Milosevic took part in party meeting from prison 

Former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic took part by telephone in a
meeting of his political party from his prison cell in The Hague, the
Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) said on Sunday in a statement. 

The party's central committee denied press reports that Milosevic, who
remains party president despite his incarceration on "war crimes
charges", had communicated by slipping a cassette to his wife Mira
Markovic, when she visited him at the International Criminal Tribunal
for the former Yugoslavia. 

Markovic visited her husband at Scheveningen prison three days in a row
last week after receiving a special visa from the Netherlands. 

Milosevic, who was ousted from power in elections last October and a
popular uprising, has designated former foreign affairs minister Zivadin
Jovanovic to replace him. 

The party's central committee said he had telephoned the party board to
criticise one of his closest collaborators who has now become more
popular than him, according to an opinion poll. 

"The president of the Socialist Party of Serbia, Slobodan Milosevic,
criticised Branislav Ivkovic directly by telephone from The Hague,
therefore it was a direct statement and not one recorded on a
cassettee," the statement said. 

Milosevic was dramatically handed over to The Hague court on June 28 to
be tried for the so-called "war crimes during the 1998-99 conflict in
the Serbian province of Kosovo". 

According to the Saturday poll, Ivkovic got 2.1 out of five, while
Milosevic got 1.9 out of five in popularity ratings measured by the
polling agency Strategic Marketing.,244,100015.html

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN

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