"Why Obama's Friends Are More Interesting Than Sarah Palin's Email"...


Someone may have hacked Sarah Palin's personal email but, please don't
forget, Barack Obama still has not totally distanced himself from
William Ayres of Weather Underground fame. In fact, Obama had the
perfect opportunity to do this in his big interview with Bill O'Reilly
on Fox News recently...

So, I guess we don't have to really worry about any of that, or the
kinds of friend Obama has chosen in his life and what that means for
us as a country if he is elected--but we really need to get to the
bottom of Gov. Palin's personal email which no one would be talking
about anyway if it weren't for a hacker who broke the law. Pics of the
kids, mundane conversations, and other items of a personal nature will
certainly overshadow Obama's protestations that he never was at that
church when all the offensive racial stuff was being said. But Palin
has been taken to task for praying that the soldiers we are sending to
Iraq are doing God's Will. Notice she didn't say that it WAS God's
Will that they go but that we should pray that it is and pray that
that we have gotten it right. Sounds like an outlandish religious
maniac, right?

It turns out that Palin may have an email from another state official.
This obviously disqualifies her to run for office now, I suppose. I
don't know how many email addresses you have but I have several and,
in today's world, they are going to overlap. The point is that nothing
so far shows some pattern of misusing her state or personal email...

The focus should be on who did this and there should be universal
condemnation for the illegal act of hacking her email in the first

The funny thing is that most people are going to rally around Palin
even more because they identify with her and will see this as just
another dirty trick--and it will backfire again...

When will they learn?

-Kyle Warren-
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