Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
AmericanTruckersAtWar Discussion Group

--- On Sat, 9/27/08, Right Side News [EMAIL PROTECTED]



September 27, 2008 
11:00 pm
Please Forward this, and this will be sent out again the first of the week to 
new subscribers.
Dear Subscribers, I urge you to closely examine the two referenced articles 
below. Astounding video testimony exposes the refusal of our leadership to 
reform Freddie and Fannie four years ago. Now our representatives in Washington 
are pushing a trillion dollar bail out plan and using our income as collateral 
to bail out these institutions and to further their political careers.  This is 
criminal and we need to light up the phones and tell our local and national 
representatives that we will NOT stand for this.  Personally, I am fed up with 
the lot of them and they need to be fired.

Critical, just released today.
2004 Hearings - Democrats Refuse to Reform Freddie & Fannie


and a National Security Primer
US National Security Voters Guide 2008 

September 27, 2008
Family Security Matters
The debate is on!  And just in time.  Like it or not, our next President will 
be a wartime President, having to confront the most lethal threats, ever, to 
America. All Americans need to take their votes very seriously.  As you listen 
and watch all the debates, compare what you hear to the facts as they are 
outlined in Family Security Matters' 2008 National Security Presidential Voter 
Read more... 



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