Wednesday, September 17, 2008
(202) 514-2007
TDD (202) 514-1888

Sixteen Foreign Nationals and Corporations Indicted on Charges of Illegally 
Exporting Potential Military and Explosives Components to Iran

MIAMI -- A federal grand jury in Miami, FL, has returned a Superseding 
Indictment charging eight individuals and eight corporations in connection with 
their participation in conspiracies to export U.S.-manufactured commodities to 
prohibited entities and to Iran. The defendants are named in a thirteen (13) 
count Indictment – returned on Sept. 11, 2008 and unsealed today -- that 
includes charges of conspiracy, violations of the International Emergency 
Economic Powers Act and the United States Iran Embargo, and making false 
statements to federal agencies in connection with the export of thousands of 
U.S. goods to Iran. 
The charges were announced today by R. Alexander Acosta, U.S. Attorney for the 
Southern District of Florida; Patrick Rowan, Acting Assistant Attorney General 
for National Security, U.S. Department of Justice; Mario Mancuso, Under 
Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce; 
Adam Szubin, Director, Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets 
Control (OFAC); Sharon Woods, Director, Defense Criminal Investigative Service 
(DCIS); and Julie L. Myers, Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for U.S. 
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). 
The Superseding Indictment alleges that the defendants purchased, and then 
illegally exported to ultimate buyers in Iran, numerous "dual use" commodities. 
"Dual-use" commodities are goods and technologies that have commercial 
application, but could also be used to further the military or nuclear 
potential of other nations and could be detrimental to the foreign policy or 
national security of the United States. In this regard, the Superseding 
Indictment alleges that the defendants caused the export of 120 
field-programmable gate arrays, more than 5000 integrated circuits of varying 
types, approximately 345 Global Positioning Systems ("GPS"), 12,000 Microchip 
brand micro-controllers, and a Field Communicator. All of these items have 
potential military applications, including as components in the construction of 
improvised explosive devices (IEDs). 
The charges announced today are the result of an extensive inter-agency 
investigation into the use of U.S.-made goods in the construction of IEDs and 
other explosive devices used against Coalition Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. 
Charged in the Superseding Indictment are: Ali Akbar Yahya, an Iranian national 
and naturalized British citizen; F.N. Yaghmaei, a/k/a " Farrokh Nia Yaghmaei," 
an Iranian national; Mayrow General Trading, Atlinx Electronics, Micatic 
General Trading, Madjico Micro Electronics, a/k/a "MME," and Al-Faris, all 
Dubai-based businesses; Neda Industrial Group, an Iran-based business; Bahman 
Ghandi, a/k/a "Brian Ghandi," an Iranian national; Farshid Gillardian, a/k/a 
"Isaac Gillardian," a/k/a "Isaac Gill," an Iranian national and a naturalized 
British citizen; Kaam Chee Mun, a/k/a "Brian Kaam," a resident of Malaysia; 
Djamshid Nezhad, a/k/a "Reza," a resident of Germany; Ahmad Rahzad, a/k/a "Saeb 
Karim," an Iranian national; Majid Seif, a/k/a "Mark Ong,"a/k/a "Matti Chong," 
an Iranian national residing in Malaysia; and Eco Biochem Sdn BHD and Vast 
Solution Sdn BHD, Malaysian businesses. 
The defendants are charged with purchasing and causing the export of U.S. goods 
to Iran through middle countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, 
England, Germany, and Singapore. More specifically, the charges in the 
Indictment are as follows:

Count 1 of the Superseding Indictment charges defendants Yahya, Yaghmaei, 
Mayrow General Trading, Atlinx Electronics, Micatic General Trading, Majidco 
Micro Electronics, Al-Faris, and Neda Industrial Group with conspiracy to 
export goods to Iran and to defraud the United States, in violation of the 
International Emergency Economic Powers Act, Title 50, United States Code, 
Sections 1702 and 1705(a), the United States Iran Embargo, and the Export 
Administration Regulations, and Title 18, United States Code, Section 371. 
Counts 2 through 5 charge defendants Yahya, Yaghmaei, Micatic, and Mayrow with 
exporting U.S. goods from the United States to Iran, in violation of the 
International Emergency Economic Powers Act and the United States Iran Embargo. 
Counts 6 through 8 charge defendants Yahya, Yaghmaei, Majidco, Micatic, and 
Mayrow with making false statements in federally mandated shipping documents 
regarding the ultimate destination and use of the goods, in violation of Title 
18, United States Code, Section 1001(a)(2). 
Count 9 charges defendants Yahya, Mayrow, Al-Faris, Ghandi, Gillardian, Mun, 
Nezhad, Rahzad, Seif, Eco Biochem, and Vast Solution with conspiracy to export 
goods to Iran, in violation of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 
Title 50 United States Code, Sections 1702 and 1705(a), the United States Iran 
Embargo, and the Export Administration Regulations, and to defraud the United 
States, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 371. 
Counts 10 and 11 charge defendants Al-Faris, Seif, and Vast Solution with 
exporting U.S. goods from the United States to Iran, in violation of the 
International Emergency Economic Powers Act and the United States Iran Embargo. 
Counts 12 and 13 charge defendant Seif with making false statements by 
misrepresenting the ultimate destination and use of the goods on Federal Form 
BS-711 Statement By Ultimate Consignee and Purchaser, in violation of Title 18, 
United States Code, Section 1001(a)(2). 
U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta stated, "The dual use items that the defendants 
illegally exported to Iran have military applications, including the making of 
improvised explosive devices. I urge any domestic supplier who may have 
unwittingly helped the defendants, or others like them, to come forth and 
report the matter to federal law enforcement. We cannot profit at the expense 
of our soldiers’ safety abroad. The United States Attorney’s Office will 
continue to investigate this matter as additional information is uncovered." 
"Today's indictment details the global reach of Iranian procurement networks 
and underscores, in dramatic terms, the importance of keeping sensitive U.S. 
technology out of their grasp," said Patrick Rowan, Acting Assistant Attorney 
General for National Security at the U.S. Department of Justice.
"This extensive, effective government effort has broken up a lethal 
international ring seeking to harm American and allied forces as well as 
innocent civilians by acquiring sensitive U.S. technology capable of producing 
improvised explosive devices (IED) similar to those being used in Iraq and 
Afghanistan," said Mario Mancuso, Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and 
Security. "The Commerce Department remains firmly committed to protect our 
forces by prosecuting those who try to do them harm, and today’s action 
illustrates the broad scope of that endeavor."
Adam Szubin, Director of the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign 
Assets Control, added, "The U.S. Government is wielding a powerful array of 
authorities against Iran's proliferation supply chain. In concert with today's 
unsealed indictment against Iran's suppliers and middlemen, Treasury is levying 
sanctions against Iranian military end-users that procured goods from those 
named in today's indictment. Together, the actions of the Justice, Commerce, 
and Treasury Departments will expose Iran's proxies to the world and undermine 
its procurement activities." 
Sharon Woods, Director of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service of the 
Department of Defense Office of Inspector General, stated, "The illegal 
diversion of U.S. military technologies through deception, by domestic and 
foreign companies, poses a significant danger to America's soldiers on the 
battlefield. These illegally exported goods provided our enemies with necessary 
components to manufacture improvised explosive devices, designed to kill and 
maim U.S. troops and allies. The Pentagon's Defense Criminal Investigative 
Service and its investigative partners will continue to pursue and expose these 
hidden enemies to help protect our soldiers as we fight against global 
"The national security implications of this case cannot be underestimated," 
said Julie L. Myers, Homeland Security Assistant Secretary for ICE. "The export 
of dual use technology is controlled for good reason. In the wrong hands, these 
items could be used to harm our soldiers, our homeland, and our allies. 
Enforcing U.S. export laws is one of our top priorities, and we will continue 
to work with our law enforcement partners to ensure that those who put our 
country at risk are brought to justice."
If convicted on the conspiracy charges, the defendants each face a statutory 
maximum sentence of up to five (5) years’ imprisonment. If convicted of 
violating the International Emergency Economic Powers Act and the Iran Embargo, 
the defendants face a statutory maximum sentence of up to twenty (20) years’ 
imprisonment. If convicted of making false statements, the defendants face a 
statutory maximum sentence of up to five (5) years’ imprisonment. In addition, 
the defendants face possible fines of up to $1 million. 
Mr. Acosta commended the investigative efforts of the U.S. Department of 
Commerce, which led this investigation, the Office of Foreign Assets Control of 
Department of the Treasury, the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, and 
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Office of Investigations, for their 
work on this case. The case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney 
Melissa Damian. 
Anyone with information regarding the activities of these defendants or others 
like them should contact the Commerce Department by calling 1-800-424-2980, or 
by email at 

Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
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