U.N. Urges Yugoslavia on Elections
Associated Press Writer

UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The head of U.N. peacekeeping
urged Yugoslavia on Thursday to send an
''unequivocal'' message to Kosovo Serb political
parties to participate in November elections in the

Jean Marie Guehenno said that the Nov. 17 vote to
elect a 120-seat assembly for Kosovo will be a big
step in fulfilling the U.N. mandate to bring the
largely ethnic Albanian-populated province to
provisional self-government.

Kosovo's Serb parties boycotted municipal elections
last year, but Guehenno said that four Serb parties
have applied to be certified for the upcoming
elections. Kosovo, a province of Serbia, has been run
by the world body since Yugoslav troops were chased
from the province by NATO's air war in 1999.

''We are very pleased that four Kosovo Serb parties
have decided to certify for the elections and again
urge the authorities of the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia to unequivocally encourage participation in
the elections as a means to undercut extremism, reduce inter-ethnic
tensions and stake the rightful claim of the Kosovo Serb community to
participate in the political process,'' Guehenno said.

Yugoslav authorities have yet to specifically call for
Kosovo Serb parties to register for the election or
for Serbs to vote. Twenty seats in the 120-member
assembly are reserved for minorities.

Guehenno told an open meeting of the Security Council
that it is ''imperative'' that the Kosovo Serbs
register to vote and participate in the ballot. The
Serbs have from Monday until Sept. 9 to register.

He said special registration centers were being set up
for registration by minority communities.

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN

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