Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
AmericanTruckersAtWar Discussion Group

--- On Fri, 9/19/08, Family Security Matters [EMAIL PROTECTED]


September 19th
God-fearin', gun-totin' Sarah Palin. Will she get the last laugh? The 
nomination that launched 1,000 attacks - and recharted the future of American 
politics. Think twice before embracing BHO's "change" for America. Barack's 
"big blunder."


Embassy Attack in Yemen a 'Wake-Up Call'

Facebook reflects struggle over Islam's role

Defenses in a risky world

Public schools failing

Russia ratchets up US tensions with arms sales to Iran and Venezuela

The Future For Bush's Legacy by Charles Krauthammer

Congressmen for Freedom

UN-American by Oliver North

Manhunt For Bin Laden

Chavez's Dangerous Liaisons - Venezuela teams up with Russia and Iran.

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Walid Phares: To Contain Jihadism, You Need Pluralism and Democracy

Charles Recknagel
Al Qaeda may be in decline, but it's far from being completely defeated. What 
still needs to be done?

Exclusive: Current Credit Crunch Harbinger of Worse Things to Come?

Colonel Kenneth Allard (US Army, ret.)
With current financial follies in mind, what conclusions can be made about the 
current state of the American establishment, financial and otherwise?

Exclusive: McCain's Consistent Prescience Financial Sector Crisis Calls for 
Proven Leadership

Nicholas Guariglia
John McCain has his faults, but foresight is not one of them.

A CAIR Exec's Very Telling Interview

Steve Emerson
"We should not blame the Muslims for taking part in the political process, and 
we should not blame the United States alone for the 11 September 2001 attacks, 
but we should also blame the perpetrators."

House Democrats Embrace Drilling! Kind Of. Sort Of. Not Really . . .

Gregory D. Lee
Why not let drilling take place where oil is most likely to be found, as 
opposed to over the horizon where derricks can't be seen?

McCain or Obama? How About This Referendum...

Frank Salvato
Are today's mainstream media so empowered with conceit that they have deemed it 
acceptable to keep the whole truth from the American people?

Obama Releases His "In-Your-Face" Hounds

Michelle Malkin
Are the new tactics being employed by "Team Obama" against Sarah Palin going to 
win over voters, or alienate most of them?

Multinational Drug Busts Show Positive Power of Cooperation

Douglas Farah
It is no longer possible to view the drug trade as separate from the merging 
organized crime/terrorist pipelines that we are seeing across Latin America and 

Exclusive: William J. Federer's
American Minute

"If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world."

Quote of the Day - Friday September 19

Change or more of the same?

Caption Contest September 18-23

Can you come up with the funniest photo caption?

Obama Is Stoking 
Why Islamists Cheer For Obama
We Are Losing Europe to Islam
Seeding and Harvesting Racism in America


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