who has been very active in his diplomatic 
trips recently — used to be the KGB’s primary covert arms conduit to Latin 
America, Africa and the Middle East. 
Because of these factors, much can be learned about what types of activities 
the Russians might engage in by reviewing Soviet activities during the Cold War.
Soviet Use of Militant Proxies
During the Cold War, the Soviets, like the Americans, were very busy trying to 
export their ideology to the rest of the world. A basic tenet of Marxist 
thought is that class transcends national boundaries and that the proletariat 
everywhere needs to be freed from the tyranny of the capitalist class. Marxist 
thought also holds that politics and economics are evolutionary, and that the 
natural evolution of societies leads to the replacement of exploitative 
capitalist systems with superior communist systems. Essentially, this view sees 
capitalism as inherently flawed and destined to destroy itself, only to be 
replaced by a more just and fair society. This evolutionary process can, 
however, be helped along by revolutionary action. Such a belief system meant 
that communists in places like the Soviet Union were ideologically motivated to 
support communist movements in other parts of the world out of communist 
This expansionist concept was captured by the anthem of the communist and 
socialist world, “L’Internationale.” It was widely put into action through 
institutions such as the Communist International, or Comintern, which was 
founded in 1919 and committed to using “all available means, including armed 
force, for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie and for the creation 
of an international Soviet republic as a transition stage to the complete 
abolition of the State.” 
>From a nonphilosophical perspective, there also was much to be gained 
>geopolitically in practical terms during the Cold War by expanding the Soviet 
>sphere of influence and working to diminish that of the United States. Indeed, 
>a number of geopolitical imperatives drove the conflict between Russia and the 
>United States, and these imperatives transcended ideology. Ideology was merely 
>an accelerant feeding the flames of a conflict spawned by geopolitics. Many 
>key leaders on both sides of the Cold War were driven more by realpolitik than 
>by ideology.
Operating in this atmosphere, the KGB was very busy. Inside the United States, 
they sought to recruit agents to provide intelligence and act as agents of 
influence. They also sought to encourage or fund many domestic U.S. groups that 
could cause problems for Washington. These groups ranged from Marxist Puerto 
Rican separatist groups, such as the Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional and 
Los Macheteros, to anti-Vietnam War groups, which were responsible for much 
civil unrest and later spawned militant factions like the Weathermen. Files 
released after the fall of the Soviet Union showed that most U.S. scholars 
underestimated the breadth and depth of KGB efforts inside the United States. 
But the extent of Soviet efforts should not have been a surprise. The KGB had a 
distinct advantage in this realm over the United States because of the long and 
very active history of Soviet intelligence agencies such as the Cheka. At a 
time when the U.S. government was shutting down espionage efforts because 
“gentlemen don’t read other gentlemen’s mail,” the Soviets’ NKVD was involved 
in all forms of skullduggery. 
Outside the United States, the KGB was also quite busy working against U.S. 
interests. In addition to supporting Marxist insurgencies and sponsoring coups, 
the Soviets directly intervened in places like Afghanistan and Hungary to 
sustain communist allies who had come to power. The KGB and its very active 
allies, like the East German Stasi, the Cuban DGI and the Bulgarian Committee 
for State Security, were also very busy creating and training terrorist groups. 
In a process that somewhat resembles the recruiting process used by jihadist 
groups, the KGB and its sister services identified likely recruits, 
indoctrinated them and then sent them to training camps where they received 
advanced training in terrorist tradecraft, including surveillance, use of small 
arms, bombmaking and document forgery. Some of this training occurred on 
military bases in East Germany or Cuba, but Marxist groups established training 
camps in other places, such as South Yemen, Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley, Iraq, Syria 
and Libya, where prospective recruits were taught guerrilla warfare and urban 
In the spirit of “L’Internationale,” it was not uncommon to find Japanese Red 
Army members living and training at a Popular Front for the Liberation of 
Palestine camp in Lebanon, or for Irish Republican Army members to teach German 
Red Army Faction or Italian Red Brigade members how to make improvised 
explosive mixtures and improvised ordnance at camps in Libya or South Yemen. Of 
course, while most of these groups went through ideological indoctrination, not 
all of them bought into it. Some of them merely tolerated the ideology as the 
price for access to Soviet cash, training and weapons. 
Trainers from the Soviet Union, Cuba, East Germany and other countries also 
would visit insurgent training camps in South and Central America, Africa and 
Asia in their efforts to spread the armed revolution. The Cubans were very 
active in Latin America and the Caribbean and fairly active in Africa. They 
also were part of a large international arms-trafficking circle in which Soviet 
money was sent to Cuba, Cuban sugar was sent to Vietnam, and arms from Vietnam 
were sent to Latin American Marxist groups. This arms trade was not just 
hypothetical: In many attacks on U.S. interests or allies in South and Central 
America from the 1970s to the 1990s, traces conducted on U.S.-manufactured 
ordnance such as LAW rockets and hand grenades conclusively tied the ordnance 
used in the attacks to lots that were either abandoned by the United States in 
Vietnam, or provided to the South Vietnamese and later captured by the North 
Vietnamese Army. 
Today’s Environment
Fast-forward to 2008. Russia is no longer a Soviet republic in league with a 
number of other communist republics. Today, Russia is technically a 
constitutional democracy with a semicapitalist economic system; it is no longer 
a model communist society or the shining light of Marxist achievement. In spite 
of these ideological changes, the same geopolitical imperatives that drove the 
Soviet Union and the United States to the Cold War are still quite real, and 
they are pushing these powers toward conflict. And in this conflict, the 
Russians will reach for the same tools they wielded so deftly during the Cold 
In the new conflict, Russia can be expected to reach out to some of its old 
radical contacts across the world. Many of these contacts, like Ahmed Jabril 
and Sabri al-Bana (aka Abu Nidal), are now dead, and many other radicals from 
the 1970s and 1980s, such as Carlos the Jackal and the core members of groups 
ranging from the Japanese Red Army to the Greek group November 17, have been 
caught and imprisoned. Additionally, most of the KGB’s old contacts who remain 
alive and out of prison are getting on in years. This means any current Russian 
efforts will not focus on convincing geriatric former militants to pick up 
their arms once more, but instead will focus on using them to reach younger 
militants cut from the same cloth — militants who likely remain under the radar 
of Western intelligence. 
The Soviet collapse and the end of its patronage system hit Marxist insurgent 
and militant groups very hard. Many of these groups were forced to search for 
alternative forms of funding and became engaged in kidnapping, narcotics 
trafficking and extortion. Other groups simply folded under the strain. While 
many of these groups were left high and dry by the demise of the Soviet Union, 
and while the Russians are no longer the ideological vanguard of the 
international Marxist movement, many remaining Marxist groups —such as the 
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the New People’s Army (NPA) 
in the Philippines — would certainly welcome funding, training and weapons. 
In Latin America, this undoubtedly will be coordinated with the Nicaraguans and 
Venezuelans, who along with Bolivia appear to be replacing Cuba as Russia’s 
footholds in the region. In addition to reactivating contacts with the FARC and 
remnants of other Marxist groups in South America, we anticipate that the 
Russians will also step up activities with Marxist groups in Mexico. Elsewhere 
in North America, they could resume their support of the radical left in the 
United States and with radical elements of the Quebecois separatist movement in 
In Eurasia and the Middle East, the places that really strike us as sites where 
the Russians will try to become active again are Lebanon (as we’ve discussed 
elsewhere) and Turkey. During the Cold War, the KGB was very involved in Turkey 
and supported a number of radical left-wing groups, from the rural Kurdistan 
Workers’ Party to the urban Dev Sol. Turkey’s left-wing community remains very 
active and is ripe for Russian exploitation. 
We also believe the Russians can be expected to reconnect with radical 
left-wing groups and individuals in places like Italy and Greece, which still 
maintain very active such groups. Given the U.S. involvement in 
counterinsurgency operations in the Philippines, the Russians could also renew 
contact with the NPA there. 
In Russia today, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin stands as a model for strong 
authoritarian leadership emphasizing a healthy dose of nationalism and pride in 
one’s own nation. As such, he could appeal to a whole variety of Bolivarian 
movements, like those in Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador. Furthermore, the 
Russians will certainly attempt to appeal to Slavic nationalism through 
pan-Slavic ideology, particularly in places like Bulgaria and Serbia, where 
there are well-organized ultranationalist movements and even political parties.
Another consideration is that ideological change in Russia could mean Moscow 
will reach out to radical groups that the KGB traditionally did not deal with. 
While many KGB officers didn’t completely buy in to communist ideology, the 
Communist credo did serve as both a point of attraction and a limiting factor 
in terms of whom the Soviets dealt with. Since the Russian state is no longer 
bound by Soviet ideology — it is really all about power and profit these days — 
that constraint is gone. The Russians are now free to deal with a lot of people 
and do a lot of things they could not do in Soviet times.
For example, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke is very popular in Moscow 
and very well-connected there, as are a number of other American white 
nationalists. There are also close contacts between various neo-Nazi, skinhead 
and nationalist groups in Europe and their Russian counterparts. These contacts 
could be a very easy way for the Russians to make contact with and support 
radical elements of the far-right in places like the United States, Ukraine, 
the Baltic states and Germany.
There is also a distinct possibility that through their relationship with the 
FARC, the Russians could gain entree to open a dialogue with some of the more 
radical elements of the Latin American drug trafficking organizations, 
including the hyperviolent Mexican cartels. Even Central American drug 
trafficking groups like Los Kaibiles, who began life strongly anti-communist, 
might be willing to accept weapons and funding from “democratic” Russians. 
Considering that Los Kaibiles are now quite mercenary, they also just might be 
willing to undertake specific attacks if their price point is met. Many Russian 
organized criminal groups are closely linked to the Kremlin and are a tool 
Putin and company are already using. These groups could be used to act as an 
interface with organized criminal groups elsewhere.
In this new-old front, the Russian SVR’s activities will need to be studied 
carefully. Militant arms caches and ordnance used in attacks will need to be 
carefully reviewed for potential links to Russia, and potential militant 
training camps will need to be watched. Doing so will require quite a bit of 
adjustment for the U.S. intelligence community, which has spent so much effort 
over the past seven years focusing on the jihadist threat.

Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
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