Wednesday July 4, 7:28 PM
Yugoslav ex-premier hails Milosevic as "quite brave"
at trial

BELGRADE, July 4 (AFP) - 

Zoran Zizic, who quit his post as Yugoslav prime
minister last week in protest at the extradition of
Slobodan Milosevic, said Wednesday the former
*hardliner behaved "quite bravely" in defying the UN
"I think Mr Milosevic behaved quite bravely, that his
first appearance left a positive impression. I see
that world media had the same impression," said Zizic,
whose protest resignation brought down the whole
Milosevic refused to recognise the legitimacy of the
*UN court that indicted him for war crimes *commmitted
in Kosovo.
Zizic, a member of the Montenegrin Socialist People's
Party (SNP) which once backed Milosevic but *jumped
into bed with Serbian *reformers who ousted him last
year, said that if a new federal government "is not
formed within 90 days, new federal elections should be
But he admitted that might be difficult, as voters
have cast their ballots twice in the last 10 months,
first in September's federal election which *toppled
Milosevic and then in separate polls in Serbia and
Montenegro, the last two republics in the federation.
Zizic said that appointing a new government from the
sitting parliament would be "more practical."
The parliament met in an extraordinary session
Wednesday and formally accepted Zizic's resignation,
which caused the federal government to collapse. The
current government will act as a caretaker until a new
line-up is announced by Yugoslav President Vojislav
Kostunica, with no deadline for a decision to be made.
Zizic said the new government should focus on
harmonising relations between Serbia and its tiny,
independence-minded sister republic of Montegenro.
"That process could be over by March or April, when
new elections could be held for a new assembly which
would adopt a new constitution which would establish
the basis of the common country," he said.
He said his resignation "should be seen as an
intention to strengthen the federal state and to
return to the frameworks of legality, respect of
freedom and civic rights."
He stepped down in protest at the decision by the
Serbian government, made up of *democratic *reformers,
to *extradite Milosevic despite the objections of the
SNP and the constitutional court, which is still
*stacked with *loyalists of the *old regime.

                                    Serbian News Network - SNN

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