Title: Message
Partija rada

Ruzveltova 27/III

Beograd, 11000

F. R. Yugoslavia

Tel/Fax: +381-11-752-385,


Web: http://go.to/partijarada


June 2001.

        I.            Slobodan Milosevic is not, nor it could be the only guilty for committed crimes. It is impossible to grant amnesty for these, which produced Milosevic, which supported him all the time, and conducted sole policy. Attempts to blame whole guilt on him as on "the last Communist dictator", accusing him that he ruled without will of the people, it is expression of unreadiness of the people of Serbia to face with their historical responsibility. Serbia must to face with her crimes, and her criminals.

      II.            Extradition of Milosevic to Hague Tribunal represents clear index that so called pragmatic forces in Serbia, lead by Prime Minister Djindjic, won significant victory over reactionary-nationalistic block. This conservative block try to keep basic on which arose Milosevic’s policy, where is very important for Church, nationalistic intelligence, and for pro-fascistic Parties, to provide support of army and President Kostunica. During achieving of supporters for this new form of fascism, social moment can to play significant role. Possibility of victory over reactionary-nationalistic forces would depend on the speed of Serbian economic renewal. Opposite, their victory would mark the beginning of civil war and disintegration of Serbia.

Despite these growing contradictions, economic support from abroad and interests of Imperialists would be decisive factor that would mark how would things developing in Serbia. Very soon it would be clear would be clashes in Serbia in favor of NATO Imperialists, since on that way they can to take over full Balkans, or in favor of Russia, which would like to see western Imperialists dealing with the problems of Balkans in future.

    III.            Law on privatization passed by without any resistance of working class and that is nothing strange. It is approved attitude of Partija rada that working class in Yugoslavia was not created in traditional way. During Tito’s regime working class fully adopted petit-bourgeois ideology and, on the end, finished into the nationalism. Now is working class completely disorientated. Even a significant role of working class during overthrowing of Milosevic’s regime was not used for better organizing and strengthening of their position in society. Centralization of capital, robbery and neo-colonial status of the country is a cruel reality of Serbia. Defeats of nationalistic ideology and wild new-coming capitalism create a possibility that, for the first time after fifty years, in Yugoslavia arose truly revolutionary forces.

    IV.            PR was pointing that Albanian national movement, during resistance to Milosevic’s local-Imperialism; necessary must to  have an ally in American Imperialism. Also, PR was pointing that goals of Albanian national movement would come into opposition with interests of USA on Balkans. That is obviously today in Macedonia. USA would, because of their interests, seek to please interest of puppet regime in Skopje, and demands of Albanian parties, and that does not enter into armed clash with the Albanian military movement. That is why they try firstly to isolate Albanian military movement, politically as well as military, and then to marginalize it and put it under their control. PR stands for, not only an implementation of Albanian rights in Macedonia, but also that quantity of Albanian movement would give one new quality in resistance to American Imperialism on Balkans.


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