Documents: Ivins bragged he knew anthrax killer 
AP Photo: Bruce E. Ivins, a biodefense researcher is seen in 2003, at Fort 
Detrick, Md. Court... 


WASHINGTON - Bruce Ivins, the Army scientist accused of carrying out the 2001 
anthrax attacks, e-mailed himself last year saying he knew who the killer was, 
according to court documents unsealed Wednesday. 

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"Yes! Yes! Yes!!!!!!! I finally know who mailed the anthrax letters in the fall 
of 2001. I've pieced it together!" Ivins wrote in the e-mail dated Sept. 7, 
2007, according to an FBI affidavit.
"I'm not looking forward to everybody getting dragged through the mud, but at 
least it will all be over," Ivins allegedly wrote. "Finally! I should have it 
TOTALLY nailed down within the month. I should have been a private eye!!!!"
The e-mail did not say who Ivins thought was the anthrax killer.
Ivins committed suicide in July as prosecutors prepared to charge him in the 
mailings that killed five people and sickened 17 others.
The e-mail was signed "bruce" and sent from an America Online address by the 
name of "KingBadger7." Authorities said it was one of at least six e-mail 
addresses registered to Ivins.
The FBI affidavit was included in the final batch of court documents to be 
released by the government that shows how prosecutors built their case against 
Ivins' lawyer, Paul Kemp, maintains Ivins was innocent and said scientist would 
have been cleared if the case had gone to trial. "The absence of any 
information from the search warrants that conclusively finds he did it only 
confirm that," Kemp said Wednesday evening.
He said the September 2007 e-mail is merely Ivins "attempting to explain who 
could have had access to the (anthrax) beaker," Kemp said. "He had his own 
views about who might have been capable of this thing. And he explained that to 
the FBI."
The release of the court documents comes amid criticism and questions by Ivins' 
colleagues and some members of Congress about the FBI investigation, which 
concluded Ivins alone was responsible for the attacks. Rep. Rush D. Holt, 
D-N.J., has drafted a bill that would create a national commission to 
investigate the FBI's probe of the anthrax attacks and make recommendations for 
preventing bioterrorism.
An Army report released Wednesday shows that Ivins' access to Army biodefense 
laboratories was revoked in March after he spilled anthrax on his pants and 
went home to wash them instead of immediately reporting the accident.
The accident occurred March 17 at Fort Detrick, Md., while the microbiologist 
was working with the relatively mild strain of anthrax used for vaccinating 
livestock. His access to the laboratories that handle the deadly Ames strain 
used in the 2001 attacks had been revoked Nov. 1, the same day the FBI raided 
Ivins' home in Frederick, just outside Fort Detrick's main gate.
"Although the sample was a vaccine strain of B. anthracis, it is our opinion 
that Dr. Ivins should have reported this spill, although minor, immediately to 
the suite supervisor and his supervisor," the investigator wrote. The 
investigator's name was blacked out in the publicly released version of the 
report dated March 18.
The court documents, which included search warrants and affidavits, show it was 
not unusual for Ivins to e-mail himself.
"In addition, Ivins has sent at least one other e-mail to himself that details 
his opinion of who may have been the anthrax mailer," the affidavit states.
Authorities said Ivins used another Internet identity, "bruceivi," to post 
violent messages on YouTube about Kathryn Price, an actress who appeared on the 
reality television show "The Mole."
"Steve had a great chance to Kill (sic) Kathryn that would go down as the primo 
moment in reality TV," Ivins wrote in a message discovered this past July 15, 
according to the court documents. "He should have taken the hatchet and brought 
it down hard and sharply across her neck, severing her carotid artery and 
jugular vein. Then when she hits the ground, he completes the task on the other 
side of the neck, severing her trachea as well."
Search warrants sought records from Internet service providers for e-mail 
accounts registered to Ivins. 
On July 31, federal agents removed computers from the C. Burr Artz Library in 
Frederick. According to an affidavit a week later, investigators intended to 
search the machines for any sign of relevant communications, including writings 
identifying a plan to kill witnesses, or perhaps suicide letters. 
Ivins used the computers for about 90 minutes on July 24 to read e-mail and 
review a Web site dedicated to the anthrax investigation, the affidavit said. 
David Dishneau reported from Hagerstown, Md. 
On the Net: 
Justice Department documents:

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