Truth Squad - Open Carry

Open Carry -- Foolish Grandstanding or Activism?
Everyone getting this newsletter knows about concealed carry, and how the right 
to carry is available to citizens in 48 states. Many lives have been saved by 
good people with carry permits. This is not about that. 
Imagine wearing your handgun in the open, where everyone can see it, as you go 
through your daily routine. Shopping, jogging, at work, or just walking 
downtown, you just put a holstered gun on your belt and strike out. That's what 
many people are now doing. It's called open carry, and it's legal in many 
states. That doesn't mean it's easy, though.
A quick reading of postings on various online firearms bulletin boards turns up 
many cases of police harassing or even arresting people who are legally 
carrying their guns openly. Some have been confronted by officers who got a 
"man with a gun" call from a member of public frightened of the very sight of 
someone carrying a gun. Recently, a Louisiana man was awarded a substantial 
amount of money after he sued the police department for arresting him when he 
was legally carrying openly.
What's this all about? 
It's a movement. If you view open carry with that in mind, it makes sense.
Visit for more info, or just drop into any firearms forum, 
and you'll find people talking about it. Check out the Virginia Citizen's 
Defense League to see how an active state group not only protects a right, but 
expands it. As I have been following this movement for quite some time, I 
wasn't sure how to present it in context, and last weekend I figured it out.
(Stay with me here, and don't wig out, okay?) I had the TV on, mostly for 
company, and stumbled on a show about the sexual revolution of the 1960s. (See, 
I said you had to cut me some slack, here.) What struck me were the scenes of 
the gay activists in the streets, and the comments they made. Some were "in 
your face," some were just quietly assertive, and some were saying, basically, 
don't make waves.
Flash back to the fight for women's rights, or the fight for civil rights for 
African Americans, and you have the same factions. That's what we are seeing in 
the Open Carry Movement (OCM). Some are "out there," pushing hard. They want 
the confrontation with authorities so they can make the point that good, honest 
people carry guns, that it's legal, and that they should be left alone. They 
stage open carry picnics in parks, and invite the media. Ohioans for Concealed 
Carry is a leader in this, holding very successful open carry walks.
Some people just engage in open carry quietly, answering questions from friends 
or people who ask, but not looking for any opportunity to make a point. 
Naturally, some gun owners argue that open carry is a bad idea, that it's 
tactically unsound, that it frightens the public, and that we should all just 
get concealed carry permits and quietly go about our business.
Rights, like muscles, must be exercised. To not use open carry is to lose that 
right. If the police are restricting and arresting people for engaging in a 
legal act, we have a serious problem. You and I may differ in our opinions as 
to whether carrying a gun openly is smart from a tactical sense, but that's a 
different issue. OCM, as a "movement," now has achieved the position that 
concealed carry had 20 years ago, except that the battle then was to get carry 
laws passed. Many states do not prohibit open carry, so the movement is to get 
more people to do it, and to change the laws so good people can open carry in 
more states. 
Each person has her or his level of comfort with activism. In the coming weeks, 
we'll have guests on Gun Talk radio talking about open carry -- why do it, 
what's involved, what's the law, what holsters (think security) would be good 
choices, etc. 
One line of thinking is that the entire idea of asking permission to carry a 
gun -- through getting a permit for concealed carry -- is contrary to the 
Second Amendment being a basic right. We don't apply for a permit to engage in 
free speech or practice religion. The very act, say some, of applying for a 
carry permit validates the idea that the government should give you permission 
to bear arms.
If you decide to carry openly, you must know the laws. It would be a good idea 
to carry a copy of the applicable laws in the event you are confronted about 
it. Visit the web sites I've listed here on the experiences others have had. 
Learn how they handle the questions and even the visits by police officers who 
often don't know that open carry is legal. One hopes not to run into an officer 
who, like the one in Louisiana, would say, "I don't care if it's legal, if you 
do it here, you'll get arrested." That's a policy which will cost the city a 
lot of money.
Why get involved in the OCM? Why carry openly? Comfort? Making a point? Just to 
exercise a right, perhaps? All valid reasons, in my opinion. Maybe it's just 
one person's way to show others that good people carry guns. It might not be 
for everyone, but it's a movement that's growing, so we'll be talking about it 
on the radio.

Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
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