27. juli 2001.

14:00 Ministar inostranih poslova Jugoslavije Goran Svilanovic izjavio
je da ce saradnja izmedju SRJ i Haskog tribunala biti nastavljena, ali
da ce Beograd insistirati na tome da se pokaze odgovornost domaceg

Yugoslav Minister of Foreign Affairs Goran Svilanovic stated that
cooperation between FRY and Hague Tribunal would be resumed, but that
Belgrade would insist for showing the responsibility of the domestic
justice administration.

13:45 Rusija je pozvala jugoslovensko rukovodstvo da aktivno ucestvuje u
pripremanju novembarskih parlamentarnih izbora na Kosovu, rekao je
zamenik ruskog ambasadora u Ujedinjenim nacijama Genadij Gatilov.

Russia have invited Yugoslav leaders to participate actively in
preparing of Kosovo's Parliament elections scheduled for November, told
deputy of Russian ambassador in UN Genadiy Gatilov.

13:30 Nekoliko stotina Srba sa podrucja centralnog Kosmeta pridruzilo se
u petak u 11.00 casova protestu Udruzenja rodbine nestalih i
kidnapovanih, koji vec 18. dan traje u Gracanici.

Several hundreds of Serbs from area of central Kosmet have joined today
about 11.00 o'clock the protest of the Association of families of
kidnapped and disappeared, which lasted for 18 days in Gracanica.

13:15 U toku noci i jutra u Tetovu je bilo mirno.

During the night and morning, it was peaceful in Tetovo.

13:00 Savet bezbednosti UN pozvao je KFOR i UNMIK da se vise angazuju
kako bi se sprecio prelazak albanskih ekstremista sa Kosova u

The UN's Security Council have invited KFOR and UNMIK to engage more for
stopping arrival of Albanian extremists from Kosovo to Macedonia.

12:45 Potpredsednik Demokratske partije socijalista Crne Gore Svetozar
Marovic izjavio je da je ta republika spremna na dijalog sa Srbijom i da
ceka poziv na razgovor.

Vice President of the Montenegrin Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS)
Svetozar Marovic stated that Montenegro was ready for dialogue with
Serbia and that it was waiting for an invite for talk.

12:30 Sef jugoslovenske diplomatije Goran Svilanovic najavio je da ce
savezna vlada vec u avgustu pripremiti elemente za "vrlo ozbiljne"
razgovore sa predsednikom Crne Gore Milom Djukanovicem i ostalim
crnogorskim strankama o zajednici Srbije i Crne Gore, koji bi trebalo da
pocnu pocetkom septembra.

Chief of Yugoslav Diplomacy Goran Svilanovic announced that Federal
Government would prepare in August elements for "very serious" talks
with Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic and other Montenegrin parties
about association between Serbia and Montenegro, which should start with
beggining of September.

12:15 Sporazum Vlade Srbije i predstavnika poslovodnog i sindikalnog
rukovodstva kragujevacke "Zastave" u vezi sa statusnom i organizacionom
transformacijom ovog preduzeca bice potpisan danas u 15.30 casova u
Vladi Srbije, rekao je clan pregovarackog tima Milenko Turanjanin.

The agreement between Serbian Government and representatives of bussines
office and syndicate leadership of the Kragujevac's "Zastava" car
factory about the status and organization transformation of that firm
would be signed today in 15.30 o'clock in Serbian Government's building,
told member of the negotiation team Milenko Turanjanin.

12:00 Skupstina Crne Gore danas, nakon jednosedmicne pauze, nastavlja
drugu sednicu prvog redovnog zasedanja u novom sazivu, zapocetu 19.

Today, after one month pause, the Montenegrin Parliament is resuming
with second meeting of the first regular session in new convocation,
which had started on June 19th.

11:45 Predsednik americkog Komiteta za prosirenje NATO Brus Dzekson
smatra da je za postizanje trajnog mira na Balkanu u narednih 20 godina
potrebno obezbediti 100 milijardi dolara.

President of the U.S. Committee for expansion of NATO Bruce Jackson
thinks that for attaining of lasting peace at Balkan it is needed to
provide 100 billion dollars in next 20 years.

11:30 Istrazioci Haskog tribunala za ratne zlocine pocinjene na prostoru
bivse Jugoslavije boravili su u Bijeljini gde su pokazali posebno
interesovanje za informacije o ratnom komandantu muslimanskih jedinica u
Srebrenici Naseru Oricu.

Investigators of the Hague's ICTY have residing in Bijeljina where they
showed special interest for informations about the war commander of
Moslem units in Srebrenica Naser Oric.

11:15 U SR Jugoslaviju su ponovo pocele da pristizu izbeglice iz
Makedonije, a preko granicnog prelaza Presevo juce je stiglo 90 izbeglih
makedonskih drzavljana - saopstio je Pres centar u Bujanovcu.

Refugees from Macedonia have started again to arrive in FR Yugoslavia,
and yesterday over the Presevo border crossing 90 evaded Macedonian
citizens have came - announced Press center in Bujanovac.

11:00 Odluka o izlasku kosovskih Srba na izbore mogla bi biti doneta
danas na Predsednistvu DOS, rekao je predsednik Saveznog komiteta za
Kosovo i Metohiju Momcilo Trajkovic.

The decision about Kosovo Serbs to come out at the elections could be
brought today at the Presidency of Democratic Oposition of Serbia (DOS),
said Momcilo Trajkovic President of the State Committee for Kosovo and

10:45 Grupa od oko 50 Makedonaca iz sela Lesak kod Tetova odlucila je
veceras da se vrati u Skoplje posto im posmatracke misije EU i OEBS-a,
koje su organizovale povratak, ne garantuju bezbednost.

A group of about 50 Macedonians from village of Lesak near Tetovo have
decided last night to return to Skopje because the EU and OSCE's
observing missions, which had organized their return, didn't guarantee

10:30 Portparol Makedonskog ministarstva odbrane Marjan Djurovski
potvrdio je juce da su se naoruzani Albanci povukli sa puta
Tetovo-Jazince i da je taj put sada prohodan saglasno juce postignutom
dogovoru izmedju ambasadora NATO-a Pitera Fejta i politickog lidera
Oslobodilacke nacionalne armije Alija Ahmetija.

Spokesman of the Macedonian Defence Ministry Marjan Djurovski confirmed
yesterday that armed Albanians have retreated from the road
Tetovo-Jazince and that road was passable now in accordance with the
yesterday's agreement between NATO ambassador Peter Feith and political
leader of the Liberation National Army (ONA) Ali Ahmeti.

10:15 Porodice kidnapovanih i nestalih Srba potvrdile su juce na pres
konferenciji u Informativnom centru Saveznog komiteta za KiM da je
strajk gladju prekinut, ali da se protesti nastavljaju.

Families of kidnapped and disappeared Serbs have confirmed yesterday at
the press conference in Informative Center of the State Committee for
Kosovo and Metohija that hunger strike was stopped, but that protests
were resuming.

10:00 Predsednik Jugoslavije Vojislav Kostunica primio je juce
akreditivna pisma novoimenovanih ambasadora Brazila - Rubena Amarala
Zuniora, Bugarske - Janija Muhajlova Milcakova i Sri Lanke - Anila
Kumara Munesingea.

Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica recieved yesterday acreditive
letters of new-named ambassadors of Brazil - Ruben Amaral Junior,
Bulgaria - Jani Muhajlov Milcakov and Sri Lanka - Anil Kumar Munesinge.

09:45 Visoki predstavnici NATO, Evropske unije i OEBS izjavili su posle
razgovora sa drzavnim i politickim vrhom u Skoplju da odlaze s
optimizmom da ce politicki dijalog dati rezultate i da ce se postici
dugotrajno resenje za krizu u Makedoniji.

High representatives of NATO, European Union and OSCE stated after talks
with state and political top in Skopje that they were leaving with
optimism that political dialogue would give results and that long-term
solution for crisis in Macedonia would be reached.

09:30 Hrvatski general Rahim Ademi izjasnio se juce pred tribunalom u
Hagu da nije kriv za ubistvo i progon srpskih civila pre skoro osam
godina, tokom rata u Hrvatskoj.

Croatian General Rahim Ademi stated yesterday in front the Hague
Tribunal that he was not guilty for murder and exiling of Serbian
civilians almost eight years ago, during the war in Croatia.

09:15 Predsednik SR Jugoslavije Vojislav Kostunica izjavio je juce da ne
postoje uslovi za izlazak kosovskih Srba na opste izbore u Pokrajini.

President of FR Yugoslavia Vojislav Kostunica stated yesterday that
there were no conditions for Kosovo Serbs to came out at general
elections in the Province.

09:00 UN su pozvale Jugoslaviju da posalje jasan signal Srbima na Kosovu
da bi trebalo da ucestvuju na opstim izborima u Pokrajini 17. novembra.

The UN have invited Yugoslavia to send an obvious sign to Serbs at
Kosmet that they should participate at general elections in the Province
on November 17th.

00:00 Izvrsni odbor Skupstine Beograda odlucilo je da od 1. avgusta
poskupe gradski prevoz i usluge taksista, a od septembra bice i vece
cene za korisnike daljinskog grejanja. Detaljnije

Executive Board of the Belgrade City Assembly has decided to incerase
the prices of public transportation and taxy transportation as of August
1, and the prices of remote heating will also increase from September.


                                   Serbian News Network - SNN

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