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--- On Mon, 9/22/08, Homeland Security National Terror Alert - Homeland 
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The Latest from National Terror Alert Response Center 

Al-Qaeda Threatens British and Saudi Embassies 
Posted: 22 Sep 2008 01:14 AM PDT

Scene of Recent Attack At US Embassy In Yemen
Following the recent Al-Qaeda attack on the U.S. Embassy, Yemeni officials 
vowed to hunt down Al-Qaeda cells in the country and bring them before justice.
This pledge was made by several Yemeni high ranking officials including 
President Saleh who stressed that these attacks undermine the country’s 
stability, security, economy and development.
Demanding the release of Al-Qaeda’s militants held by Yemeni authorities, the 
organization of Islamic Jihad declared the responsibility for the US embassy 
attack that killed 17 people, including soldiers and normal citizens. The six 
attackers were also killed in the attack.
In its statement, Islamic Jihad, allegedly part of Al-Qaeda Organization in 
Yemen, called for the shutting the U.S. and British Embassies in Yemen and 
pledged to launch more attacks against foreign interest, foreigners and Yemeni 
high-ranking officials.
Islamic Jihad spokesman in Yemen Abu Al-Ghaith Al-Yemani demanded Yemeni 
authorities to release Al-Jihad followers. He demanded U.S. and British 
diplomats to leave the country immediately. He also threatened to launch an 
attack on the Saudi Embassy.
Meanwhile, the British Embassy announced last Friday shutting its doors before 
visa seekers until further notice, demanding those reserved for appointments to 
work for rearranging their appointments when it reopens.
Full Article

This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert. National 
Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and 
information.Share and Enjoy:            


Update - Pakistan Marriott Bombing Bares Hallmarks of al Qaeda 
Posted: 22 Sep 2008 01:03 AM PDT

A suicide bomb attack that killed 53 people at the Marriott Hotel in Pakistan’s 
capital bore the hallmarks of an operation by al Qaeda or an affiliate, 
Pakistani and U.S. intelligence officials said on Sunday.
Teams combing the burnt shell of the hotel found more charred bodies after the 
blast on Saturday evening ignited a blaze that swept through the hotel, part of 
a U.S.-based chain and a favorite haunt of diplomats and wealthy Pakistanis.
Internal security in nuclear-armed Pakistan, a country vital to the war against 
al Qaeda and other Islamist militant groups, has deteriorated alarmingly over 
the past two years.
Video Tape Of Events Leading Up To Explosion Shown At Press Conference
A video tape, recorded by a security TV camera of the Marriott Hotel, which was 
shown at a press conference on Sunday, raised questions about security 
arrangements made to avert a terrorist attack in the capitals high security 
The video clip showed a six-wheeler dumper truck hitting a steel barrier at the 
hotels main entrance. The attacker, who could not be seen in the film, opened 
fire on security guards, forcing them to retreat, and then blew himself up 
causing a small blast which set the truck on fire.
A number of courageous security guards reappear, one of them with a fire 
extinguisher who tries to extinguish the blaze but fails. He tries repeatedly 
to douse flames as traffic is seen on the road. There is no sign of movement in 
the truck and the footage does not show the massive blast which wreaked the 
Questions have been raised as to how such a huge quantity of highly explosive 
material (RDX and TNT) could be brought into the capital and then taken to the 
high security area. And there were only five or six private guards at the hotel 
gate and no arrangement to put out fire.
It was the first incident in the capital in which terrorists used RDX and TNT 
explosives. In all previous blasts the terrorists had used potassium. Aluminium 
powder used in the explosion caused the fire inside the hotel, Mr Malik said.
Analysts said the attack could have been averted had the fire on the truck been 
extinguished before it reached the explosives.
Excellent article by Bill Roggio at Long War Journal on how this latest bombing 
demonstrates al Qaedas increased sophistication in carrying out it’s attacks.
The bombing yesterday at the Marriott hotel in Pakistan’s capital of Islamabad 
is shaping up to be one of the country’s most deadly attacks. The complex 
attack is the latest in a series of al Qaeda attacks that have occurred in the 
Middle East and South Asia over the last five years.
More than 70 people have been reported killed and 257 have been reported 
wounded so far in what the Pakistani press has dubbed “Pakistan’s 9/11.” The 
death toll is expected to rise as more people are believed to have been trapped 
in the hotel. Dozens of Westerners have been wounded in the attack, and there 
are unconfirmed reports one or more Westerners have been killed.
The massive blast left a crater 25 foot deep by 20 feet wide. The blast 
detonated a natural gas line in the hotel, which then set several floors of the 
hotel ablaze. Several floors of the hotel are still on fire. The hotel is 
essentially destroyed, there are fears the structure will collapse due to fire 
and blast damage. Buildings blocks away were heavily damaged.
The attack was well planned and executed. The strike occurred in a so-called 
secure zone in Islamabad. Two vehicles were involved in the attack, according 
to Geo TV. A small vehicle breached the outer security barrier. A large dump 
truck packed with more than one ton of explosives then moved through the breach 
and detonated at the front of the hotel.
Full Article
This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert. National 
Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and 
information.Share and Enjoy:            


October Surprise - Spies Warn al Qaeda May Be Plotting Terror Attacks 
Posted: 22 Sep 2008 12:47 AM PDT

Officer Scans Crowd
October Surprise - There is growing speculation that al Qaeda may be plotting 
additional terror attacks both abroad and in the US leading up to the US 
Presidential elections.
In the aftermath of two major terrorist attacks on Western targets, America’s 
counterterrorism community is warning that Al Qaeda may launch more overseas 
operations to influence the presidential elections in November. 
Call it Osama bin Laden’s “October surprise.” In late August, during the 
weekend between the Democratic and Republican conventions, America’s military 
and intelligence agencies intercepted a series of messages from Al Qaeda’s 
leadership to intermediate members of the organization asking local cells to be 
prepared for imminent instructions.
An official familiar with the new intelligence said the message was picked up 
in multiple settings, from couriers to encrypted electronic communications to 
other means. “These are generic orders,” the source said — a distinction from 
the more specific intelligence about the location, time, and method of an 
attack. “It was, ‘Be on notice. We may call upon you soon.’ It was sent out on 
many channels.”
Also, Yemen’s national English-language newspaper is reporting that a spokesman 
for Yemen’s Islamic Jihad, the Qaeda affiliate that claimed credit for last 
week’s American embassy bombing in Sa’naa, is now publicly threatening to 
attack foreigners and high government officials if American and British 
diplomats do not leave the country.
Full Article - The New York Sun
New al Qaeda Video Threatens Large Scale Attacks
In a al Qaedas lataes video marking the seventh anniversary of the September 11 
terrorist attacks, al Qaeda’s top leader in Afghanistan vows more “large-scale” 
attacks against the United States and its allies.
Are Terrorists Plotting New Attacks On US and Europe?
There’s been a number of rumors over the past several months that terrorists 
may use the ‘lull’ between the election and the new President entering office 
to launch an attack either on US soil or against US interests.
This story comes to us via Homeland Security - National Terror Alert. National 
Terror Alert is America's trusted source for homeland security news and 
information.Share and Enjoy:            

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