Title: Message

The Brzezinsky Plan that was concocted in the inner sanctums of the American Congress and in the Washington think tanks in the plush offices of American citizens that emigrated from Poland and Ukraine had as its goal in 1999-2000 to implement "the Milosevic scenario:" 1) President Kuchma's conversations were secretly recorded; 2) a little known journalist, Georgy Gongadze, was chosen as a potential victim (he was either squirreled away and hidden by the American or Polish secret services, or he was liquidated by Ukrainian fascists to get him out of the way) allegedly on President Kuchma's orders - the Ukrainian president used words unfit for printing in reference to Gongadze); 3) Major Melnichenko, a security officer, who was persuaded to become a turncoat, took the job of recording the president's conversations (100 hours of tape recordings made beneath a sofa); 4) with the help of the media controlled by the "Brzezinsky coalition, President Kuchma was accused of organizing the assassination of journalist Gongadze; 5) public demonstrations were organized to demand the beginning of an impeachment procedure against President Kuchma.
The next stages of this plan were supposed to be: resignation of Leonid Kuchma; transfer of power to acting president, Prime Minister Yushchenko who is totally controlled by the "Brzezinsky group;" prescheduled presidential elections that would be won hands down by Viktor Yushchenko, making use of administrative control over the leading media and massive financial backing from the "Brzezinsky group;" selling out Leonid Kuchma to international justice in exactly the same manner that the Serbs sold out ex-president Milosevic; Viktor Yushchenko, under American control, was to start deRussification of Ukraine - squeezing out the Russian language, introducing a visa regime for Russia, dumping all contracts in the military-technical sphere, blockade of Russia's Black Sea Fleet, Ukrainian secret services and the army were be placed under control of American and Polish officers. However, this plan was not destined to materialize in view of the low level of professionalism of those who were supposed to carry it out. Another reason why the plan fizzed out was that all the funds that were directed towards ousting Kuchma were simply pilfered.
But the main reason why the plan did not work out was that the majority of Ukrainian citizens are afraid of total rule by "westerners." They are considerably more afraid of the Polish-brainwashed and Catholic-brainwashed inhabitants of western Ukraine with their frenzied nationalism than they are afraid of Kuchma's oligarchs. The Ukrainian citizens are also afraid of the chaos in the event of the development of the planned political crisis.
The "Brzezinsky coalition" suffered a resounding defeat and was compelled to retreat, licking its wounds and taking along their wounded: Viktor Yushchenko and Yulia Timoshenko. But political life is a fast moving affair, parliamentary elections are due in March, and so a new stage of the "Brzezinsky plan" has been drawn up. It has also originated in the offices of Polish-American Congressmen and Washington think tank analysts. The parliamentary ballot is the main objective at the new stage. The ideologists of the anti-Kuchma campaign state directly that "the future parliamentary elections will be the most crucial event since declaration of Ukrainian independence." The architects of the Brzezinsky plan are based on standard schemes and are preparing two scenarios of further developments: "Meciar-Milosevic scenario" and "Lukashenko scenario."
"Meciar-Milosevic scenario" stage one is reserved for an active election campaign with anti-presidential slogans. Currently there are three columns within the "Brzezinsky coalition:" an ultra-right one led by Viktor Yushchenko, a centrist-oligarchic one led by Yulia Timoshenko, and a moderately leftwing one led by Alexander Moroz. It is assumed that the people are sick and tired of Kuchma and his oligarchs and do not trust the communists. This will enable the three columns of the "Brzezinsky coalition" to gain a majority in the Parliament.
At stage two, the parliamentary majority forms the Yushchenko-Timoshenko Government. Stage three sees the start of impeachment proceedings against President Kuchma. The parliamentary elections scenario was used in Slovakia to topple Prime Minister Meciar (Slovakia has a parliamentary system). Playing the decisive role in molding public opinion and running the election campaign were not so much local Slovak structures as a network of organizations created with international aid - foundations, research groups, centers and others - whose declared goal it was "to create conditions for the holding of free elections," and "to control the holding of elections." This type of organizations has created in Ukraine and will doubtlessly be actively employed during the election campaign. After that the developments will unobtrusively take the form of the "Milosevic scenario," thus coming back to the option the "Brzezinsky coalition" attempted to implement in early 2001.
At stage four the impeachment proceedings are dropped in exchange for the holding of early elections.
At stage five, Yushchenko wins the presidential elections, with "the Brzezinsky coalition" controlling the Ukrainian media. At stage six, Leonid Kuchma is sold to the international justice in exchange for a promise of investments, but in fact in exchange for independence. Further on, Yushchenko is used as a puppet for the fight against Russia. Ukraine under Yushchenko is cast in the role of a pawn in a great chess game played against Russia, a plaything in the hands of
venturesome geopolitical gamblers.
But it is not easy to give effect to this scenario, because most people in Ukraine are opposed to doubtful experiments - 85 % of them want good relations with Russia. For this reason the "Brzezinsky coalition" is getting ready for using the "Lukashenko scenario" in case it fails to win the elections - they would discredit the elections and to declare elected parliament and president illegitimate. Later they plan gradually to isolate Kuchma and bring greater pressure to bear on him. The purpose is to compel him to resign sooner or later and then sell him out to an international court the way Milosevic was sold out.
To carry out this scenario, a large group of observers is being formed to judge whether the elections are democratic or not, depending on their outcome. To attain this goal, the committees monitoring the elections should more or less be controlled from one center. To that end, a system of financing and controlling them is being established. The financing procedure is to be simplified to achieve better control. This not only makes the whole work simpler but also creates conditions for embezzlement, which not only attracts indecent people to monitoring the elections but also allows one to control them better, so that they could be accused of corruption at any appropriate time. In this way a coalition of avaricious observers of parliamentary elections in Ukraine is being formed. All this makes the system of monitoring the elections, which is being created at present, undemocratic in principle.
The fundamental fact is that the system being created is directed against democracy - it is to be used for imposing a choice on the people of Ukraine, which they would never make on their own free will, since 85% of the population there gives priority to relations with Russia. So, an anti-Russian politician cannot come to power in Ukraine in a democratic way. He can only be imposed on the Ukrainian people. And this is what the "Brzezinsky coalition" is trying to do.
At first a method of rendering the elections illegitimate will be tested in Belarus. Preparations for this are under way. Groups for this purpose have already been formed. Lukashenko is naive to think they are going to train militants against him. Their goal is more important - to declare his presidency invalid and to declare him an usurper. The principles on which the elections in Belarus and then in Ukraine will be declared invalid have already been formulated. They have been published on the Washington online site with the money of the U.S. Congress.
Meanwhile, it has been announced that an international mission is to be created. Its work is to be coordinated by Andrew Carpenter. The principles are: 1. transparency of elections; 2. access of opponents to state media; 3. absence of discrimination against political opponents; 4. the significance of the parliament's powers.
On the basis of these principles the legitimacy of first the Belarus President and then the Ukrainian parliament will be rejected. Alexander Lukashenko has long been the target for his efforts to achieve integration with Russia. But why Kuchma? Perhaps just because they want so. The goal of Russia's present policy with regard to Ukraine is to ensure non-interference in its domestic affairs, independence of Ukraine, and democracy in Ukraine.



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