Al-Qaida Threatens 'October Surprise' Attack...

Monday, September 22, 2008...

Written By: Tim Collie...


After two major terrorist attacks in Pakistan and Yemen — along with a
new U.S. push at insurgent strongholds along the Afghan border — U.S.
intelligence is worried about a massive "October surprise" attack
geared to sway the U.S. elections...

America's military and intelligence agencies intercepted a series of
messages from al-Qaida's leadership last month that seemed designed to
warn local cells to prepare for imminent attacks. One such operation
may have been the attack that brought down a Marriott Hotel in
Islamabad where the newly inaugurated president of Pakistan was
scheduled to dine...

The attacks would likely be at American bases or allies abroad, since
most experts think the group’s ability to penetrate the U.S. homeland
has deteriorated since 9-11. Still, al-Qaida is aggressively
recruiting both North African and European operatives who may have a
greater ability to enter the United States and blend in before
launching an attack, according to U.S. intelligence officials...

“We are not aware of any specific, credible al-Qaida plot to attack
the U.S. homeland, but we do receive a steady stream of threat
reporting from sources of varying creditability,” said Ted Gistaro,
U.S. national intelligence officer (NIO) for transnational threats.
“As the election nears, we expect to see an uptick in such threat
reporting — of varying credibility — regarding possible attacks.“

Other intelligence experts agreed, adding that a pre-election attack
would probably occur overseas...

“There is an expectation that al-Qaida will try to influence the
November elections by attempting attacks globally," said Roger
Cressey, a former Bush and Clinton White House counterterrorism

An official familiar with the new intelligence told the The New York
Sun that the intercepted messages amounted to “Be on notice. We may
call upon you soon.” It was sent out through many channels, ranging
from couriers to encrypted electronic communications to other means.
There were no specifics as to where or when...

Though some might scoff at the quadrennial worry of the October
surprise in U.S. elections, al-Qaida has attacked other nations on the
eve of major elections. On March 11, 2004, the group carried out a
series of bombings on Madrid commuter trains. Three days later, the
party aligned with the Bush administration’s policy in Iraq was

But al-Qaida’s ultimate goal is to launch another major attack on the
U.S. homeland — preferably with nuclear or biological weapons. Whether
that hurts the Republican or Democrats seems beside the point,
according to one expert...

Last year, Osama bin Laden labeled the entire American system a
failure, Gistaro told a panel at the Washington Institute for Near
East Policy in August. He called on Americans to convert to Islam, and
not cast a vote one way or the other in elections...

“He [bin Laden] claimed that there is no difference between Democratic
or Republican candidates winning presidential or congressional
elections so long as ‘big corporations’ support candidates,” Gistaro

Editor's Note:

United States residents should continue to remain vigilant and report
'anything' they see that looks suspicious to local Police. If you're
travelling across America via airplane, bus, ship or train, keep your
eyes and ears open for anything or anyone who looks suspicious or is
doing something suspicious and report them right away. We all need to
be vigilant to keep our Homeland free and safe...*MCB*...
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