Mark R. Taylor
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--- On Sun, 9/28/08, News4U . USA [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Obama Wants NRA Ads Banned

Saturday, September 27, 2008 8:10 PM

By: Newsmax staff 
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The Obama camp has been threatening television and radio stations to keep them 
from airing anti-Obama ads. 

The latest target is the NRA and stations in Pennsylvania. 

Earlier this week, the National Rifle Association's Political Victory Fund 
released a series of radio and television spots to educate gun owners and 
sportsmen about Barack Obama's longstanding anti-gun record. In response to the 
NRA-PVF ads, a clearly panicked Obama campaign and the Democratic National 
Committee (DNC) are doing everything they can to hide Obama's real record by 
mounting a coordinated assault on the First Amendment. 

They have gone to desperate and outrageous lengths to try to silence your NRA 
by bullying media outlets with threats of lawsuits if they run NRA-PVF's ads. 

The Obama camp is particularly angry with an NRA ad entitled "Hunter" which 
lays out Obama's record on gun control. 

You can see the "Hunter" ad -- Go Here Now. 

Other NRA ads include "Way of Life" and another focusing on Joe Biden's record, 
"Defend Freedom, Defeat Obama." 

This week, Obama's campaign general counsel Bob Bauer wrote seeking to censor 
the ads at stations in Pennsylvania. 

"Unlike federal candidates, independent political organizations do not have a 
'right to command the use of broadcast facilities,'" Bauer writes. "Moreover, 
you have a duty 'to protect the public from false, misleading or deceptive 

"This advertising is false, misleading, and deceptive," Bauer continued. "We 
request that you immediately cease airing this advertising." 

The NRA says Obama's camp are sending out these "intimidating cease and desist 
letters" to cable operators and television stations, threatening their FCC 
licenses if they run the ads. 

The NRA charged that "Obama and the DNC have been using strong-arm tactics 
reminiscent of Chicago machine politics to try and cover up the truth and 
silence NRA by forcing the stations to assist them in hiding Obama's radical 
anti-gun record." 

And now, Obama and the DNC have opened a new front in their assault on your 
First Amendment rights by calling on their followers to contact these station 
managers to demand that the stations not run NRA-PVF's ads. 

NRA stands behind the accuracy of these ads, and NRA attorneys have responded 
to the Obama campaign's despicable and abusive attempt to trample on the First 
Amendment by sending a thorough rebuttal to station managers. This rebuttal 
clearly and conclusively refutes the Obama campaign's fallacious claims that 
the ads are inaccurate. 

The NRA has set up a web site detailing its position on Obama at 

A copy of the NRA's letter to station, written by its counsel Cleta Mitchell, 
follows below: 

TO: Station Managers 

FROM: Cleta Mitchell, Esq. 
Counsel to National Rifle Association 

DATE: September 25, 2008 

RE: Documentation for Advertising by National Rifle Association Political 
Victory Fund ("NRA-PVF") 

This firm serves as counsel to the National Rifle Association (“NRA”) and the 
National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund ("NRA-PVF"), which is the 
federal political action committee of the NRA and the sponsor of certain 
advertising purchased and soon-to-be purchased on your station. It has come to 
my clients’ attention that the Obama for President campaign is engaging in an 
effort to prevent or stop the airing of certain ads by NRA-PVF, falsely 
alleging that the ads are ‘inaccurate’. The Obama presidential campaign 
apparently relies on an article appearing in the Washington Post on September 
23, 2008 to support its contention hat the NRA-PVF ads should not be aired. 

The Washington Post is hardly an objective news source on any subject related 
to the issues to which the NRA is dedicated, having spent decades attacking not 
only the NRA but also fighting against the legislation and policies NRA 
supports to protect the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, as 
well as supporting every conceivable government proposal or policy any 
officeholder or candidate suggests to weaken and disrupt the guarantees of the 
Second Amendment. It is therefore no surprise that the Washington Post would 
now attack the NRA for advertisements which truthfully disclose the anti-gun, 
anti-Second Amendment record of Barack Obama, the candidate supported by the 
Washington Post. 

Attached please find the point-by-point refutation of the Washington Post’s 
article about the NRA-PVF ads regarding Obama’s record on the Second Amendment, 
as well as an article disclosing the bias of the decidedly not neutral 
“FactChecker” on which the Washington Post article is ostensibly based. 

The NRA devotes 100% of its time and resources to protecting the Second 
Amendment and fighting for government policies and legislation furtherance of 
the rights of the American people to keep and bear arms. 

The legislative and policy record of candidates and officeholders such as 
Barack Obama are well known and documented by the NRA on an ongoing basis. 
NRA-PVF’s advertising during the 2008 election cycle is based on that extensive 
research and documentation, which is being furnished to you with this 

Accordingly, we respectfully request that your station disregard the shamefully 
false assertions from the Obama campaign and its attorneys regarding the 
NRA-PVF ads and that the ads run in accordance with the purchase(s) made by 
NRA-PVF in the media buy. 


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