Obama ad goes to war with abortion survivor
Video slams woman for 'despicable lie'

Posted: September 20, 2008
5:20 pm Eastern

By Drew Zahn
© 2008 WorldNetDaily 

In the increasing flurry of this election season's negative political ads, the 
Barack Obama campaign produced a TV commercial that not only attacks Republican 
rival John McCain, but also takes aim at an unusual target: a 31-year-old woman 
who was born alive after her mother's botched abortion.
Obama's commercial predictably takes shots at the GOP campaign, calling 
McCain's ads "the sleaziest ever, truly vile." But when the screen shows clips 
of abortion survivor Gianna Jessen and the ad she made asking Obama to reverse 
his stance on born alive infant protection legislation, the Obama ad calls 
Jessen's appeal "a despicable lie."  More from WorldNetDaily (including the ads)
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