Another "war crimes" scapegoat
                        The utter hypocrisy and outright evil of the
"war crimes" trials being conducted in the Balkans these days is
epitomized by the Croatian court trying Fikret Abdic for alleged "crimes
against humanity." It is a story in which everything is inverted: in
which the West, as embodied by the International Criminal Tribunal for
War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia (ICTFY), pursues a policy in which
good is sacrificed to evil and the virtuous are smeared as "war

                  WHO IS FIKRET ABDIC?
                  Cazinska Krajina, centered in the town of Velika
Kladusa, in the far northwest corner of Bosnia, was once the most
prosperous and peaceful region in Bosnia, in spite of the constant
warfare that has bedeviled the region since the breakup of Yugoslavia.
For this was the home base of Fikret Abdic, the remarkable and
well-loved local entrepreneur who rose from nothing to become the
country's biggest industrialist: it was Abdic who transformed a poor
area into a highly profitable center of industry through his company,
Agrokomerc. It was Abdic who provided the highest wages in the region,
and this economic powerhouse gave the locals the highest standard of
living in Bosnia. Persecuted by the Yugoslav Communists, who naturally
resented a successful entrepreneur, he was jailed for two years without
being charged with a crime, and released in 1989. He restarted his
business, was more successful than ever, and ran for the Bosnian
presidency on a moderate platform of economic revival as the key to
reconciliation between the religious and ethnic factions. Abdic beat out
Muslim fundamentalist Alija Izetbegovic - although the latter was
mysteriously declared the "winner."

                  'THE BEST ECONOMIST'
                  Abdic retired from the national political scene, and
decided to go back to Cazinska Krajina with the tacit understanding that
he would be left alone by the central government to do his own thing -
which was making money not only for himself but for his people. Abdic
opposed the radical Islamic fundamentalism of Izetbegovic and proclaimed
himself a follower of Western-style capitalism. In Balkan Odyssey, Lord
Owen, the British diplomat, described him as "forthright, confident and
different from the Sarajevan Muslims. He was in favor of negotiating and
compromising with Croats and Serbs to achieve a settlement, and scathing
about those Muslims who wanted to block any such settlement." As one
Abdic supporter succinctly put it: "Alija Izetbegovic is the biggest
Muslim fundamentalist. Fikret Abdic is the best economist and smartest

                  NO IMMUNITY
                  The socialist-minded government in Sarajevo did not
look kindly on Abdic's economic liberalism, and furthermore was
horrified by Abdic's open dealing with Croats and Serbs. Abdic believed
that he could achieve a kind of informal autonomy, and that his
mini-state could stay above the fray: this may have been the crux of a
deal with Izetbegovic that led Abdic to walk away from his 1990 election
victory, with the understanding that he would henceforth enjoy a kind of
immunity. But it was not to be.

                  A SEPARATE PEACE
                  The three-sided civil war that tore apart the fragile
Bosnian confederation did not allow for such a disinterested pragmatism:
he soon found himself and his prosperous isle of Balkan capitalism under
siege, from the Bosnian government - which resented his moderate stance
and was jealous of his popularity - and also from the Croatians, who
were realigned with the central authorities in Sarajevo. Abdic did his
best to straddle the fence, and play one side off against the other, but
eventually this became impossible. In spite of Abdic's adroit
maneuverings, by the spring of 1992, his peaceful and prosperous enclave
was surrounded by hostile parties on four sides - and the Bosnian Muslim
army afforded him no protection. Always critical of the uncompromising
position of Izetbegovic and his pro-Iranian fundamentalist party, the
SDA, Abdic declared the Cazinska Krajina enclave an autonomous republic,
and signed a separate peace with both the Serbs and the Croats.

                  THE RAPE OF WEST BOSNIA
                  The Bosnian Army launched a deadly offensive against
Abdic on June 10, 1994, and they were joined by their newfound allies,
the Croats. The Bosnian 5th Corps attacked Velika Kladusa in a campaign
of murder, terror, and rapine that equals any of the more widely-touted
atrocities, such as the "rape" of Srebenica, in which the Muslims are
always the victims. Well, here it was Muslims victimizing other Muslims:
but since that didn't fit into the neat victimological categories
established by the Western media, it was studiously ignored.

                  TWO KANGAROO COURTS
                  Abdic and tens of thousands of his followers fled into
neighboring Croatia, where many were crowded into refugee camps, as the
Bosnian army reclaimed the enclave. Thousands were killed in the
fighting, and, after the battle, Abdic's remaining supporters - those
who did not flee - were subjected to systematic and cruel repression.
(Abdic was himself the target of an Iranian-trained assassination squad
organized by the Bosnian intelligence agency.) Now Croatia is accusing
him of involvement in the deaths of civilians and prisoners of war
during his enclave's battle with the Bosnian Muslim central government.

                  DJEDOVIC'S ORDEAL
                  Fikret's political associate, Ibrahim Djedovic, a
former official of the Autonomous Republic of Western Bosnia, has
already been acquitted of the same phony "war crimes" charges of which
Abdic is now accused. Djedovic was arrested during a session of the
House of Representatives of the Bosnian Assembly, of which he is an
elected member, representing Abdic's party, the Democratic People's
Community (DNZ). The police surrounded the building, seized Djedovic,
and spirited him off to a hotel room in Sarajevo. He was jailed, and
initially convicted by a Bosnian court, but the decision was overturned
by an appeals court for lack of evidence. Djedovic's victory is widely
seen as a confirmation of Abdic's contention that the autonomists never
wanted war with Sarajevo. It is also a stinging refutation of the phony
charge that Abdic and his government set up "concentrations camps," in
which civilians were locked up for political reasons. Besides holding
Djedovic personally responsible for every violation of human rights that
had occurred during the rebellion, the governing Party of Democratic
Action (SDA) prosecutors threw in the charge of rape. All the favorite
horror stories of the Bosnians and their Western supporters were thrown
into this "war crimes" stew: not only tall tales of "genocide," but also
"concentration camps" where rape was the overseers' favorite pastime.

                  The Croatian government has given in to the ICTFY's
pressure, and is sending some of their military leaders, who are widely
viewed as heroes in their own country, to the Hague. According to the
Institute for War and Peace Reporting: "The authorities in Croatia are
arresting innocent Serbs to diffuse nationalist anger over the detention
of Croat war crimes suspects." A few months ago, after Croatia arrested
several of their own military personnel on "war crimes" charges, they
also arrested eighteen Croatian Serbs. The men declared their innocence,
and began a hunger strike, at which time Yugoslav President Kostunica
accused Croatia of violating their human rights. But who will defend a
Muslim hated by the Bosnian Muslim government?

                  A WAR CRIME

                  General Charles Boyd, deputy chief of the US European
Command at the height of the Bosnian war, wrote in Foreign Affairs
magazine [9/95] that Abdic created "one of the few examples of
successful multiethnic cooperation in the Balkans." Gabriel Partos,
writing in today's [July 20] BBC News, speculates that had Abdic
actually taken over as president of Bosnia, history "might have taken a
completely different course as he was always willing to strike a bargain
with Serb and Croat separatists." This willingness to negotiate
contradicted the policy of the fanatical Muslim separatists and the US
government. The US armed and trained the Croatian military, whose
leaders are now being judged and punished by America's allies.
Meanwhile, Croatia is punishing a Muslim peacemaker and innocent Serbs -
such is justice after NATO's Balkan victory.

                  Please Support
                  A contribution of $50 or more will get you a copy of
Ronald Radosh's out-of-print classic study of the Old Right
conservatives, Prophets on the Right: Profiles of Conservative Critics
of American Globalism. Send contributions to

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