The straight scoop on hackers, al Qaeda videos & terrorist web sites

By Randy Taylor, Independent Analyst

20 September 2008: I’m up to my eyeballs with the news reports of hackers and 
US agencies inhibiting the distribution of videos from al Fajr and as Sahab 
studios. Despite what the media might report, what Bloggers on the Internet may 
write, or even what is being suggested by official spokespeople from private or 
governmental agencies, there is absolutely no truth to these reports. Here, I 
will set a few things straight that should forever dispel the gross 
inaccuracies that are currently being reported:
1. These videos (al Qaeda films produced by as Sahab) are most likely created 
somewhere in either Pakistan or Iran. Based on my research combined with 
information obtained from reliable sources within our intelligence agencies, 
the production is most likely taking place in Pakistan.
2. The videos are actual filmed in segments. In a case such as the 9/11 film 
release, Ayman al Zawahiri and the other actors are filmed at separate 
locations and at separate times. The footage is then loaded onto a computer 
where it is edited, including the insertion of applicable backgrounds. The 
editing process is relatively simple and can be done using a single lap top 
3. Once the editing has been completed, the film is either uploaded to a server 
of their choice from their present location, or hand carried by messenger to an 
upload capable location. In either case, they have many server locations from 
which to choose.
4. The film is then placed on multiple servers around the world under 
non-related file names to avoid the detection of server spiders that search out 
items such as this.
5. Most of the download links don’t come under scrutiny by the servers UNTIL 
there are multiple downloads from suspicious IP addresses and ISP locations 
around the world.
6. Once the server company hosting the files realizes that the film is a 
terrorist film, they may then disable the URL link and delete the file.
7. The links from which the films are downloaded and further disseminated on 
Arabic language forums cannot be disabled or deleted until the film is 
uploaded. Period. End of story.
There has been a great deal of misinformation in the news and on Internet Blogs 
lately about "white hat hackers" disabling or taking down terrorists' web 
sites, thus hindering or blocking the release of propaganda videos produced by 
Islamic terrorists. Certainly, hackers can easily take down websites, and some 
have. To report that hackers with patriotic leanings have somehow managed to 
cause the delay in the release of a propaganda video, however, is absolutely 
untrue. Simply refer to the steps above should questions about this still exist.
Understand this: Until you kill the militant starring in the film, kill the guy 
editing the film, kill the guy who transports the film, you will not stop the 
film from being made or distributed.
Additionally, there have been numerous reports of Arabic language terrorist web 
sites "going down" or being taken offline in recent days. Although some of 
those could be the result of "patriotic hackers," other explanations are far 
more likely. It is important to keep in mind that the al Qaeda media computer 
literate types rival and in many cases exceed our own. These militants employ 
some top notch people to produce and distribute their online propaganda.
Further, just because you cannot see a site, it does not mean that it is not 
there. In fact, a few sites that have been reported as being down are still 
there, "nesting" on multiple domains. Despite being reported as hacked out of 
existence, these sites continue to exist, but they are just not showing up in 
the same previous fashion. 
We can pressure ISP’s in the US and in allied countries to remove these 
terrorist web sites, but there are thousands of places from which these sites 
can be hosted, all outside of the jurisdiction of the US government. 
As a recent and pertinent illustration of the above, it is noted that as Sahab 
released another video yesterday:

"Condolences to our people in Aldawqa"

I guess the imaginary team of "Super Hackers" invented and perpetuated by the 
media missed this one.
LOL. Be Safe. Stay Vigilant.

Mark R. Taylor
Take no prisoners!
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