Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
AmericanTruckersAtWar Discussion Group

--- On Fri, 9/19/08, milford421 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The hacker is the son of Democrat Obama campaigner, TN Rep. Mike Kernell.  The
actually admitted he was looking for incriminating e-mails to use against the
Gov.  Of 
course, he found nothing.
AP reporter e-mails: Yeah, it's all Palin's fault
By Michelle Malkin  •  September 18, 2008 06:47 PM

Just call them the Associated (With Hackers) Press.
A reader e-mailed AP reporter Ted Bridis yesterday after Bridis's article
on the Palin e-mail 
hacking disclosed that the AP was refusing to cooperate with the feds and
suggested that 
Palin was to blame for the crime.
Bridis's report states: "The Secret Service contacted The Associated
Press on Wednesday 
and asked for copies of the leaked e-mails, which circulated widely on the
Internet. The 
AP did not comply. The disclosure Wednesday raises new questions about the
propriety of 
the Palin administration's use of nongovernment e-mail accounts to conduct
business. The practice was revealed months ago — prior to Palin's
selection as a vice 
presidential candidate — after political critics obtained internal e-mails
documenting the 
practice by some aides…"
Here's the e-mail exchange:
—–Original Message—–
To: Bridis, Ted
Subject: Palin's email theft
You think that this story "raises questions" about *her* use of her
own email? Questions 
from whom? You?
This isn't really the point of the story. It appears that you are using the
theft of the mail to 
put forth your own anit-Palin feelings. It's a trend.
Perhaps you should tell us what happened, and not try to give us your opinion
on what 
questions it raises. Alright?
Did the AP steal the mail? "Questions have been raised about whether the
Associated Press 
stole Gov. Palin's private email…"
And here's the response my reader received from Bridis:
From: "Bridis, Ted" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Palin's email theft
If Gov. Palin hadn't been using a consumer-level Yahoo! account (more than
one, actually) 
this crime wouldn't have happened because the hacker exploited the
service's "forgot-
my-password" mechanism, which is inherently insecure.
Previously disclosed e-mails indicate her administration embraced Yahoo!
among other reasons, because of questions over whether personal e-mail accounts
covered under Alaska's Open Records Act. Palin's critics in Alaska were
poring over 
records they had obtained from the governor's office of official internal
communications and causing political hay.
The issues are inextricably linked.
The AP publicized Palin's other personal e-mail accounts, as well as her
husband's, which 
were derived from information obtained illegally by the hacker. Bridis says
having Yahoo 
accounts is an open invitation for hackers and that the victims are to blame
for invasions 
of privacy.
By refusing to cooperate with the federal investigation into the hacking crime
publicizing the Palins' other personal Yahoo e-mail account information,
the AP openly 
invited hackers to break into those family accounts as well and endorsed
illicit activity to 
raid private family photos.
The issues are inextricably linked, to borrow a phrase, and raise questions
about the 
propriety of AP's continued flacking for Barack Obama under the guise of
Ace: "Even by the hacker's account, and AP's, there is no official
business hidden in the 
emails. So what the f*** are they doing claiming that if she hadn't
illegally used private 
emails to hide state communications, the crime wouldn't have

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