[Rough Translation]

Declaration of President Kostunica

Jugoslavija i Srbija zaslužuju bolje 
Yugoslavia and Serbia Deserve Better

Obracam vam se u jednom izuzetno teškom, gotovo sudbinskom trenutku za našu 
zemlju. Pored svih bezbrojnih problema sa kojima smo suoceni, i koje smo 
nasledili kako od bivšeg režima, tako i od onih koji su nas, u sprezi sa tim 
režimom, držali u višegodišnjoj izolaciji, a potom i pod bombama, sada smo 
suoceni sa problemom koji je nepotrebno i nepromišljeno ovde stvoren. 

I am addressing you at an incredibly difficult, even faithful moment for our 
country.  Besides all the countless problems that face us - including those 
that we inherited from the previous regime, as well as from those who, 
together with that regime, held us in long-lasting isolation, and afterwords 
held us under bombs - we are now faced with a problem that was unecessarily 
and unthinkingly created here.

Vecerašnje izrucenje bivšeg predsednika SRJ Slobodana Miloševica Haškom 
tribunalu, kao i prethodno izrucenje Milomira Stakica, ne mogu se smatrati 
zakonitim i ustavnim. Savezni ustavni sud je danas doneo privremenu meru 
suspenzije Uredbe o saradnji sa Hagom do konacne odluke o ustavnosti tog 
dokumenta i, da je bilo elementarnog uvažavanja pravne procedure, ta mera je 
morala biti ispoštovana. Ovo se može protumaciti kao ozbiljno ugrožavanje 
ustavnog poretka zemlje. Pravna država, koja nije bila programski cilj samo 
DSS, nego i celog DOS-a, ne može se graditi na nepravu. 

Tonights handing over of the former FRY President, Slobodan Milosevic, to the 
Hague tribunal, as well as the previous handing over of Milomir Stakic, 
cannot be considered legal or constitutional.  The Federal Constitutional 
Court today issued a temporary stay of the Decree for Cooperation with the 
Hague Tribunal until the eventual ruling on the constitutionality of that 
document, if there was even the elementary respect for legal procedure, that 
measure had to have been respected.  This can be considered as a serious 
violation of the constitutional order of the country.  A legal state, which 
wasn't only the platform of the DSS, but of the whole of DOS, cannot be build 
on a injustice.

Iz arsenala Miloševiceve politike, koja je bila zaista pogubna po državu i 
narod, sada su preuzeti i oživljeni upravo njeni najnedemokatskiji elementi: 
bezakonje i povlacenje ishitrenih i ponižavajucih poteza koje niko u 
medunarodnoj zajednici nije ni tražio, bar ne izricito. Saradnja sa Haškim 
tribunalom, svakako nužna, svedena je na puko izrucivanje optuženih, bez 
ikakve zaštite gradana i, konacno, zaštite interesa same države. Nije 
poštovan ni najosnovniji postupak, kao da se nekome ovde, a ne nekome spolja, 
žurilo da što pre ispuni ko zna kada, kako i od koga preuzetu obavezu. 

>From the arsenal of Milosevic's politics, which was truly defeatist for the 
state and the people, are now adopted and revived precisely its most 
undemocratic elements: illegality and the pulling off of humiliating 
maneuvres that no one in the international community didn't ask for, at least 
not explicitly.  Cooperation with the Hague Tribunal, however necessary, has 
been brough to the blunt extradition of the accused, without any protection 
for the citizens and, eventually, the protection of the interests of the 
state.  Not even the most elementary gesture was respected, as if it was for 
someone here, and not from someone out there, that there was a hury and 
complete a task for who knows when, how and for whom.

Sve je pokušano, sve je predlagano - da se saveznim zakonom, ili saveznim i 
republickim zakonom, samo republickim zakonom, zatim uredbom Savezne vlade, 
reguliše teško pitanje naše saradnje sa Tribunalom. Da i ne govorim o tome 
da je, uprkos mojim i ne samo mojim mnogobrojnim zahtevima, propuštena 
mogucnost da se našim gradanima, i to onima koji su pre svega nama zlo 
naneli, sudi ovde, u zemlji. 

Everything was tried, all was layed out so that - with federal law, or 
federal and republican law, only through republican law, and afterwords 
through the decree of the Federal government - the diffcult question of 
cooperation with the Tribunal would be regulated.  Not to mention even the 
fact that, despite mine and not only my numerous demands, the chance was 
missed to give to our citizens a trial in our country of those who above all 
brough evil to us in our country.

Sve je to, medutim, ustuknulo pred najdirektnijim ogrešenjem o pravo, a svaki 
pokušaj da se ta saradnja reguliše pravno, kako bi bila i zaštita naših 
državljana, potpuno je obesmišljen. Da stvar bude gora, udarac nanet 
vladavini prava nanet je istovremeno i saveznoj državi. Tome je, svojom 
nespremnošcu za saradnju, na žalost doprineo i SNP. 

All this was, however, was achieved through the most direct violations of 
law, and completley missed every opportunity to legally regulate cooperation 
with the tribunal so that our citizens could be protected.  For the thing to 
be worse, the blow struck to the Rule of Law was simultaneously struck in the 
Federal state.  To this unfortunately, through its unwillingness to 
cooperate, the SNP also contributed.

Ovim putem ne možemo ni u buducnost ni u Evropu i svet. Bez prosperitetne i 
dostojanstvene države koja pruža pravnu i svekoliku drugu sigurnost svim 
svojim gradanima, necemo daleko stici. Jugoslavija i Srbija zaslužuju bolje. 

Through this path not only can we not go into the future, but neither have a 
future in Europe and even the world.  Without a prosperous and honorable 
state which extends just and multifaceted security to all its citizens we 
won't get far.  Yugoslavia and Serbia deserve better.

Sada se moramo bez oklevanja, ali hladne glave, suociti sa posledicama 
ovakvih poteza i spreciti ono najgore: da ti potezi ozbiljno ugroze ovu 
zemlju, njene gradane, ali i vec narušen mir u našem regionu. Ucinicu sve 
što je u mojoj moci da se to najgore spreci i da se ocuvaju jedinstvo države 
i interesi njenih gradana, kao i da se sve ono dobro što je dosad postignuto 
u saradnji sa medunarodnom zajednicom nastavi na zdravim medunarodnopravnim 

Now we must without hesitancy, but with cool heads, confront the consequences 
of these moves and prevent the worse: tha these moves seriously threaten this 
coutnry, her citizens, and also the already broken peace in our region.  I 
will do everything in my power that the worse is prevented and that the unity 
of the state and the interests of its citizens be protected, as well as to 
ensure that all the good that has so far come from cooperation with the 
international community continues on a healthy basis of international 

                                    Serbian News Network - SNN

                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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