Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
AmericanTruckersAtWar Discussion Group

--- On Thu, 9/18/08, News4U . USA [EMAIL PROTECTED]

September 18, 2008

Nebraska Swift plant: Accommodation of Muslims cuts non-Muslims' work hours -- 
non-Muslims protest

Non-Muslims protest
Yesterday the Nebraska Swift plant agreed to accommodate Muslim demands to 
change break times so that they could pray during Ramadan. But just as at the 
Greeley, Colorado Swift plant, non-Muslims are inconvenienced, and are 
And so here again Swift faces a hideous choice -- a choice that American 
businesses will increasingly be called upon to make. Either they will 
accommodate Muslims at the expense of non-Muslims, thus creating Muslims as a 
special class with special rights above non-Muslims, or they will refuse to 
accommodate Muslims, and thus be charged with "racism" and "bigotry," and 
hauled into court for a battle they will almost certainly lose.
However, the more courts rule that special privileges for Muslims, at the 
expense of non-Muslims, constitute "reasonable accommodation" of Muslim 
demands, the more non-Muslims will continue to protest, and the more it will be 
clear that those who sneer and say "What's the big deal? This doesn't mean 
we're about to become an Islamic state" are drastically short-sighted, and 
haven't grasped the implications of these accommodation initiatives. 
These initiatives are an attempt to create Muslims as an especially privileged 
class in the United States. They are part of the stealth jihad to bring Sharia, 
step by step, into this country, and to make it clear that when Islamic law and 
American practices conflict, it is American practices that must give way. The 
non-Muslim workers who are protesting at Swift's Nebraska plant are living 
proof that Muslim accommodation means non-Muslim inconvenience (and, 
ultimately, worse than inconvenience). The fact that Muslim groups show no 
interest in this, or the slightest willingness to compromise, illustrates the 
unilateral, intransigent, and supremacist nature of their efforts. The 
non-Muslims in Nebraska's Swift plant have already been on the receiving end of 
these efforts, even if they themselves don't fully realize just what is going 
on and what they are up against.
"Compromise with Muslims on prayer cuts hours for all at Swift plant," by Tracy 
Overstreet for the Grand Island Independent, September 17 (thanks to Refugee 
Resettlement Watch):
A compromise reached to accommodate prayer for about 500 Somalian meatpacking 
plant workers in Grand Island led to a counter protest of even more workers at 
the JBS Swift & Co. plant Wednesday. 
Workers including Caucasians, Hispanics, Vietnamese, and African-Americans 
walked out after clocking in on the B shift shortly after 3 p.m.

The objection -- a change in the break schedule that leaves B shift workers 
shorted of hours Monday through Friday and forces them to work Saturday to earn 
at least 40 hours of pay. 
"The Somalians say they can only work three hours after sunset, so we're 
supposed to work 7.3 hours a day Monday through Friday," said Naomi Jakubowski. 
"We're supposed to come in and make up the time on Saturday or be shorted at 
just 36 hours."
"I don't want to sacrifice my Saturdays with my kids -- and I can't raise 'em 
on 36 hours of pay," she said. "I've got rent, food and diapers to buy."

Posted by Robert 
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