Joe Biden's Version of Patriotism

Liberals would rewrite the Constitution in a minute.

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Joe Biden's Version of Patriotism

September 19, 2008

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RUSH: Let's grab a phone call here because if I keep running off at the mouth 
we'll never get to the phones, and I promised people we'd get to the phones.  
Snerdley assures me he's found the best that can be found out there, and so 
let's see.  We'll start in Fort Pierce, Florida.  This is Paul.  Great that you 
called, sir.  Nice to have you with us.

CALLER:  Hey, Rush, I appreciate what you do and you're speaking the truth and 
that's what's going to keep us free.

RUSH:  Thank you.

CALLER:  Hey, I want to touch base with you on a couple things that have to do 
with taxes, tax returns, and patriotism.  Biden's comments the other day or 
yesterday about patriotism in the form of paying more taxes is really kind of 
contrary to the Boston Tea Party and the true patriots who started this 
nation.  Our Declaration of Independence was an expression of trying to cast 
aside a government that become burdensome and oppressive, and on a side note, 
my understanding is, Obama probably won't even hold up to this 'cause I think 
he has some tax-free instruments upon which he is earning income as part of his 
portfolio.  I haven't seen his tax returns myself, but as I understand, that's 
part of his portfolio.  And on the same topic of a tax return, I do hear that 
Mr. Biden is pretty good about keeping his money.  Scripture says that where 
one's treasure is is where you'll find their heart.  And I gotta tell you, if 
has a only giving up $300 or so
 every year keeping the rest for himself, he's not feeding the poor, he's not 
clothing the homeless, he's not doing anything else other than expecting the 
folks --

RUSH:  See, that's the real point about this.  Here's Biden out there, the most 
recent year that we have information he earned two-and-a-half, three million 
bucks.  His charitable donations were $3,000, and he's out there talking about 
patriotism for the rest of us, patriotism equals paying more taxes.  Patriotism 
equals giving more to the government, patriotism equals growing government.  
But he's got a problem here.  Obama is out there saying he's going to give tax 
cuts to 95% of the American people.  His walking gaffe machine of a vice 
president's out there saying, pay more taxes, because it's patriotic.  Look, 
liberalism is a lie.  Liberalism is a series of lies that have to be covered up 
and masked at all times.  And what happens when they don't get away with it, 
they get frustrated, and their accomplices in the Drive-By Media get frustrated 
and the mask starts coming off.  The disguise begins to slip away and we find 
out who they really
 are, as we are finding out with Obama, as we've known for a long time about 
Biden and the whole bunch of them.  I really don't understand what there is to 
reach across the aisle and find common ground with these people on.  I don't 
care who they are.  Thanks, Paul, for the call.  


Read the Background Material...

• HotAir: Biden: Low Taxes Are Unpatriotic
• New York Tax: Biden: Tax Is Patriotic
• National Review: Joe Biden and American Charity - Byron York

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