14:00 2001-07-20 




Ten years ago, the mental fabric of the Balkans began to rip and
unravel. Wars, massacres, sanctions, bombings and separatism have all
taken their toll not just in lives and property destruction, but in
sanity and reason. Few principles could have survived those unprincipled
wars, and fewer still could stand in their aftermath. Just as nothing
grows in the shade of the great oak, little can thrive in the dark
shadow of unbridled imperial power that now holds sway over
once-prosperous Balkan lands. 
However told, histories of the last decade abound with betrayals,
underhanded deals, broken promises, lies and more lies, and often
senseless slaughter and sacrifice for as little as some fleeting
political gain. I almost think a medieval scholar would understand
current events in the Balkans better than anyone in modern academia.
What used to be Yugoslavia is today much more akin to Machiavellian
descriptions of European princedoms than to Locke's (and Jefferson's)
vision of modern statehood. 


Concepts such as limited government, national sovereignty and individual
liberty have no meaning. Governments of ex-Yugoslav states are
subordinate in all matters to foreign masters, and compensate for it
with near-unlimited power over their citizens. In such a climate,
individual liberty is as likely to survive as mountain dew in the
In order to seize and retain power, leaders of these vassal satrapies
are all too eager to give up everything their people have ever held
dear. In that they are aided by an unscrupulous Empire, whose only
principles are order and obedience - or, in Newspeak, "stability" and
"compliance." Conversely, understanding, responsibility and liberty are
dangerous concepts, to be routinely and brutally repressed. 
Just one look at this nightmarish social laboratory is enough: this is
how people are broken, and how slaves are made. For future reference.

Much has been said here about Zoran Djindjic's treacherous actions,
almost more than paper can bear. Those who have rejoiced in his betrayal
smugly pointed out that it was motivated by American blackmail and joint
Euro-American promises of splendid riches. The price of Slobodan
Milosevic's head was estimated at almost $1.3 billion. Eager to lay his
paws on that pot of gold, Djindjic shattered the fragile shell of laws
that held his country in a semblance of order, abducted Milosevic from
prison and delivered him to the Empire's Hague Inquisition. But the
money never came. 
Indeed, most of it never will. In a macabre twist of international
politics, the EU and the U.S. froze Yugoslavia's foreign assets during
the nine years of international sanctions, yet the exorbitant interest
on its foreign debt (held by the US and EU governments) grew unimpeded.
The debt thus grew from $4.7 billion in 1992 to some $12 billion today.
Of the 300 million euros Djindjic was to receive from the EU, for
example, 225 million will go to service the debt. The other 75 million
in new loans might reach Belgrade by November. 
Thus double-crossed, the irritated Prime Minister vented his spleen to
the German magazine Der Spiegel, calling the promised aid a "farce" that
"shocked" him. He also added, in exasperation, that the fall of his
government could cost the "international community" some "$10 billion." 
Whether the Euro-American "international community" really invested that
much money into Djindjic's regime, or this figure represents the
potential spoils resulting from its continued existence, is yet unclear.
Other numbers, cited by every player on the Balkans' stage, are equally
confusing; nine-figure amounts in dollars, euros and German marks
plundered from the citizens of the US and EU countries are being invoked
as if they were petty change. But, so far, not a dime has actually
materialized, from the 3 million German marks in cash Djindjic claims
the EU promised him for toppling Milosevic last October, to the $40
billion in war damages from NATO's 1999 aggression against Yugoslavia.
The money is simply not there. Even Judas drove a better bargain. At
least he got paid. 


Though more efficient than brute force, bribes are still a rather
expensive way of enslaving nations - even when they fail to materialize.
When it bombed Yugoslavia in 1999, the Empire demonstrated that its
military arm can pulverize any country in the Balkans with near-absolute
impunity. The Empire can now bank on the terror this act induced in
other denizens of the region, to the point where neither bribes nor
force are necessary to achieve the conqueror's ends. Mere fear will do. 
After it was openly defied by Milosevic at his arraignment on July 3,
the Hague Inquisition moved to improve the illusion of its legitimacy by
demanding the heads of two Croatian generals. Firmly convinced of the
absolute rectitude of its soldiers, Croatians nearly toppled their
coalition government. By Saturday, though, the government received a
strong vote of confidence in the parliament. One party leader opposed
the extradition; his party colleagues forced him to resign, then
rejoined the coalition government. 
Now, the two generals indicted by the Inquisition have been involved in
atrocities. Many Serbs were killed in both the 1993 Medak offensive, in
which Croatians even clashed with Canadian peacekeepers, and the 1995
"Operation Storm" - which, incidentally, resulted in almost complete
eradication of Serbs from Croatia's present territory. By indicting
people supposedly in charge of these massacres, the Inquisition is
hoping to assure the Serbs of its impartiality. 
Of course, it is plain as day that the two men are scapegoats, indicted
not for what they allegedly did, but for who they are. General Gotovina,
reported to be one of the indicted, was high up in the Croatian Army's
command during the 1995 ethnic cleansing spree in Krajina. General
Ademi, who led the 1993 Medak operation, is a Kosovo Albanian. 
Their indictment is in fact a test for all those who oppose the
Inquisition. Would they stand on principle and contend that whatever
Gotovina and Ademi might have done, the Inquisition has no legitimate
right to put them on trial, or will they accept this token of imperial
"justice" in exchange for recognizing the ICTY "court" and its main goal
- pinning the blame for the 1990s Balkans wars squarely on the Serbs? 
The principles involved don't concern the regime of Ivica Racan. His
government has already decided that fear of imperial retribution was
reason enough to violate the Constitution and sacrifice the two
generals. Also, Croatia's state coffers are perennially empty, despite
(or because of?) the heavy taxes levied on just about everything.
Perhaps its leaders thought they could benefit from some fictitious aid,


No analysis of the deepening darkness across the Balkans would be
complete without the events in Macedonia. For almost six months, that
country - a paragon of obedience, yet also an oasis of relative freedom
- has been racked by a lethal infestation of separatist violence. For
months, Imperial envoys have threatened, persuaded, ordered and cajoled
the government of Macedonia not to resist this peril. Right now, they
are concocting a ghoulish plan to "resolve" the crisis, by having the
Macedonians give in to demands of Albanian racists. 
Imperial diplomacy in Macedonia looks more like a rerun of its 1990s
Greatest Balkans Hits. The new "peace plan" was authored by Robert
Badinter, the same lawyer who, in an instant of cosmic wisdom, decided
that self-determination in the old Yugoslavia was reserved not for
peoples, but federal states. Since the subsequent secession wars were
fought not over the principle of secession, but over those states'
borders, Badinter bears grave responsibility for them. 
He is joined by Francois Leotard, a veteran of "peacemaking" in Bosnia,
and the Kosovo veterans: James Pardew, Javier Solana and George
Robertson. Just a cursory look at these people's biographies ought to be
enough to convince the Macedonians to keep them away from peacemaking
with sharpened stakes. 
Little wonder, then, that the "negotiations" conducted in Skopje are
between the Macedonian government and the political wing of the Albanian
separatists. Why else would the UCK bandits lay down their weapons, if
not because their demands had already been fulfilled in a treaty with
Albanian political parties? Indeed, the talks focus not on whether
Macedonia should capitulate to the UCK/PDP-DPA, surrendering its
nationhood and sovereignty, but to what extent. 
The Macedonian people sense this betrayal, and are voicing their
discontent. Unfortunately, their leaders are either unable or unwilling
to resist, likely gripped by fear and despair in the face of overbearing
imperial pressure. 


Though demonstrably powerful motivators, neither greed, nor fear, nor
despair alone, could successfully turn the Balkans' leaders into the
Empire's eager servants. Underlining all that has taken place in the
region for the past decade is a climate of incessant brainwashing,
manipulation with not so much facts as perceptions, to the point where
everything and anything can and will be used by imperial propagandists
to support their version(s) of history. 
>From the "death camps" and "rape camps" of Bosnia to the "genocide" in
Kosovo, millions of words written by Western propagandists and
apologists have coalesced into a sinister and twisted image of the
Balkans, one that is near-impossible to rip out of people's minds and
throw in the toxic waste dump of history. In order to bring about the
submission of the Balkans, the Empire first had to enslave its supposed
watchdogs. Once that task is fully accomplished, what fate could
possibly be in store for the citizens of the Empire itself? 


Speaking before the Croatian parliament on Monday, Prime Minister Racan
argued for obeying the Empire by saying that their decision would "show
whether we shall continue as a democratic country which wants to
integrate with Europe or be pushed back into the darkness of the
It is cruel and ironic that Racan, and other self-abasing servants of
the Empire, are so eager to leave the "darkness" of the Balkans that
they plunge even deeper into the darkness of servitude to the
"international community," embodied in the American Empire and the EU
One of the favorite metaphors embraced by the Empire's willing servants
in the Balkans is that of a carrot and a stick. Reading the local press,
one is bound to encounter the carrot-and-stick image with nauseating
repetitiveness. Usually, it is articulated into a call for the Empire to
apply the "carrot" to one's own people or country, while employing the
"stick" against its rivals. They either do not know, or do not want
their people to know, that the origin of the phrase goes back to the
methods of dealing with donkeys - the lowliest beast of burden known to
man. That says it all, really. 

NEBOJSA MALIC http://english.pravda.ru/yougoslavia/2001/07/20/10622.html

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN

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