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[Emperor's Clothes]

by Jared Israel [19 July 2001]

The threat of blackmail is the last refuge of a minor accomplice: the
small-time crook taking the 'fall'; the expendable flunkey of Imperial

Essentially powerless, as a last resort such a person can always
threaten to Tell All. It is not a strategy with a future.

That's what struck me, reading Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic's
remarkable interview in last Sunday's issue of 'Der Spiegel,' the German

In the interview, Djindjic confirmed that he and Yugoslav President
Vojislav Kostunica are liars. He confirmed that they are flunkies for
the U.S. He confirmed that everything the SPS said in its statement, "We
Accuse: Washington's Aid Promises Are A Traitorous Lie!" about the
'Donors' Conference and everything they said about Washington's
disloyalty to its flunkies was true. He confirmed the accusation that we
at Emperor's Clothes have made, that Washington wants Yugoslavia "scaled
down to zero."

Why would Djindjic give such a politically explosive interview?

In the brief summary preceding the interview, 'Der Spiegel' writes that
Djindjic feels the West is not being helpful enough, is not coming
across with sufficient aid, and so on and so forth. None of which
provides a motive for the extreme content of the interview. 

But at the end of this pre-interview summary, 'Der Spiegel' cuts to the
quick with the following short comment from Mr. Djindjic: "I warn the


By confirming the truth of charges that have been made by the Socialists
and other critics, Zoran Djindjic is sending the following message to
Washington: "Zoran Djindjic is highly displeased with the way Washington
is handling that most important of questions, the well-being of Zoran
Djindjic; and he is not about to be a fall- guy for NATO." 

Why is Djindjic worried?

He and his sometime partner, Vojislav Kostunica, obeyed U.S. dictates
and tried to push through the Federal Parliament an unconstitutional law
to extradite Slobodan Milosevic to the Hague 'Tribunal.' When the
attempt to pass this illegal legislation failed, Djindjic obeyed U.S.
dictates and played the open role in kidnapping Mr. Milosevic. The
kidnapping was followed by massive protests. 

As we have shown in 'THE TREASON OF VOJISLAV KOSTUNICA,' it is absurd to
argue that Djindjic is guilty in the kidnapping but that Kostunica is
innocent - yet, since the kidnapping, that is precisely what Kostunica
has argued. 


"Hunching over a long table, Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica
squinted into the television lights, turned to his people and confessed
that higher powers had gotten the best of him. 

"Kostunica said that others in the government had ''overruled'' his
opposition to Slobodan Milosevic's extradition to the U.N. war crimes
tribunal a week ago. Then, as if that wasn't humiliating enough, he was
kept in the dark about the handover itself. Like millions of ordinary
Serbs, he heard about it from the media." ('AP Online' July 6, 2001)

Right. Tell us another.

This 'self criticism' is an attempt to pin the blame on Djindjic. And it
isn't only Kostunica who is trying to protect Kostunica at Djindjic's
expense. Indicating which way the wind is blowing, virtually the entire
Western media plus some critics and would-be critics of NATO have chimed
in, accepting President Kostunica at his word, as if a politician's
protestations of patriotism and innocence after the fact were proof that
he actually opposed an attack on Mr. Milosevic, the key defender of
Yugoslav sovereignty, but was overruled before the fact.

Not to mention, how can this genius Kostunica tell us he was 'overruled'
regarding an event he claims not to know was going to take place? 

Has Kostunica hired speech writers who used to work for the comedy team
of Abbot and Costello?

"Abbot: I can't find my cookies. You wouldn't happen to know their
whereabouts, would you Costello?

"Costello: How could you accuse me of eatin' them three chocolate chip
cookies you hid under the napkins when I didn't know they was there?"

Does Kostunica mistake us for six year old children watching Saturday
afternoon TV? 


Djindjic draws no comfort from the idiocy of Kostunica's self- defense
for he knows better than anyone the monstrous power of the media, since
he himself has been using said monster to broadcast lies to the Yugoslav
people ever since his 'democrats' staged their March on Belgrade last
Oct. 5th. He knows the media can fool some people into believing war is
peace through dint of repetition; that is to say, it can dull popular
perception and even convince some people. 

The Yugoslav people are furious about the kidnapping of Milosevic. They
are disgusted with the reality of 'democratic' price hikes and
'pro-Western' layoffs. And they are in despair over NATO's continued
sponsorship of terrorists who attack southern Serbia and Macedonia and
kill non-Albanians in Kosovo.

It is not possible to stop ordinary people from being angry about these
things. So Djindjic fears that by portraying Kostunica as the good
nationalist overridden by the evil Djindjic, Washington and the Yugoslav
media which it owns may be trying to deflect popular anger at Djindjic,
preparatory to dumping him. Then Vojislav 'Mr. Teflon' Kostunica, who is
fully engaged with the DOS 'authorities,' could simply take over the
reigns as Supreme Western Puppet in Djindjic's place.

This is why Djindjic just shot the 'Der Spiegel' cannonball across
NATO's deck. In the interview he says things he shouldn't and in so
doing warns Washington: 'If you dump me it will cost you money - and
more. There are plenty of damning things that I can publicly say...' 


In conclusion, some relevant movie trivia.

In the film noire classic, 'The Maltese Falcon,' there is a scene where
the detective, Sam Spade, played by Humphrey Bogart, tells the head
gangster, Kaspar Gutman, played by Sydney Greenstreet, that they need a
fall-guy, a secondary figure to "take the rap." As all eyes turn to
Wilmer Cook, Gutman's aggressive, loud-mouthed, bodyguard-thug, Gutman

"Well, Wilmer, I'm sorry indeed to lose you, but I want you to know I
couldn't be fonder of you if you were my own son. Well, if you lose a
son, it's possible to get another. [But] there's only one Maltese


The full text of the 'Der Spiegel' interview, with noteworthy excerpts
and some commentary by the present writer is posted at 

Further Reading:


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                                   Serbian News Network - SNN

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